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Keeping Your Research Alive, Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m., organized by Brian Birgen, Wartburg College, William M. Higdon, University of Indianapolis, and James E. Hamblin, Shippensburg University. Aimed at new Ph.D.'s and the young at mathematical heart, this panel will discuss approaches to maintaining an active research agenda in the midst of overwhelming teaching and service demands. Methods for getting undergraduates involved in research and reinvigorating a dormant research agenda will also be discussed. Panelists include Jean Bee Chan, Sonoma State University, Michael J. Dorff, Brigham Young University, and Asamoah Nkwanta, Morgan State University. The session is cosponsored by The Young Mathematicians Network and Project NExT.

National Science Foundation Programs Supporting Learning and Teaching in the Mathematical Sciences, Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m., organized by Camille McKayle, NSF/Directorate for Education and Human Resources, Lloyd E. Douglas, NSF/Division of Mathematical Sciences, Elizabeth J. Teles and Lee L. Zia, NSF/Division of Undergraduate Education, and David C. Royster, NSF. A number of NSF divisions offer a variety of grant programs that support innovations in learning and teaching in the mathematical sciences. These programs will be discussed along with examples of successful projects. Anticipated budget highlights and other new initiatives for the next fiscal year will also be presented.


Ethics in the Mathematical Sciences, Friday, 2:15 p.m. to 3:35 p.m., organized by Susan C. Geller, Texas A&M University. The MAA is in the process of writing ethics guidelines. This panel will present the guidelines of some other organizations in the mathematical sciences and a draft version of guidelines for the MAA. Then there will be an open discussion about the draft. We really want input from a diverse group so please come and help. Panelists include Donald L. Bentley, Pomona College, John D. Fulton, Clemson University, Linda Keen, Herbert H. Lehman College CUNY, and Henry Walker, Grinnell University. The session is sponsored by the MAA Committee on the Profession.

Young Mathematicians' Network/MAA-Project NExT Poster Session, Friday, 2:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m., organized by Kevin E. Charlwood, Washburn University, and Michael Axtell, Wabash College. Junior mathematicians who are no more than five years beyond their Ph.D. are invited by Project NExT and the Young Mathematicians' Network to submit abstracts for the session. The poster size will be 48" (length) by 36" (height). Posters and materials for posting pages on the posters will be provided onsite. Applications should be submitted to Kevin Charlwood,, or Michael Axtell, , by Friday, December 8, 2006.


The Role of Assessment in Helping Students Learn, Friday, 2:15 p.m. to 3:35 p.m., organized by Catherine M. Murphy, Purdue University Calumet, and Daniel P. Maki, Indiana University. Assessment of student learning in courses and programs focuses on outcomes not inputs. What is needed for an effective assessment process that helps us accomplish our goals and provides evidence of student learning required by accrediting bodies? The panelists, who have many years of experience working with assessment of students' learning outcomes in the mathematical sciences, will provide overviews and models addressing the issues raised by the previous question. Specific examples will be given. Come! Ask questions, share successes! Panelists include Bernard L. Madison, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, William A. Marion Jr., Valparaiso University, and Barbara Moskal, Colorado School of Mines.

Preparing Majors for the Nonacademic Workforce: Projects and Internships in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Friday, 2:15 p.m. to 3:35 p.m., organized by Thomas L. Moore, Grinnell College, and Harriet S. Pollatsek, Mount Holyoke College. More than 90% of mathematical sciences majors go directly into the workforce after graduation. In the Curriculum Guide 2004, CUPM recommends that, "in addition to the general recommendations for majors, programs for students preparing to enter the nonacademic workforce should include a project involving contemporary applications of mathematics or an internship in a related work area." (In the Guide, "mathematics" is shorthand for the mathematical sciences, including statistics.) This panel, moderated by Thomas L. Moore, will include representatives of departments at varied institutions offering their majors interesting and valuable opportunities that satisfy this recommendation. Panelists include Matt Richey, St. Olaf College; Nagambal Shah, Spelman College; and Suzanne Weekes, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The session is sponsored by CUPM and the SIGMAA on Statistics Education.


How to Interview for a Job in the Mathematical Sciences, Friday, 3:50 p.m. to 5:10 p.m., organized by David C. Manderscheid, University of Iowa. This session is aimed at Ph.D. students and recent Ph.D.'s. An overview of the employment process will be given with ample opportunity for participants to ask questions. The emphasis will be on the portion of the employment process from interviewing through accepting an offer. Questions that will be addressed include: How do employers conduct interviews? How can you best prepare for these interviews? How do employers choose to whom they will make offers? How do you negotiate once you have an offer? How do you choose among competing offers? Panelists will include Allen Butler, Daniel H. Wagner Associates, Inc., Sharon M. Clarke, Pepperdine University, James H. Freeman, Cornell College, David T. Kung, St. Mary's College of Maryland, and David C. Manderscheid. The session is cosponsored by the MAA Committee on Graduate Students and The Young Mathematicians Network.


Mathematics and Mathematicians in Emerging Nations, Friday, 3:50 p.m. to 5:40 p.m., organized by M. Leigh Lunsford, Longwood University, and Lisa Elaine Marano, West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Have you ever wondered about how mathematics is taught, perceived, and practiced in emerging countries? An "emerging" country will be rather loosely defined for this discussion and will thus include China and other Asian countries as well as South American and African nations. What can we learn from these countries and what do we have to offer? Panelists will discuss their first-hand experiences with research mathematicians as well as mathematics educators in emerging nations. Opportunities for interaction with mathematicians from these countries will also be discussed. This panel discussion is sponsored by the MAA Study Abroad Tours Subcommittee. Panelists include Joel K. Haack, University of Northern Iowa, Aihua Li, Montclair State University, Kate McGivney, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Claudio H. Morales, University of Alabama, Huntsville, and Miranda I. Teboh-Ewungkem, Lafayette College.

Current Issues in Actuarial Science Education, Friday, 4:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., organized by Robert E. Buck, Slippery Rock University, Bettye Anne Case, Florida State University, Matthew J. Hassett, Arizona State University, and Steve Paris, Florida State University. A diverse group of working actuaries, publishers, and actuarial educators bring new information from professional society committees, specialized publications initiatives, and academic department experience. The pace of change in the profession is faster than in most academic areas, and the session helps faculty adjust as quickly as possible not only to educate their students generally, but give the students good professional information and to determine upcoming curriculum change which may be necessary.



Euler's Continuing Influence, Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 9:50 a.m., organized by Edward Sandifer, Western Connecticut State University. On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Euler's birth, this panel looks at the influence Euler's mathematical work has had on not only the course of mathematics over the years, but also his influence in areas such as science, religion, philosophy, and education. Scholars with backgrounds in Euler will give short presentations then the presenters will answer questions from the audience. This panel will complement the MAA Short Course on Euler. Panelists will include William W. Dunham, Muhlenberg College, Euler's mathematics; Charles R. Hampton, College of Wooster, Philosophy and religion; and June E. Barrow-Green, The Open University, Education.


Strategic Thinking About Non-Ladder Faculty, Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 10:20 a.m., organized by Judith L. Baxter, University of Illinois at Chicago, Kevin E. Charlwood, Washburn University, and Natasha M. Speer, Michigan State University. Departments of mathematics are under increasing pressure to teach more of our courses using nontenure-track faculty. This creates concerns on many levels. From the perspective of the tenure-track faculty, is the tenure system being eroded? Are our courses being taught well? Are the nontenure-track faculty being properly supervised? From the perspective of the nontenure-track faculty, are they treated well by the department? Are they included in textbook decisions and exam committees for the courses that they teach, as well as in departmental activities and seminars? Do they have health insurance and/or other benefits? Do they have to cobble together a job by teaching at several different institutions? Panelists will include: Charles Hale, Cal State University Pomona; Penelope Kirby, Florida State University; Fred Peskoff, Borough of Manhattan Community College/CUNY; and Diane Hermann, University of Chicago.The session is sponsored by the Joint AMS/MAA Committee on Teaching Assistants and Part-Time Instructors (TA/PTI).

Highlighting MAA/Tensor Foundation Projects, Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., organized by Elizabeth G. Yanik, Emporia State University, Jennifer Hontz, Meredith College, and Kathleen A. Sullivan, Seattle University. This poster session is designed to showcase successful programs which have been supported by MAA/Tensor Foundation grants. The objectives of the MAA/Tensor Foundation Program are to “encourage mathematics faculty to develop projects to increase the participation of women in mathematics; and provide support to project directors.” The participants in such programs range in age from university women to high school and middle school girls. It is expected that posters representing a wide variety of programs will be displayed. Possible programming formats include after school clubs, special conferences, mentoring programs, and summer camps. Those who are in the process of constructing an outreach program are especially encouraged to attend this session to acquire valuable insights and tips for designing and implementing a mathematics outreach project. Applications should be submitted to Betsy Yanik, by Friday, December 8, 2006.

Using Student Portfolios for Assessment, Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 11:20 a.m., organized by Alex J. Heidenberg and Michael D. Phillips, U.S. Military Academy. In its simplest form, assessment is the process of gathering information about student learning. More important than collecting and analyzing this information is searching for meaning with respect to the learning goals and acting on what is discovered. When the course ends and we have finished with our assessment tools, we need to reflect back on our goals. Are the goals appropriate? Did we meet the course goals? What changes, if any, do we need to make to improve the educational experience? How do we know that we have adequately captured student learning? An assessment program should be comprehensive and multi-faceted. Many assessment programs use student portfolios to capture elements of student growth and learning. Now that portfolios are in vogue, how do you implement this assessment strategy effectively? The purpose of this session is to bring together a panel to discuss issues involved with using portfolios as an assessment tool. Panelists include Connie S. Schrock, Emporia State University, Dennis Kern, Texas A&M University at Texarkana, Cathy Liebars, College of New Jersey, and Archie Wilmer III, U.S. Military Academy.


Proposal Writing Workshop for Grant Applications to the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education, Saturday, 10:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m., organized by Elizabeth J. Teles and Lee L. Zia, National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education. Presenters will describe the general NSF grant proposal process and consider particular details relevant to programs in the Division of Undergraduate Education. This interactive session will feature a series of "read/think/share/report" exercises built around a series of short excerpts from sample proposals.

Engaging Students in Research, Clubs, Student Chapters, and Internships, Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 2:20 p.m., organized by Kay B. Somers, Moravian University, and Jody Sorenson, Augsburg College. The panelists' discussion will focus on ways in which we can engage students in a variety of learning activities outside the usual classroom experiences. The four speakers will share their experiences and describe activities that allow students to gain valuable mathematics-related research and work experience, communicate mathematics, build community among their peers, and have fun. These activities include independent and group research experiences, student conferences, and MAA Student Chapter events. In addition, panelists will discuss internships, field study projects, and service projects. Panelists include Gary Gordon, Lafayette College, Deanna B. Haunsperger, Carleton College, Angela Spalsbury, Youngstown State University, and Richard A. Zang, University of New Hampshire, Manchester. The session is sponsored by the MAA Committee on Undergraduate Student Activities and Chapters (CUSAC).


Placement: Friend or Foe?, Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 2:20 p.m., organized by Susan L. Forman, Bronx Community College, Reginald K. U. Luke, Middlesex County College, and Stephen B. Rodi, Austin Community College. Accurately placing students in a first mathematics course in college is a perennial problem for mathematics departments, whether the placement is a choice between precalculus and calculus I or between elementary and intermediate algebra. The purpose of this panel is to share the expertise of three individuals who have been deeply involved in placement issues, either on their own campuses or in the larger context of articulation among area schools. They will alert you to unexpected stumbling blocks in the placement process and share their thoughts on placement tools and procedures that have worked for them. They also will address issues such as: What kinds of and how much information should departments provide incoming students concerning the placement procedures they will encounter? How do departments deal with discrepancies between placement scores and a student's previous academic background? How can a department track the effectiveness of its placement program? What are the strengths and weaknesses of various placement instruments or strategies? Ample time will be allowed to address additional questions from the floor. Panelists include Geoffrey Akst, Borough of Manhattan Community College, Steve Newman, Northern Kentucky University, and Gordon S. Woodward, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The session is co-sponsored by the MAA Committee on Two-Year Colleges and the MAA Committee on Articulation and Placement.

Reshaping Undergraduate Mathematics for Biology-Related Disciplines: Ideas and Innovations, Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 2:20 p.m., organized by Jenna P. Carpenter, Louisiana Tech University. The mathematical needs of biology-related disciplines have undergone dramatic changes in recent years, spurring the need to reshape the traditional undergraduate mathematics training for these majors to focus on topics such as data analysis, modeling and selected topics from calculus and beyond. This session will feature four successful projects featured in the MAA publication Math and Bio 2010: Linking Undergraduate Disciplines to explore how they are meeting these needs. Panelists will summarize their projects, highlighting challenges and successes. This will be followed by a question-and-answer session to allow interested attendees the opportunity to explore how they might implement similar learning experiences at their own institutions. Examination copies and/or handouts of project overviews, sample curricular materials, websites and other dissemination products will be made available for attendees. Panelists will include Eric S. Marland, Appalachian State University, Debra L. Hydorn, University of Mary Washington, Ami Radunskaya, Pomona College, and Kathy Taylor, Duquesne University. The session is sponsored by the MAA CUPM Subcommittee on Curriculum Renewal Across the First Two Years (CRAFTY).


Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education, Saturday, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
organized by Jon W. Scott, Montgomery Community College. This poster session will feature principal investigators (PIs) presenting progress and outcomes from various projects funded totally by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) or cooperatively with other NSF divisions. This format will permit ample opportunity for attendees to engage in small group discussions with the PIs and to network with each other. Information about presenters and their projects will appear in the program.

Electronic Student Assessment Systems, Saturday 2:30 p.m. to 3:50 p.m., organized by Michael D. Hvidsten, Gustavus Adolphus College, and Bruce W. Yoshiwara, Los Angeles Pierce College. Panelists will discuss the current state and the possible future of various electronic/online student assessment systems, such as ALEKS, MyMathLab, and Thomson Now! Topics of discussion will include problem/question/task types, product costs, hardware/software requirements, ease of use, integration with textbooks, and data on the impact on learning. Panelists include David P. Bell, Florida Community College, Michael E. Gage, University of Rochester, Jolene Rhodes, Valencia Community College, and Phoebe B. Rouse, Louisiana State University. The session is sponsored by the MAA Committee on Technologies in Mathematics Education (CTME).



Calculus, Liberal Arts, and Quantitative Literacy, Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 10:20 a.m., organized by Richard A. Gillman, Valparaiso University. In a recent survey of quantitative literacy programs, three points became clear: (a) there seems to be a consensus on the requisite mathematical skills, (b) it is assumed that any student taking calculus becomes quantitatively literate, and (c) there is no clear role for the traditional liberal arts "great ideas" course in QL. Starting with the consensus answer to the first point, this panel will begin a discussion of the following questions: Are calculus students quantitatively literate? Can a liberal arts course teach quantitative literacy? In John Paulo's initial works on numeracy, he suggests that many scientists are quantitatively illiterate; are we addressing this concern? Similarly, does a course in the history of math or on fun geometric topics prepare a student to deal with their everyday world? The panelists will respond to these questions from their various perspectives in their presentations and in response to the audience's questions. Panelists include William E. Briggs, University of Colorado, Denver, Deborah Hughes-Hallett, University of Arizona, Michael Starbird, University of Texas at Austin, and Richard A. Gillman.


The Top Ten Things You Should Know if You Intend to Implement the Standards of Beyond Crossroads, Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 10:20 a.m., organized by Richelle (Rikki) Blair, Lakeland Community College. The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) unveiled its second standards document Beyond Crossroads and its accompanying electronic resources in November 2006. Beyond Crossroads presents a new set of implementation standards building on the standards for intellectual development, content, and pedagogy from the 1995 Crossroads. The standards address student learning and the learning environment, assessment of student learning, curriculum and program development, instructional strategies, and professionalism. In this session panelists will discuss implementing standards-based mathematics teaching and the need to embrace change and continuous improvement as professionals. They will give examples of how these standards and accompanying electronic resources can be used to improve student learning. Panelists include Kathy Mowers, Owensboro Community and Technical College, Robert L. Kimball Jr., Wake Technical Community College, Bradford I. Chin, West Valley College, and Rikki Blair.

The "Bridge" Course, Sunday, 1:00 p.m. to 2:20 p.m., organized by George R. Exner, Bucknell University. The "bridge" or "transitions" course has become a standard gateway course in the undergraduate mathematics major in the past decade and a half. However, the course and its issues remain relatively unstudied by mathematics education researchers; further, those teaching the course are largely unaware of what relevant research there is. As well, these courses tend to be developed in isolation, with little cross-fertilization from successful versions at other institutions, and we lack resources analyzing or recording goals, approaches, and techniques. The panel will consider some directions for research to engage both researchers and practitioners, and widen the conversation to the audience to jump start ongoing activities. How can we study the course in ways both feasible and of interest to all concerned (using the complementary strengths of researchers and teachers), communicate findings usefully and broadly, assemble and publish both best practice and research based techniques, and find support for this effort? The session will be moderated by George R. Exner. Panelists include David M. Bressoud, Macalester College, Amy Cohen, Rutgers University, Barbara E. Edwards, Oregon State University, and Annie Selden, New Mexico State University. The session is sponsored by the MAA Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM).

Attracting Underrepresented Students to Graduate Study Through Research, Sunday, 2:30 p.m. to 3:50 p.m., organized by William Hawkins Jr., MAA and the University of the District of Columbia, and Robert E. Megginson, University of Michigan. The MAA supported student research programs consisting of small research teams of a faculty member and four minority undergraduates at twelve sites in the summers of 2005 and 2006 with funds from NSF, NSA, and the Moody's Foundation. An initiative of the MAA National Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program (NREUP), this is one of several efforts to attract underrepresented students to graduate study through research. Carlos Castillo-Chavezo, Arizona State University; Dennis Davenport, Miami University of Ohio, Lloyd E. Douglas, NSF, Herbert A. Medina, Loyola Marymount University, Ivelisse M. Rubio, University of Puerto Rico, Michelle D. Wagner, NSA, and Robert Megginson will discuss their programs to address this issue of national concern. There will be ample time for questions.



Algebra: Gateway to a Technological Future, Monday, 9:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m., organized by Michael Pearson, MAA. There is widespread concern that the U.S. is losing its competitive edge in areas of research and innovation that are critical to our economic well-being. The National Mathematics Advisory Panel is already working to identify ways to improve the mathematical education of students in K to 12 in order to better prepare them to pursue more advanced topics, and in particular will offer suggestions to improve preparation for and success in algebra. The NSF has supported projects designed to improve student learning of algebra at all levels, ranging from studies of cognitive issues in pre-algebra to abstract algebra for teachers. Now is a good time to take stock of past efforts and look toward the future. In November 2006 the MAA will bring together representatives from mathematics and mathematics education from across the entire K to 16 spectrum to survey what has been learned about algebra and to identify common principles that can serve as models for improvement. This session is a preliminary report on the project.

Teaching and Learning Mathematics in a Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) Enriched Environment: College Algebra to Real Analysis, Monday 9:00 a.m. to 10:20 a.m., organized by Wade Ellis, Jr., West Valley College. Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) have been available for nearly half a century. Many secondary school and college mathematics textbooks contain problems that require the use of CAS, but few courses are constructed with the use of a CAS as an integral part of teaching, learning, understanding, and doing mathematics. This panel will give an overview and examples of such uses in mathematics courses from college algebra to real analysis. Panelists will include William C. Bauldry, Appalachian State University; and Wade Ellis, Jr.

Knowing Mathematics for Teaching: Issues in Assessment and Teacher Preparation, Monday, 1:00 p.m. to 2:20 p.m., organized by Joan Ferrini-Mundy and Raven McCrory, Michigan State University. Interest in teachers’ knowledge for teaching mathematics has grown in recent years, prompted by the CBMS report The Mathematical Education of Teachers; the National Academies Adding it Up; and the disappointing results from national and international assessments of student achievement in mathematics. It is widely believed that teachers’ mathematical knowledge is an important factor in their ability to promote student learning, but the parameters of that knowledge are not well understood. Recent research at Michigan State University and elsewhere has looked at this problem in new ways, attempting to develop systematic approaches both to preparing teachers to teach mathematics and to assessing teachers’ mathematical knowledge. In this session, we present methods and results from five projects at Michigan State University that are investigating these issues: “Knowing Mathematics for Teaching Algebra Project”, Joan Ferrini-Mundy; “The Mathematical Education of Elementary Teachers Project”, Raven McCrory; “Teachers for a New Era”, Sharon Senk; “Preliminary Teacher Education Study”, William Schmidt; “PROM/SE Math Science Partnership”, Gail Burrill. For each project, a short summary of methods and results to date will be presented, followed by comments from discussants and questions and feedback from the audience.

MathNerds, Moore Method, and Mathematics Education: What do they have in common?, Monday, 1:00 p.m. to 2:20 p.m., organized by W. Ted Mahavier, Lamar University, and Laurie O. Cavey, James Madison University, Through support from the Educational Advancement Foundation, the Meadows Foundation, and the Texas Education Agency, MathNerds has created custom software to link university mathematics education classes with school districts in a way to facilitate training future teachers in the pedagogy of inquiry-based instruction which is the heart of the Moore Method and the MathNerds philosophy. School district students submit questions through the MathNerds system which are routed to students in university classes. These students respond under the guidance of both a mathematics educator and a mathematician, thereby addressing precisely the types of questions that their future students may ask. By learning the MathNerds philosophy for responding to questions, future teachers learn strategies that encourage students to develop deeper understanding of the underlying mathematical principles, thus enabling the students to become better problem solvers. Panelists will include: Terry McCabe, Texas State University; G. Edgar Parker, James Madison University; Hiroko Warshauer, Texas State University; Max Warshauer, Texas State University; Alexander White, Texas State University; and Laurie O. Cavey


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