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JMM 2020 Blog

AMS Workshops

Department Chairs Workshop

This annual one-day workshop for department chairs and leaders will be held on Tuesday, 8:00 am–6:30 pm, the day before the JMM actually begins, and is led by Luca Capogna, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Kevin Knudson, University of Florida, Gloria Marí-Beffa, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Jennifer Zhao, University of Michigan-Dearborn.

Annual one-day workshop for department chairs: What makes a chair different than any other engaged faculty member in the department? This workshop will examine the chair’s role in leading a department. The day will be structured to include and encourage networking and sharing of ideas amongst participants. There will be four sessions:

  1. Modernizing Mathematics and Mathematicians
  2. Evaluating Teaching
  3. Difficult Conversations
  4. The “entrepreneurial” mathematics department

There is a separate registration and fee to participate. Register at https://www.ams.org/chairsworkshop2020. For further information, please contact the AMS Office of Government Relations at 401-455-4116 or amsdc@ams.org.

Workshop for Math Administrators: Exploring the Challenges of Operating a Department's Daily Managerial Responsibilities

Attend this workshop to collaborate with other professionals who have similar responsibilities. Share best practices and build connections with other math administrators.

Who should attend? This pilot course is designed for mathematics department administrators, regardless of title, who oversee and/or manage some or all of the following functions: Academic Programs and Activities, Admissions, Budgets and Grants, Diversity Efforts, Faculty/Scholar Recruitment, Hiring, and On-Boarding, Faculty/Scholar and Student Support, Marketing and Publicity, Staff Supervision, Title IX Referrals and Support, and Visitor Resources. The target audience is departmental staff, not faculty.

Non-mathematician attendees of this workshop for math administrators will be offered a special guest registration rate of US\$25 and will be eligible to attend both the workshop and JMM 2020.

Workshop leaders are Kathleen Applegate, Princeton University, and Nicole Maldonado, Institute for Advanced Study.

For more information, go to www.ams.org/profession/adminsworkshop. Please note that this event has reached full capacity. They will accept waiting list registrations in the event of cancellations. The waiting list will close on January 2, 2020.