The Joint Mathematics Meetings Exhibits will be
held at the Baltimore Convention Center, Hall A, on January
1518, 2003. Hours of operation will be:
- Wednesday, January 15 - noon to 5:30 p.m.
- Thursday, January 16 - 9:30 a.m. to 5:30
- Friday, January 17 - 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Saturday, January 18 - 9:00 a.m. to noon
Books published by the AMS and MAA will be sold
at discounted prices somewhat below the cost for the same books purchased
by mail. These discounts will be available only to registered participants
wearing the official meetings badge. Most major credit cards will be accepted
for book sale purchases at the meetings. Also, AMS electronic products
and the AMS website will be demonstrated. Participants visiting the exhibits
will be asked to display their meetings badge or acknowledgment of registration
in order to enter the exhibit area.
All meeting participants are invited to visit
the AMS Information Booth during the meeting. Complimentary coffee and
tea will be served. A special gift will be available for participants,
compliments of the AMS. The membership manager of the Society will be
at the booth to answer questions about membership.
Companies signed to date are:
- ACTEX Publications
- (Society of) Actuaries & Casualty Actuarial
- Addison Wesley
- A K Peters, Ltd
- All By Hand
- American Institute of Mathematics Research
Conference Center
- American Mathematical Society
- American Statistical Association
- Birkhaüser Boston, Inc.
- BPP Professional Training
- Brooks/Cole, Thomson
- Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
- Cambridge University Press
- Center for Talented Youth, John Hopkins University
- (The) College Board
- CRC Press
- Design Science, Inc.
- Dover Publications
- Duxbury Press
- Educational Advancement Foundation - Legacy
of R. L. Moore Project
- Elsevier
- Green Lion Press
- Helaman Ferguson Sculptures
- Houghton Mifflin Company
- JCR, Inc.
- (The) John Hopkins University Press
- John Wiley & Sons
- Jones and Bartlett Publishers
- Kadon
Enterprises, Inc.
- Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company
- Key
College Publishing
- Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Link-Systems International, Inc.
- MacKichan
- Marcel Dekker, Inc.
- MASS Program at Penn State
- Mathematical Association of America
- Mathematics on the Web Exhibit
- Mathematics Throughout the Curriculum
- McGraw-Hill
Higher Education
- Michael Cherry
- National Science Foundation
- National Security Agency
- NOESIS, Inc. (Philosophical Research) (cancelled)
- Oxford University Press
- Phoenix Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Pi Mu Epsilon
- Powell's Technical Books
- Prentice Hall
- Princeton University Press
- Project
- Quant Systems
- SIAM-Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
- Taylor & Francis
- Texas Instruments
- Walter de Gruyter, Inc.
- Waterloo Maple, Inc.
- WebAssign
- W. H. Freeman & Company
- Wholemovement Geometry
- Wolfram Research
- World Scientific Publishing Company