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JMM 2020 Blog

MAA Workshops

MAA Workshop: Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics via Primary Source Projects, organized by Janet H. Barnett, Colorado State University-Pueblo, Kathleen M. Clark, Florida State University, Dominic Klyve, Central Washington University, Danny E. Otero, Xavier University, Nicholas A. Scoville, Ursinus College, and Diana White, University of Colorado, Denver; Wednesday, 9:00-10:20 am. This workshop will introduce participants to a classroom-tested approach for bringing history into the mathematics classroom via guided reading projects based on original sources. Designed to actively engage students in doing mathematics as they read and work through the writing of noted mathematicians such as Euler, Cauchy, and Cantor, each “Primary Source Project” (PSP) focuses on a particular topic in the standard undergraduate mathematics curriculum. Workshop participants will begin to explore this approach to teaching and learning mathematics by placing themselves in the role of students as they work together in groups through portions of specific projects. Following this opportunity to grapple with original sources within a guided reading format, participants will discuss how to implement PSPs in the classroom. An overview of the pedagogical benefits of this particular method for using original sources with students will also be provided. Finally, participants will learn about a seven-institution collaborative NSF-funded effort that is designing, testing, and researching the impact of PSPs, including an overview of the existing collection of 50 PSPs and opportunities for instructors to receive ongoing implementation support by becoming a site-tester. This workshop is sponsored by the History of Mathematics SIGMAA.

MAA Workshop: Designing and Implementing Assessments in Undergraduate Mathematics: Strategies and Examples, organized by Beste Gucler, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and Gulden Karakok, University of Northern Colorado; Wednesday, 2:15-3:25 pm. This will be a hands-on, interactive workshop session that will provide the audience with opportunities to actively engage with assessment tasks aligned with the MAA Instructional Practices (IP) guidelines on assessment and used in actual post-secondary mathematics courses. The intended audience for this session consists of mathematicians, teacher educators, and mathematics education faculty members. The audience will work on a variety of assessment tasks that serve different goals (e.g., formative, summative assessment); take different forms (e.g., portfolios, in-class tasks, journals); suit for different class types and sizes (e.g., small and large classrooms, student-centered courses). The discussions about the tasks will address alignment with the MAA IP guidelines; task development and implementation for assessment; connections between instructional goals and assessment; and how to generate a repertoire of assessment tasks that can be used in a variety of classroom contexts for a variety of purposes. The session will focus both on the mathematical content of the tasks and the pedagogical ways in which to implement them to assess different aspects of student learning. This workshop is sponsored by the MAA Committee on Assessment.

MAA Workshop: Improving Undergraduate Mathematics Courses Using Problems from Partner Disciplines, organized by Suzanne Dorée, Augsburg University, Susan Ganter, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Stella Hofrenning, Augsburg University, Victor Piercey, Ferris State University, and Jody Sorensen, Augsburg University; Wednesday, 3:40–5:00 pm. Introductory mathematics courses reach students from a wide range of majors. Bringing in examples from other disciplines into introductory mathematics classes helps students appreciate the utility of mathematics and begin to practice transferring their mathematics skills to other contexts. In this workshop, participants will work on examples (a lab from calculus and a role-playing activity from a quantitative reasoning class), reflect on the challenges and opportunities of authentic applications, and learn how these activities were developed in collaboration with partner discipline faculty as part of the multi-institutional SUMMIT-P Project.This workshop is sponsored by CRAFTY and MAD.

MAA Workshop: Generating Ideas of Undergraduate Research Projects, organized by Pamela Harris, Williams College and Azadeh Rafizadeh, William Jewell College; Thursday, 9:00–10:20 am. Over the past two decades, research with undergraduate students has expanded from summer REU opportunities for advanced undergraduates to courses and projects for students at all levels infused throughout their course of study. For mathematical faculty members, conducting research with undergraduate students leads to career advancement, greater satisfaction in their academic position, and the sense of belonging to the larger mathematical community. Undergraduate students gain valuable experience and knowledge that better equip them for further research or work in their chosen career. How can a faculty member develop a robust undergraduate research agenda? The first step requires ideas for possible research projects! In this workshop, experienced undergraduate research mentors present a variety of ways to build and expand research agendas to include accessible projects for undergraduates. In small groups, participants will create an action plan to generate undergraduate research agendas under the guidance of: Katie Johnson, Florida Gulf Coast University; Joe Gallian, University of Minnesota Duluth; Stephan Garcia, Pomona College; Colin Adams, Williams College. This workshop is sponsored by the MAA Subcommittee on Research by Undergraduates.

MAA Workshop: Identifying and Managing Microaggressions in the Academic Setting, organized by Semra Kiliç-Bahi, Colby-Sawyer College and Omayra Ortega, Sonoma State University; Thursday, 10:35–11:55 am. The term microaggression is used to describe verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that targets identity markers such as gender, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, and religion. We may unknowingly be the perpetrator or we may be on the receiving end. Studies emphasize that reducing microaggressions leads to improvements in campus climate; in particular, it leads to improved social and academic outcomes for students while creating a sense of belonging in campus community. After a brief literature review and theoretical framing presented by Dr. Rosalie Belanger-Rioux and Dr. Lynn Garrioch, workshop participants will be formed into small groups and presented with short case studies in which microaggressions occur. The small group discussions will be followed by a facilitated large group discussion where groups will share the strategies on how to manage and mitigate those microaggressions. The last 10 minutes of the workshop will be reserved for the questions from the audience. This session is sponsored by the Joint Committee on Women in Mathematical Sciences, MAA Committee on the Participation of Women in Mathematics, Committee on the Minority Participation in Mathematics, and the National Association of Mathematicians.

MAA Workshop: A Classroom Experience with Inquiry-Based Learning, organized by Susan Crook, Loras College and Carl Mummert, Marshall University; Thursday, 2:35–3:55 pm. Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a framework for teaching in which students engage actively with meaningful problems, collaborate with peers, and communicate their results. This workshop will give a hands-on introduction to IBL teaching methods. In the first part, participants will take the role of students in an authentic IBL classroom experience led by an expert IBL instructor. In the second part, participants will discuss their experience and topics related to IBL teaching such as problem selection, group and classroom management, and providing real-time feedback on student successes and mistakes. The session is aimed at individuals who are new to teaching with IBL. Participants will leave with improved knowledge of IBL techniques and increased confidence for running IBL classes.This session is sponsored by the SIGMAA on Inquiry-Based Learning.

MAA Workshop: NSF Funding Opportunities in the Education and Human Resources Directorate and the Division of Mathematical Sciences, organized by Erica Camacho, National Science Foundation, Division of Human Research and Development, Karen Keene, DUE-NSF,  Swatee Naik, DMS-NSF, Sandra Richardson, DUE-NSF,  Hank Warchall, DMS-NSF, Talitha Washington, DUE-NSF, and Lee Zia, DUE-NSF; Friday, 8:00–9:20 am. A number of NSF divisions offer a variety of grant programs that promote innovations in learning and teaching and/or infrastructural support in the mathematical sciences. Following a short presentation about these programs (15 minutes), the remainder of the session will feature opportunities to engage in small group discussions with NSF staff about program features, current NSF policy changes, proposal preparation guidance, and other related topics. This session is sponsored by the MAA Subcommittee on Professional Development.

MAA Workshop: Discussing Project Ideas with NSF/EHR Program Officers, organized by Erica Camacho, National Science Foundation, Division of Human Research and Development, Karen Keene, DUE-NSF, Sandra Richardson, DUE-NSF, Talitha Washington, DUE-NSF, and Lee Zia, DUE-NSF; Friday, 9:35–10:55 am. NSF program officers in the Directorate for Education and Human Resources will be available to talk with prospective Principal Investigators about potential project ideas. Following a very brief (5 minute) overview of NSF, participants may sign up for short (10 minute) time slots to speak one-on-one with program officers about the specifics of their ideas. (Participants are encouraged to bring a one-page description.) If you believe you have an idea, project or program worthy of NSF support that will positively impact preK-12, undergraduate, or graduate education in the mathematical sciences you should attend one of these two sessions. This session is sponsored by the MAA Subcommittee on Professional Development.
