Join Us in San Antonio!


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Advance Registration is now closed. On-site JMM registration will be in the East Registration area on the street level of the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday (1/11); 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Thursday (1/12), Friday (1/13), and Saturday (1/14); and 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday (1/15).

Those interested in on-site registration for the AMS or MAA Short Course should go to just outside Room 207, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, between 8:00 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tuesday.


Where Your Registration Dollars Go:

The AMS and MAA make every effort to keep participant expenses at meetings and registration fees for meetings as low as possible. We work hard to negotiate the best hotel rates and to make the best use of your registration dollars to keep the meeting affordable for you. When you pay the registration fee, you are helping to support a wide range of activities associated with planning, organizing, and running a major meeting of this size.

Planning involves such activities as site selection which begins more than five years before the meeting. This encomapsses looking for the best hotel and convention center facilities at reasonable rates. The staff also attends to the needs of other organizations, such as the Association for Symbolic Logic, the Association for Women in Mathematics, and the National Association of Mathematicians. Processing over 1600 abstracts and scheduling all sessions, speakers, over 100 committee meetings, and more than 50 social events requires a great deal of precise planning and coordination. These activities along with the production and printing of the meetings program and timetable, the handling of over 4,000 advance registrations, making over 2,000 hotel reservations, preparing badges for advance registrants, and the mailing of advance registration materials are just a part where your registration dollar goes. At the meeting site some of the major expenses are room rental, audiovisual equipment and services, the email center, and support personnel (such as freight handlers and typists).

While the AMS and MAA work hard to make the best use of registration dollars and keep the meetings affordable, your suggestions on how to keep costs down are welcome. While at the meeting please enter your comments in the log at the Transparencies section of the Registration Desk. After the meeting is over, you may forward your suggestions to the Director of Meetings, AMS, P.O. Box 6887, Providence, RI 02940, or send email to

Cancellation Policy

Those who cancel their advance registration for the meetings, MAA Minicourses, or Short Courses by January 6 (the deadline for refunds for banquet tickets is January 2) will receive a 50% refund of fees paid. No refunds will be issued after this date.


Advance Registration Deadlines

There are four separate advance registration deadlines, each with its own advantages and benefits:

Employment Center October 26 Applicant and employer forms must be received by October 26 in order to be reproduced in the Winter Lists for the Employment Center.
EARLY November 4

Those who register by the early deadline of November 4 will be included in a random drawing to select winners of complimentary hotel rooms in San Antonio. Multiple occupancy is permissible. The location of rooms to be used in this lottery will be based on the number of complimentary rooms available in the various hotels. Therefore, the free room may not necessarily be in the winner's first-choice hotel. The winners will be notified by mail prior to December 17. So register early!

ORDINARY November 14 Those who register by the ordinary deadline of November 14 may elect to receive your badge and program by mail in advance of the meetings.
ORDINARY November 14 - Extended to November 28 Those who register after November 4and by the ordinary deadline of November 14 may use the housing services offered by the MMSB but are not eligible for the room lottery.
FINAL December 16 Those who register after November 14 and by the final deadline of December 16 must pick up their badges, programs, and any tickets for social events at the meetings. We will make every effort to accommodate all housing requests. If it is possible to extend the housing deadline of November 14, we will do so. Please note that the December 16 deadline is firm; any forms received after that date will be returned and full refunds issued. Please come to the registration desk in the East Registration Hall of the Convention Center.


Registration Fees and Categories


Register by
December 16

Register at Mtg

  (of AMS, ASL, CMS, MAA, or SIAM)
US $203 US $264
Nonmember US $315 US $409
Temporarily Employed US $163 US $189
Temporarily Employed: Any person currently employed but who will become unemployed by June 1, 2006, and who is actively seeking employment.
Emeritus Member
  AMS or MAA
US $41 US $51
Emeritus: Persons who qualify for emeritus membership in either the Society or the Association. The emeritus status refers to any person who has been a member of the AMS or MAA for twenty years or more and who retired because of age or long-term disability from his or her latest position.
Graduate Student US $41 US $51

Graduate Student: Those currently working toward a degree or diploma. Students are asked to determine whether their status can be described as graduate (working toward a degree beyond the bachelor's), undergraduate (working toward a bachelor's degree), or high school (working toward a high school diploma).

Unemployed US $41 US $51
Unemployed: Any person currently unemployed, actively seeking employment, and not a student. It is not intended to include any person who has voluntarily resigned or retired from his or her latest position
Librarian US $41 US $51
Librarian: Any librarian who is not a professional mathematician.
High School Teacher US $41 US $51
Developing Countries Special Rate US $41 US $51
Developing Countries: Any person employed in developing countries where salary levels are radically noncommensurate with those in the U.S.
Undergraduate Student US $21 US $27
High School Student US $2 US $5
One-Day Member (onsite only)
  (of AMS, ASL, CMS, MAA, or SIAM)
N/A US $145
One-Day Nonmember (onsite only) N/A US $225
Nonmathematician Guest $15 $15
Guest: Any family member or friend who is not a mathematician and who is accompanied by a participant of the meetings. These official guests will receive a badge and may attend all sessions and the exhibits.
AMS Short Course: Modeling and Simulation of Biological Networks


Register by
December 16

Register at Mtg

AMS Short Course - member of AMS or MAA US $87 US $118
AMS Short Course - nonmember US $115 US $148
AMS Short Course - student, unemployed, emeritus US $38 US $57
MAA Short Course: Experimental Mathematics in Action


Register by
December 16

Register at Mtg

MAA Short Course - member of MAA or AMS US $125 US $140
MAA Short Course - nonmember US $175 US $190
MAA Short Course - student, unemployed, emeritus US $50 US $60
Employment Center


Register by
December 16

Register at Mtg

Employment Center-1st Table (computer or self-scheduled) US $230 US $310
Employment Center-2nd Table (computer or self-scheduled) US $80 US $110
Employment Center-Posting Job Description Only US $50 N/A
Employment Center-Applicant (all services) US $42 US $80
Employment Center-Applicant (winter list & message center only) US $21 US $21



Minicourses (all fees apply before and during the meeting)

Minicourses 1-6 (Computer minis): US $95 (limit 30)
Minicourses 7-16: US $60 (limit 50)

#1 Designing and Evaluating Assessments for Introductory Statistics

#2 Java Applets in Teaching Mathematics SOLD OUT

#3 Using and Adapting Online Materials

#4 Creating Interactive Workbooks Using MS EXCEL

#5 Finite Group Behavior: Windows Software for Teaching Beginning Group Theory

#6 Technology Tools for Discrete Mathematics

#7 Geometry with History for Teaching Teachers

#8 Mathematical and Statistical Modelling in Biology: Competitive Exclusion, Coexistence, Estimation and Control

#9 Discrete Dynamical Systems and Problem Solving

#10 A Beginner's Guide to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Mathematics

#11 Teaching a Course in the History of Mathematics

#12 Getting Students Involved in Undergraduate Research

#13 The Fibonacci and Catalan Numbers

#14 Teaching Linear Algebra with Applications

#15 A Novel Approach to Problem Solving

#16 Fair Division: From Cake-Cutting to Dispute Resolution

Participants Who Are Not Members of the AMS and register for the meetings as a nonmember will receive mailings after the meetings are over with a special membership offer.



LOOK!Looking for a roommate? Please check the Roommate Search Board here.

Participants requiring hotel reservations should either call the hotels listed on the hotel page to see if there is any availability or call the Convention & Visitors Bureau at (800) 447-3372 for assistance. Special meeting rates listed cannot be guaranteed.

Participants should be aware that most hotels are starting to charge a penalty fee to guests for departure changes made after guests have checked into their rooms. These hotels are indicated on the hotel page. Participants should also inquire about this at check-in and make their final plans accordingly.

Participants should also be aware that it is general hotel practice in most cities to hold a nonguaranteed reservation until 6:00 p.m. only. When one guarantees a reservation by paying a deposit or submitting a credit card number as a guarantee in advance, however, the hotel usually will honor this reservation up until checkout time the following day. If the individual holding the reservation has not checked in by that time, the room is then released for sale, and the hotel retains the deposit or applies one night's room charge to the credit card number submitted.


If you hold a guaranteed reservation at a hotel but are informed upon arrival that there is no room for you, there are certain things you can request the hotel do. First, they should provide for a room at another hotel in town for that evening at no charge. (You already paid for the first night when you made your deposit.) They should pay for taxi fares to the other hotel that evening and back to the meetings the following morning. They should also pay for one telephone toll call so that you can let people know you are not at the hotel you expected. They should make every effort to find a room for you in their hotel the following day and, if successful, pay your taxi fares to and from the second hotel so that you can pick up your baggage and bring it to the first hotel. Not all hotels in all cities follow this practice, so your request for these services may bring mixed results or none at all.


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