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Employment Center Exhibit: A
special historical exhibit marking the 50th Anniversary of the Employment
Register is on display in the lobby outside of the Joint Meetings Registration
Started by the AMS and MAA in December, 1953 (later
joined by SIAM), the original Employment Register was conducted by J.
Sutherland Frame, who managed it with the help of other volunteers (the
Joint Committee on Employment Opportunities, JCEO) until 1959. At that
time, it consisted of four looseleaf binders filled with job announcements,
that were passed from meeting to meeting. The idea of an interview scheduling
process came up in the 1960's, and the original computer programming was
done by a JCEO member, D. R. Morrison. In the job crunch of the early
1970's, the print publication Employment Information in the Mathematical
Sciences was created to help with broadcasting job openings, and so the
Employment Register evolved from its beginnings as an actual paper register
to become an on-site meeting place for employers and applicants at the
Joint Meetings, which it is today, under its new name, the Employment
Over the years, applicants and employers have had
some complaints about each other, and also complaints about the room,
the noise, the bells, the lighting, the chairs, the schedule, and yes,
at times, the smell. But for 50 years they have sat through numerous useful
and less useful chats, always with the idea in mind that the right colleague
may appear on the other side of the table any moment now, and a connection
be formed that will be productive for decades. This exhibit chronicles
the ups and downs of an always difficult process, and even includes snapshots
of the careers of some individuals, as they happened in the years following
their Employment Register experience.
Audio-Visual Equipment:
Standard equipment in all session rooms is one overhead projector and
screen. (Invited 50-minute speakers are automatically provided with two
overhead projectors.) Blackboards are not available. Organizers of sessions
that by their nature demand additional equipment (e.g., VCR and monitor
or projection panel) and where the majority of speakers in the session
require this equipment should contact the audio-visual coordinator for
the meetings at the AMS office in Providence at 401-455-4140 or by e-mail
at wsd@ams.org to obtain the necessary
approvals. Individual speakers must consult with the session organizer(s)
if additional equipment or services are needed. If your session has no
organizer, please contact the audio-visual coordinator directly. All requests
should be received by November 4.
Equipment requests made at the meetings most likely
will not be granted because of budgetary restrictions. Unfortunately no
audio-visual equipment can be provided for committee meetings or other
meetings or gatherings not on the scientific program
Childcare: Many hotels will provide recommendations
for in-room childcare for guests through their concierge or front desks.
Call as early as possible for the best service, and at least one day in
advance. Arrangements represent a contractual agreement between each individual
and the child-care provider. The Joint Meetings assumes no responsibility
for the services rendered.
E-mail Services: Limited e-mail access for
all Joint Meeting participants will be available. The hours of operation
will be published in the program.
Information Distribution: Tables are set
up in the exhibit area for dissemination of general information of possible
interest to the members and for the dissemination of information of a
mathematical nature not promoting a product or program for sale.
If a person or group wishes to display information
of a mathematical nature promoting a product or program for sale, they
may do so in the exhibit area at the Joint Books, Journals, and Promotional
Materials exhibit for a fee of $55 (posters are slightly higher) per item.
Please contact the exhibits manager, MMSB, P.O. Box 6887, Providence,
RI 02940 or 401-455-4143 for further details.
The administration of these tables is in the hands
of the AMS-MAA Joint Meetings Committee, as are all arrangements for Joint
Mathematics Meetings.
Local Information: See http://www.baltimore.org/index2.htm
for information about the city. For the most up to date information on
weather in Baltimore, see http://www.usatoday.com/weather/cityforecast.aspx?LocationID=USMD0018.
Petition Table: At the request of the AMS
Committee on Human Rights of Mathematicians, a table will be made available
in the exhibit area at which petitions on behalf of named individual mathematicians
suffering from human rights violations may be displayed and signed by
meetings participants acting in their individual capacities. For details
contact the director of meetings in the Providence office at 401-455-4137
or by e-mail at dms@ams.org.
Signs of moderate size may be displayed at the
table but must not represent that the case of the individual in question
is backed by the Committee on Human Rights unless it has, in fact, so
voted. Volunteers may be present at the table to provide information on
individual cases, but notice must be sent at least seven days in advance
of the meetings to the director of meetings in the Providence office.
Since space is limited, it may also be necessary to limit the number of
volunteers present at the table at any one time. The Committee on Human
Rights may delegate a person to be present at the table at any or all
times, taking precedence over other volunteers.
Any material that is not a petition (e.g., advertisements,
résumés) will be removed by the staff. At the end of the
exhibits on Wednesday, any material on the table will be discarded, so
individuals placing petitions on the table should be sure to remove them
prior to the close of exhibits.
Telephone Messages: The most convenient
method for leaving a message is to do so with the participant's hotel.
Another method would be to leave a message at the meetings registration
desk from January 14 through 18 during the hours that the desk is open.
These messages will be posted on the Mathematics Meetings Message Board;
however, staff at the desk will try to locate a participant in the event
of a bona fide emergency. The telephone number will be published in the