Eight Lectures on Random Graphs
Eight lectures on random graphs, Monday and
Tuesday, January 3 and 4, organized by Alan M. Frieze,
Carnegie Mellon University.
The subject began properly with a sequence of seminal
papers in the 1960s by Paul Erdös and Alfred Rényi.
Erdös had already used randomly generated graphs
as a tool for showing the existence of various structures,
but these papers began the study of random graphs as
objects in their own right. Since that time there has
been much research establishing the likely structure
of various models of random graph and finding uses for
this knowledge. In this course we provide some of the
basic results and tools used in the area. Presenters
include Thomas A. Bohman, Carnegie Mellon University,
Evolution of Gn,m; Oleg Pikhurkho,
Carnegie Mellon University, Thresholds for some basic
properties; Benny Sudakov, Princeton University,
The probabilistic method; Andrzej Rucin´ski,
Adam Mickiewicz University, Small subgraphs;
Nick Wormald, University of Waterloo, Random
regular graphs; Dimitris Achlioptas, Microsoft
Research, Independence and chromatic number: sparse
case; Michael Molloy, University of
Toronto, Independence and chromatic number: dense
case; and Alan M. Frieze, Carnegie Mellon
University, Random graph models of the web.
Please note that there is a separate registration fee
for this Short Course. To register in advance, please
see http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2091_reghsg.html.
Advance registration fees are $125/member; $175/nonmember;
and $50/student, unemployed, emeritus. On-site registration
fees are $140/member; $190/nonmember; and $60/student,
unemployed, emeritus.