7:00 a.m. Transverse index and KK-theory for Riemannian foliations. James Heitsch, University of Illinois, Chicago
Steven Hurder*, University of Illinois, Chicago
7:30 a.m. An excision free Chern character for p-sumable quasihomomorphisms. Victor Nistor*, University of California, Berkeley
8:00 a.m. Representations of dense subalgebras of C*-algebras with applications to spectral invariance. Larry B. Schweitzer*, University of California, Berkeley
8:30 a.m. Reduction of topological stable rank in inductive limits of C*-algebras. Marius Dadarlat, University of California, Los Angeles
Gabriel Nagy*, University of California, Berkeley
Andras Nemethi, INCREST, Romania
Cornel Pasnicu, INCREST, Romania
9:00 a.m. C*-algebras and Fuchsian groups. John S. Spielberg*, Arizona State University
9:30 a.m. C*-algebras associated to two-step nilpotent groups. Judith A. Packer*, University of Colorado, Boulder
7:00 a.m. Convex symmetrization in the plane. E. W. Stredulinsky*, University of Wisconsin, Richland Center
P. Laurence, Universidad Degli Studi, Italy
7:30 a.m. Forced critical free-surface waves in channels. Samuel S. Shen*, University of Saskatchewan
8:00 a.m. The multilayer fluid problem. Andrew F. Acker*, Wichita State University
8:30 a.m. Large-time behavior of the maximal solution of equation u_t =(u^m-1 u_x)_x with -1<=0. Hongfei Zhang*, University of Texas, Austin
9:00 a.m. The volume infimum for stable liquid bridges. Robert Finn, Stanford University
Thomas I. Vogel*, Texas A\thsp\&\thsp M University, College Station
9:30 a.m. On the Floquet exponents of parabolic problems. Peter Kuchment*, Wichita State University
7:00 a.m. A theorem from control theory and a theorem from automata theory are the same theorem. Richard G. Larson*, University of Illinois, Chicago
7:30 a.m. Coalgebraic foundations of the method of divided differences. Philip S. Hirschhorn, Wellesley College
Louise A. Raphael*, Howard University
8:00 a.m. Hopf algebras in combinatorics. William R. Schmitt*, Memphis State University
8:30 a.m. Supersymmetric Hopf algebras. Gian-Carlo Rota*, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
9:00 a.m. Bialgebras of linearly recursive sequences. William Chin*, DePaul University
Jerry Goldman, DePaul University
9:30 a.m. Invertibility of linearly recursive sequences under Hadamard product. Richard G. Larson, University of Illinois, Chicago
Earl J. Taft*, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
7:45 a.m. The non-differentiable dynamics of the 3x+1 problem. Mohammad Riazi*, Fort Hays State University
8:00 a.m. Dirichlet averages of univariate functions. Edward Neuman*, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
8:15 a.m. On some strange summation formulas of W. Gosper. Mourad E.H. Ismail*, University of South Florida
Ruiming Zhang, University of South Florida
8:30 a.m. Tangential limits and exceptional sets for holomorphic Besov functions in the unit ball of Cn. Kari Shaw*, Miami University, Oxford
8:45 a.m. The Bloch theorem in several complex variables. I. Carl H. FitzGerald*, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla
Sheng Gong, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
9:00 a.m. Plemelj formulae in R^n and C^n, and plane wave decomposition. John Ryan*, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
9:30 a.m. Invariant proper holomorphic maps between balls. Daniel Lichtblau*, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
9:45 a.m. Geometric function theory in several complex variables. Carolyn R. Thomas*, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla
Carl H. FitzGerald, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla
7:00 a.m. Some topological properties of the density topology. Udayan Darji, Auburn University, Auburn
Patrick Reardon*, Auburn University, Auburn
7:15 a.m. Lifting of measurable maps. Michael Edelstein, Dalhousie University
C. C. A. Sastri*, Dalhousie University
7:30 a.m. Integration in infinite dimensional spaces: A novel approach. Michel Lobenberg*, Columbia University
7:45 a.m. A general covering lemma for the real line. Jesus Munarriz Aldaz*, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
8:00 a.m. Pseudospectral operators and the pointwise ergodic theorem. Robert E. Bradley*, Northwestern University
8:15 a.m. Partially measurable sets in measure spaces. Max Shiffman*, California State University, Hayward
8:30 a.m. On normal lattices and separation and semi-separation of lattices. Robert W. Schutz*, West Babylon, New York
8:45 a.m. The Hausdorff dimension of graphs of density continuous functions. Zoltan Buczolich, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary
Krzysztof Ostaszewski*, University of Louisville
9:00 a.m. Bounds on the deviation of a function from its averages. A. M. Fink*, Iowa State University
9:15 a.m. Dispersive billiards and Brownian motion are statistically indistinguishable. Kari Eloranta*, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
9:30 a.m. Omega-limit sets of D B*_1 functions. Paul Keller*, University of California, Santa Barbara
9:45 a.m. Outer functions in Kolmogorov superpositions. V. L. N. Sarma*, Columbus, Ohio
7:00 a.m. Isomorphisms of Witt rings. Jenna P. Carpenter*, Louisiana Tech University
7:15 a.m. On Mirimanoff type congruences. S. Hahn*, Korea Institute of Technology, South Korea
7:30 a.m. Writing integers as sums of products. Charles E. Chace*, Williams College
7:45 a.m. Hilbert's Tenth Problem for intermediate rings of algebraic functions. Alexandra Shlapentokh*, York College, City University of New York
8:00 a.m. A strang(e) pair of figures. Norman Richert*, University of Houston, Clear Lake
8:15 a.m. On Dirichlet powers of Euler's phi function and generalizations. Alan Loper*, Lawrence University
8:30 a.m. A spigot algorithm for Pi. Stanley Rabinowitz*, Westford, Massachusetts
8:45 a.m. On class numbers of real quadratic fields. R. A. Mollin*, University of Calgary
9:00 a.m. A complete solution to the polynomial 3-primes problem. Gove W. Effinger*, Skidmore College
David R. Hayes, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
9:15 a.m. Count-wheels: A mathematical problem arising in horology. Steven H. Weintraub*, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
9:30 a.m. Unitary amicable pairs by the BDE method. Rudolph Najar*, California State University, Fresno
7:05 a.m. Faculty preparation for a technologically active curriculum. Linda H. Boyd, Dekalb College
Linda L. Exley, DeKalb College
Sharon C. Ross*, DeKalb College
7:25 a.m. Training faculty for a laboratory-and writing-based calculus course. David A. Smith*, Duke University
Lawrence C. Moore, Duke University
7:45 a.m. Faculty development programs in the use of computer algebra systems as teaching tools. Don Small*, Colby College
8:05 a.m. Programs to update the skills of teachers at the pre-college and college level. David Lovelock*, University of Arizona
Elias Toubassi, University of Arizona
8:20 a.m. Break
8:30 a.m. Stimulation of faculty development at a four-year institution. Theodore A. Vessey*, Saint Olaf College
8:50 a.m. A training program for part-time faculty. Kay Gura*, Ramapo College of New Jersey
7:05 a.m. The Simson line without cases. Robert Bix*, University of Michigan, Flint
7:30 a.m. Lemoinean geometry. Robert Bumcrot*, Hofstra University
7:45 a.m. Using ideas of kinematics in solving problems of geometry. M. S. Jagadish*, Barry University
8:10 a.m. An application of cross products. Parviz Khajeh-Khalili*, Christopher Newport College
8:25 a.m. Lesser-known triangle centers. Clark Kimberling*, University of Evansville
8:50 a.m. The left-right duality of Fermat triangles. Edward Kitchen*, Santa Monica, California
9:05 a.m. Triquetras and porisms, or variations on a circular theme. Dana N. Mackenzie*, Kenyon College
9:30 a.m. One thing leads to another: From medians and midpoints to the compleat quad via the theorems of Menelaus and Ceva. Alvin Swimmer*, Arizona State University
1:15 p.m. Teaching and learning college mathematics: A review of research. Joanne Rossi Becker*, San Jose State University
Barbara J. Pence, San Jose State University
1:45 p.m. Student understanding of calculus through computer graphics. Charlene E. Beckmann*, Grand Valley State University
2:15 p.m. Building concept images -- supercalculators and students' use of multiple representations. Dianne Hart*, Oregon State University
2:45 p.m. The effects of using computer algebra in teaching undergraduate calculus. Phoebe T. Judson*, Trinity University
3:15 p.m. Even good calculus students can't solve nonroutine problems. John Selden, Tennessee Technological University
Annie Selden*, Tennessee Technological University
Alice Mason, Tennessee Technological University
3:45 p.m. An instructional treatment for functions that seems to help. Ed Dubinsky*, Purdue University, West Lafayette
4:15 p.m. Multiple representations for functions. Albert A. Cuoco*, Woburn High School, Massachusetts
1:15 p.m. Generalizations of the Weyl-von Neumann theorem. Lawrence G. Brown*, Purdue University, West Lafayette
1:45 p.m. On the classification of C*-algebras of real rank zero George A. Elliott*, University of Toronto, and Mathematics Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
2:15 p.m. Certain C*-algebras of real rank zero and their multiplier algebras. Shuang Zhang*, University of Cincinnati
2:45 p.m. Approximation of unitaries by unitaries with finite spectrum. N. Christopher Phillips*, University of Oregon
3:15 p.m. Almost commuting projections. Alexander Kumjian*, University of Nevada, Reno
3:45 p.m. Almost commuting unitaries. Man-Duen Choi*, University of Toronto
4:15 p.m. Reduction of real rank in inductive limits of C*-algebras. Ola Bratteli*, University of Trondheim, Norway
4:45 p.m. Which C*-algebras have *-regular coordinates? K. R. Goodearl*, University of Utah
1:15 p.m. Oscillation and Lyapunov functions for wave equations. T. A. Burton*, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
J. Terjeki, Bolyai Institute, Hungary
Bo Zhang, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
1:45 p.m. A uniform estimate for slowly oscillating solutions of singularly perturbed delay equations. John Mallet-Paret*, Brown University
2:15 p.m. Periodic solutions of differential-delay equations with state dependent time lags. Roger Nussbaum*, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
2:45 p.m. Some results on the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of a second order nonlinear neutral delay equation. John R. Graef, Mississippi State University
Paul W. Spikes*, Mississippi State University
Myron K. Grammatikopoulos, University of Ioannina, Greece
3:15 p.m. Oscillation and stabillity for a state-dependent delay equation. Hal L. Smith*, Arizona State University
1:15 p.m. African origins of the mathematical sciences. Abdulalim A. Shabazz*, Clark Atlanta University
1:50 p.m. Genesis of the equation. Barnabas Hughes*, California State University, Northridge
2:25 p.m. Euler's contributions to the calculus. V. Frederick Rickey*, Bowling Green State University
2:55 p.m. Sophus Lie and the geometrical origins of the symplectic groups. Thomas Hawkins*, Boston University
3:30 p.m. The contributions of Hausdorff and Sierpinski to Cantor's continuum problem. Gregory H. Moore*, McMaster University
4:00 p.m. Abraham Robinson and World War II: The making of a mathematical logician. Joseph W. Dauben*, Herbert H. Lehman College, City University of New York
4:35 p.m. Hassler Whitney's lecture on the history of topology, given in Campinas. Ubiratan D'Ambrosio*, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
1:15 p.m. Decomposing Steiner systems into isomorphic partial systems. Alexander Rosa*, McMaster University
1:45 p.m. Block designs and relative compromise of statistical databases. Mirka Miller, Unversity of New England, Australia
Jennifer Seberry*, University of New South Wales, Australia
2:15 p.m. A mathematical model of competing species and Hadamard designs. Masakazu Jimbo*, Gifu University, Japan
Yoshiaki Ito, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan
2:45 p.m. A doubling construction for certain self-orthogonal 2-sequencings. Bruce A. Anderson*, Arizona State University
3:15 p.m. Frames with block size four-constructions and applications. Rolf Rees*, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Douglas Stinson, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
3:45 p.m. Arcs in Latin squares. V. C. Mavron, University College of Wales, Wales
W. D. Wallis*, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
4:15 p.m. Large sets of disjoint t-designs. Yeow Meng Chee, University of Waterloo
Charles J. Colbourn, University of Waterloo
Steven C. Furino, University of Waterloo
Donald L. Kreher*, University of Wyoming
4:45 p.m. Delsarte's inequalities and t-designs. Richard M. Wilson*, California Institute of Technology
1:15 p.m. Boundary behavior of area minimizing currents, Rado's theorem, and the footprint problem. Harold R. Parks*, Oregon State University
1:45 p.m. Radial limits of capillary surfaces. Kirk E. Lancaster, Wichita State University
David Siegel*, University of Waterloo
2:15 p.m. Propogation in semilinear transmission problems. Mark Williams*, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2:45 p.m. Numerical study of nearly discontinuous behavior of certain capillary surfaces. Randolph E. Bank, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla
Paul Concus, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley
Robert Finn*, Stanford University
3:15 p.m. Second microlocal ellipticity and propagation of singularities for semilinear wave equations. Ant\^onio S\'a Barreto*, Purdue University, West Lafayette
3:45 p.m. Qualitative behavior solutions of elliptic free boundary problems. Kirk E. Lancaster*, Wichita State University
4:15 p.m. Laplace-Belktrami operators for manifolds degenerating along a hypersurface. Patrick McDonald*, Ohio State University, Columbus
4:45 p.m. Regularity and asymptotic behavior of mixed initial-boundary value problems. Joseph Bennish*, California State University, Long Beach
1:15 p.m. Hopf freeness and consequences. Warren D. Nichols*, Florida State University
M. Bettina Zoeller Richmond, Western Kentucky University
1:45 p.m. Freeness of Hopf algebras over coideal subalgebras. Akira Masuoka*, Nippon Institute of Technology, Japan
2:15 p.m. On cosemisimple Hopf algebras with exactly one grouplike. Warren D. Nichols, Florida State University
M. Bettina Zoeller Richmond*, Western Kentucky University
2:45 p.m. A new one-parameter family of 2 x 2 matrix bialgebras. Mitsuhiro Takeuchi*, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Daisuke Tambara, Hirosaki University, Japan
3:15 p.m. The quantum Yang-Baxter equation in a module-comodule context. David E. Radford*, University of Illinois, Chicago
3:45 p.m. Hopf algebras in braided categories. Shahn Majid*, University of Cambridge, England
4:15 p.m. A class of infinite dimensional Lie bialgebras containing the Virasoro algebra. Walter J. Michaelis*, University of New Orleans
4:45 p.m. Parametrizations by coalgebras and deformations. Luzius Grunenfelder*, Dalhousie University
1:15 p.m. Zeta regularized products. J. R. Quine*, Florida State University
1:45 p.m. The growth of solutions of linear differential equations with entire coefficients. Simon Hellerstein*, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Joseph B. Miles, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
John Rossi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
2:15 p.m. Some special differential polynomials of entire functions. Linda Sons*, Northern Illinois University
2:45 p.m. New lower bounds for the de Bruijn-Newman constant cap lambda. Richard S. Varga*, Kent State University, Kent
1:15 p.m. Lower bounds for computing with integer inputs. Michael D. Hirsch*, University of California, Berkeley
1:45 p.m. Witt group of curves over global fields. R. Parimala*, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India and University of California, Berkeley
R. Sridharan, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India and University of California, Berkeley
2:15 p.m. Reduced norm square of Pfaffian. R. Sridharan*, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India
2:45 p.m. Semirigid functions. Manfred Knebusch*, University of Regensburg, Federal Republic of Germany
3:15 p.m. The Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture for curves. Murray Marshall*, University of Saskatchewan
3:45 p.m. Topological equivalence of real binary forms. David Weinberg*, Texas Tech University
Dave Witte, Williams College
4:15 p.m. Order of contact of points in the real spectrum. James J. Madden*, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
4:45 p.m. On analytically varying solutions to Hilbert's 17th problem. Charles N. Delzell*, University of California, Berkeley
1:15 p.m. An infinite number of infinite chains of Morley triangles. James Smart*, San Jose State University
1:30 p.m. Inversion transformation with regard to any curve. Krishnanand Verma*, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
1:45 p.m. On moving a sofa around a corner. Joseph L. Gerver*, Rutgers University, Camden
2:00 p.m. Circular sets. George Baloglou*, State University of New York, College at Oswego
Phil Tracy, State University of New York, College at Oswego
2:15 p.m. Two approaches for classification of certain translation planes. Dale R. Oliver*, Colorado State University
2:30 p.m. An application of discrete Fourier transform to a problem in geometry. Chung-Wu Ho*, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Jau-Shyong Shiue, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
2:45 p.m. Old and new Euclidean theorems from Lie geometry, I. Jay P. Fillmore*, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla
Arthur Springer, San Diego State University
3:00 p.m. Old and new Euclidean theorems from Lie geometry, II. Jay P. Fillmore, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla
Arthur Springer*, San Diego State University
3:15 p.m. A short proof of the d-connectedness of d-polytopes. D. W. Barnette*, University of California, Davis
3:30 p.m. Hidden variable fractal interpolation surfaces. Douglas Hardin, Vanderbilt University
Peter R. Massopust*, Vanderbilt University
3:45 p.m. Finite fractals. Steve Gibert*, West Georgia College
4:00 p.m. Tillings via branched covering spaces and colorings. Jonathan Sondow*, Yeshiva University
4:15 p.m. The complete classification of the space group orbits in E^3. Steven L. Farris*, University of Southern Maine
4:30 p.m. Properties of sets related to the farthest point problem. Jack M. Robertson*, Washington State University
4:45 p.m. Computing approximations of convex sets by polytopes. Dan Butnariu*, University of Haifa, Israel and University of Texas, Arlington
Yair Censor, University of Haifa, Israel
1:15 p.m. The Haunsdorff mean of a Fourier-Stieltjes transform. Constantine Georgakis*, DePaul University
1:30 p.m. A class of operators on L^2_h. Nazih S. Faour*, Kuwait University, Kuwait
1:45 p.m. Antiautomorphisms of UHF algebras. Joseph F. Conrad*, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona
2:00 p.m. Interpolation of operators and spectra of integral operators. Karen Saxe*, Saint Olaf College
2:15 p.m. Purely nonpointwise Markov operators. Tomasz Downarowicz*, University of North Texas
2:30 p.m. An extension of Burnside's theorem to reflexive Banach spaces. Victor Lomonosov*, Kent State University, Kent
2:45 p.m. Cyclic cohomology associated with almost commuting C*-algebras. Daoxing Xia*, Vanderbilt University
3:00 p.m. Local spectral properties of multipliers on Banach algebras and applications to convolution operators. Michael M. Neumann*, Mississippi State University
3:15 p.m. Locally compact semi-algebras generated by a commuting operator family. Nagaiah Nandakumar*, Deleware State College
Cornelis Vandermee, University of Delaware
3:30 p.m. Some remarks on the range of sums of accretive and continuous operators in Banach spaces. Claudio Morales*, University of Alabama, Huntsville
3:45 p.m. On the ideal structure of positive, eventually compact linear operators on Banach lattices. Ruey-Jen Jang Lewis*, Texas Tech University
Harold Dean Victory, Jr., Texas Tech University
4:00 p.m. Essentially commuting Toeplitz operators with harmonic symbols. Karel Stroethoff*, University of Montana
4:15 p.m. An operator equation of Sturm-Liouville type. Dan D. Pascali*, National Science Foundation
4:30 p.m. Dual algebras generated by a weighted shift. George R. Exner*, Bucknell University
4:45 p.m. On the density of the range of some nonlinear operators. P. S. Milojevi\'c*, New Jersey Institute of Technology
1:15 p.m. Asymptotic behavior of solutions of Emden-Fowler difference equations with oscillating coefficients. William F. Trench*, Trinity University
1:30 p.m. Role of numerical range in approximation-solvability of nonlinear functional equations. Ram Verma*, University of Central Florida
1:45 p.m. Global asymptotic stability in a discrete delay logistic model. Saber Elaydi*, Trinity University
2:00 p.m. Inner product spaces and functional equations. B. R. Ebanks, University of Louisville
P. L. Kannappan, University of Waterloo
P. K. Sahoo*, University of Louisville
2:15 p.m. Periodic families of solutions for difference equations with a first integral. William Rivera*, West Georgia College
2:30 p.m. A matrix characterization of statistical convergence. J. A. Fridy*, Kent State University, Kent
H. I. Miller, University of Sarajevo, Yugoslavia
2:45 p.m. On the strong stability of the solutions to Krein's invariant subspace problem. Miguel LaCruz*, Kent State University, Kent
3:00 p.m. Strong integral summability, measures, and subsets of betaH. J. Connor*, Ohio University, Athens
M. A. Swardson, Ohio University, Athens
3:15 p.m. Existence of bounded solutions of system of discrete equations. Mohammad H. Moadab*, Virginia State University
3:30 p.m. Global smoothness of approximating functions. George Anastassiou*, Memphis State University
Claudia Cottin, University of Duisburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Heinz H. Gonska, European Business School, Federal Republic of Germany
3:45 p.m. The Cauchy interpolation formula and sampling theorem. Nasser Dastrange*, Buena Vista College
4:00 p.m. Asymptotics of a class of multidimensional oscillatory integrals with degenerate phase. David O. Kaminski*, University of Lethbridge, Canada
4:15 p.m. On the nonexistence of a basis of translates and a basis of pseudo translates. Tim Olson*, Auburn University, Auburn
Richard A. Zalik, Auburn University, Auburn
4:30 p.m. Signals reproduction. Robert Kreczner*, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
4:45 p.m. Functions with very rapidly decaying Fourier coefficients. John E. McCarthy*, Indiana University, Bloomington
1:15 p.m. An existence theorem for local Artin root numbers. Robert Perlis*, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
1:30 p.m. Apery numbers, Jacobi sums, and p-adic hypergeometric functions. Paul Thomas Young*, Tennessee Technological University
1:45 p.m. Results concerning the Erdos-Strauss conjecture. Roger H. Moritz*, Alfred University
2:00 p.m. On dynamics of certain Cantor sets. Saad I. El-Zanati*, Auburn University, Auburn
William R. R. Transue, Auburn University, Auburn
2:15 p.m. Small zeros of quadratic L-functions. Ali E. \"Ozl\"uk*, University of Maine, Orono
C. Snyder, University of Maine, Orono
2:30 p.m. On the conjecture of Erdos-Strauss. Mohammad H. Ahmadi*, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
2:45 p.m. Digital sum sums. Curtis Cooper*, Central Missouri State University
Robert E. Kennedy, Central Missouri State University
3:00 p.m. On digital sums of powers of primes. Part II. Robert E. Kennedy*, Central Missouri State University
Curtis Cooper, Central Missouri State University
1:15 p.m. Extending reasonable ideals to countably saturated ideals in small algebras of sets. Andrzej Rusewicz*, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
1:30 p.m. Ramsey cardinals, alph-Erdos cardinals, and the core model. Dirk Schlingmann*, Bethany College
1:45 p.m. Application of Sierpinski sets. Kandasamy Muthuvel*, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
2:00 p.m. Using model theory to determine Wadge strategies. Tom Linton*, University of Wisconsin, Madison
2:15 p.m. A generalization of Baire category in a continuous set. Brian King*, Augusta College
2:30 p.m. Some recursion-theoretic approach to problems in complexity theory. Hisao Tanaka*, University of California, Santa Barbara and Hosei University, Japan
2:45 p.m. Axioms for natural numbers. D. H. Potts*, California State University, Northridge
3:00 p.m. Bounded Martin-Lof type theory. Joseph L. Pe*, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
3:15 p.m. Every sequence of positive upper density contains and SIM set--a nonstandard tool in combinatorial number theory. Steven C. Leth*, University of Northern Colorado
3:30 p.m. Syllogistics defined in relation algebras. Marcin Schroeder*, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
3:45 p.m. On the algebraic closure lattices of algebraically closed fields. Kitty L. Holland*, University of Illinois, Chicago
4:00 p.m. The finite elements and the spline functions. Tian Xiao He*, Texas A\thsp\&\thsp M University, College Station
1:15 p.m. Intrinsic political aspects of mathematics in education. Marcelo C. Borba*, Cornell University
1:30 p.m. Using mathematics courses in support of humanities in a liberal arts curriculum. M. S. Jagadish*, Barry University
1:45 p.m. Special problems: An alternative to journals in mathematics courses. Kathleen Shannon*, Salisbury State University
Elizabeth Curtin, Salisbury State University
2:00 p.m. Mathematics in Western civilization. Dorothy Nelms*, Centre College
2:15 p.m. Humanizing basic skills requirements. Martin Hoffman*, Queens College, City University of New York
2:30 p.m. Teaching geometry humanistically to humanists. Thomas W. Rishel*, Cornell University
2:45 p.m. Thinking about mathematics teaching and learning: A case for multiple perspectives. Frank Davis*, Lesley College Graduate School
3:00 p.m. Mathematics as human activity: What is this notion that we call mathematics? Erick Smith*, Cornell University
3:15 p.m. Clustering mathematics: An approach to humanistic mathematics. John W. Emert*, Ball State University
Charles V. Jones, Ball State University
3:30 p.m. Content, process, instructor, system: Some issues in humanizing college mathematics. Julian Weissglass*, University of California, Santa Barbara