Joint Mathematics Meetings Invited Addresses
Current as of Tuesday, April 12, 2005 15:10:29
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Inquiries: meet@ams.org
Joint Mathematics Meetings
Baltimore, MD, January 15-18, 2003
Meeting #983
Associate secretaries:
Susan J Friedlander, AMS susan@math.northwestern.edu
James J Tattersall, MAA tat@providence.edu
- Weinan E, Princeton University, Problems with multiple scales: Analysis, modeling and computations.
- David B. Mumford, Brown University, The shape of objects in two and three dimensions: Mathematics meets computer vision.
- Andrei Okounkov, University of California Berkeley, Dimers and amoebas.
- Charles C. Pugh, University of California Berkeley, Partial hyperbolicity.
- Dana Randall, Georgia Institute of Technology, Efficient algorithms for finding a random needle in a combinatorial haystack.
- Peter Sarnak, Courant Institute and Princeton University, Spectra of hyperbolic surfaces and applications, III.
- Peter Sarnak, Courant Institute and Princeton University, Spectra of hyperbolic surfaces and applications, II.
- Peter Sarnak, Courant Institute and Princeton University, Spectra of hyperbolic surfaces and applications, I.
- Vladimir Voevodsky, Institute for Advanced Study, Motivic homotopy theory.
- Donna L. Beers, Simmons College, What drives mathematics and where is mathematics driving innovation?
- Ivor Grattan-Guinness, Middlesex University, History or heritage? Historians and mathematicians on the history of mathematics.
- Paul J. Sally, Jr., University of Chicago, Is teaching about mathematics the same as teaching mathematics?
- Joseph H. Silverman, Brown University, The Ubiquity of Elliptic Curves.
- Richard A. Tapia, Rice University, Some Mathematical Insights Related to Automobile Drag Racing.
- Robin J Wilson, Open University, UK, Four colors suffice: a history and proof of the four-color problem.
Invited Addresses of Other Organizations
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Inquiries: meet@ams.org