SIGMAAs will be hosting a number of interesting
activities, sessions, and guest lecturers. There are currently
nine such focus groups offering members opportunities to interact
not only at meetings but throughout the year via newsletters and
email-based communications. For more information visit
SIGMAA Officers Meeting, Friday, 8:00 a.m.
to 10:00 a.m., chaired by Stephen C. Carlson, Rose-Hulman
Institute of Technology.
SIGMAA on Business, Industry, and Government
Reception, Friday, 5:45 p.m. to 6:45
p.m. (see the "Social Events" section).
Mathematics Experiences in Business, Industry
and Government, Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (see
the "Contributed Paper Session" section).
SIGMAA on Environmental Mathematics
Environmental Modeling, Thursday, 2:15 p.m.
to 4:15 p.m. (see the "Invited
Paper Session" section).
Business Meeting and Special Invited Presentation,
Thursday, 4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., organized by Ben A. Fusaro,
Florida State University. Guest lecturer Bruce Herbert,
TAMU Geology Department, will speak on Complex earth and environmental
The Environmental Math SIGMAA has organized a Saturday
afternoon bus trip. It will be led by Texas A&M geologist
Bruce Herbert.
The focus of the trip is a slow-moving, massive
underground river, the Edwards Aquifer. San Antonio and many Texas
cities in the surrounding region are semi arid. They, like the
18th century Spanish missions, were able to thrive because of
the large and abundant springs fed by this aquifer. It currently
supplies the water for agricultural, industrial, recreational,
and domestic needs of two million users.
We will visit the San Marcos mission, about 45 minutes
from San Antonio. There are more than 200 springs near San Marcos,
most of which burst forth from three large fissures. Along the
way, Dr. Herbert will give us a minicourse on the hydrology of
the aquifer. We will stop occasionally to examine interesting
geological features. We will depart at 1:30 pm and return at 5:00
For just $15 you can join us in this trip led by
a knowledgeable and enthusiastic educator and geologist. Send
email to Michael Pearson,,
or Hal Nesbitt,,
to reserve a seat. For more information contact Ben Fusaro,
SIGMAA on the History of Mathematics
Using History of Mathematics in Your Mathematics
Courses, Friday, 8:00 a.m. to noon. (see the "Contributed
Paper Session" section).
Annual Meeting and Guest Lecture, Friday,
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., organized by Amy Shell-Gellasch,
Grafenwoer, Germany. The annual business meeting will begin with
light snacks and a cash bar. The annual invited lecture will follow
the meeting. This year Kim L. Plofker, University of Utrecht,
will speak on History of mathematics and original sources in
India: A fieldwork report. For more information, please go
to the HOM SIGMAA website, accessible from the MAA website, or
contact Amy Shell-Gellasch at
The Shapes of Sacred Space: The Geometry of Ancient
Maya Art and Architecture, organized by Amy Shell-Gellasch,
Grafenwoer, Germany, Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. Edwin
L Barnhart, Director of Maya Exploration Center, and Christopher
Powell, Senior Research Associate of Maya Exploration Center
will discuss an exciting new line of research on what is being
called Maya Sacred Geometry. Based on Powells
own original research, it will explain how, like the ancient Egyptians
and Greeks, the Maya used proportions derived from nature in their
art and architecture. Decades of research have failed to produce
a Maya unit of measure and now Powells research
finally explains why. Buildings and stone carved panels exhibiting
the Golden Proportion, as well as the dynamic proportions of square
root rectangles, are now being "discovered" all over
the ancient Maya World. Evidence for a still surviving tradition
of Maya geometry will also be presented. This session is sponsored
by the MAA SIGMAA on the History of Mathematics.
SIGMAA on the Philosophy of Mathematics
Annual Meeting, Reception, and Guest Lecture,
Saturday, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., organized by Bonnie Gold,
Monmouth University. The meeting will be chaired by Roger A.
Simons, Rhode Island College. The guest lecture will be given
by Paul Humphreys, University of Virginia.
SIGMAA on Quantitative Literacy
Business Meeting and Reception, Saturday,
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., organized by Caren L. Diefenderfer,
Hollins University; Judith F. Moran, Trinity College; and
Maura B. Mast, University of Massachusetts Boston.
SIGMAA on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics
Research on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate
Mathematics, Friday, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (see the "Contributed
Paper Session" section).
Business Meeting and Guest Lecturer, Friday,
5:45 p.m .to 7:45 p.m., organized by Barbara E. Edwards,
Oregon State University.
A MAA Notes Sampler, Sunday, 9:00
a.m. to 10:20 a.m., organized by Barbara E. Edwards,
Oregon State University, and William O. Martin, North Dakota
State University. The panel will discuss several chapters from
an upcoming MAA Notes volume on research in undergraduate
mathematics education, with emphasis on the implications of that
research in the teaching of undergraduate mathematics courses.
The volume will include papers written by mathematics education
researchers and by mathematicians discussing topics in the undergraduate
curriculum as well as overarching issues in undergraduate mathematics
education. Panelists are Chris Rasmussen, San Diego State
University; and Marilyn P. Carlson and Michael Oehrtman,
Arizona State University.
SIGMAA on Statistics
First Steps for Implementing the Recommendations
of the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics
Education (GAISE) College Report, Saturday afternoon, 1:00
p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (see the "Contributed
Paper Session" section).
SIGMAA on Statistics Education
Implications of the New ASA (GAISE) Guidelines
for Teaching Statistics, Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 9:20 a.m.,
organized by Thomas L. Moore, Grinnell College, and Christopher
J. Lacke, Rowan University. Participants in the Guidelines
for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE)
project have created two reports of recommendations for introductory
statistics courses (college level) and statistics education in
preKto12 years. These committees were commissioned by the
American Statistical Association, which recently approved the
recommendations of both GAISE committees. This panel will explore
implications of the college-level GAISE recommendations to how
we teach introductory statistics and implications of the preKto12
GAISE recommendations to how we prepare elementary, middle grade,
and secondary teachers as well as implications for college statistics
teachers on serving students who enter college having studied
statistics. We will hear two panelists from each GAISE committee,
one of whom will discuss the history and context of the committee's
work and the other of whom will discuss the current state of their
recommendations within their respective domains of college-level
statistics and preKto12 level statistics. Panelists will be
Robin H. Lock, St. Lawrence University; Roxy Peck,
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Mike
Perry, Appalachian State University; and Jessica Utts,
University of California Davis. The session will be moderated
by Carolyn K. Cuff, Westminster College.
Requiring Statistics of Every Mathematics Major:
Model Courses, Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. (see
"MAA Other Sessions" section).
Business Meeting, Friday, 5:45 p.m. to
7:45 p.m., organized by Thomas L. Moore, Grinnell College.
There will be refreshments, prizes, and a chance to network with
statistics educators from around the country.
SIGMAA on the Teaching of Advanced High School
AP Calculus: Friend or Foe?, Saturday, 9:00
a.m. to 10:20 a.m., organized by Daniel J. Teague,
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. It is estimated
that as many as 500,000 students are taking calculus in high school
this year, the majority of them through an AP course. Does AP
calculus serve the needs of these students for a strong foundation
in mathematics or has the rush to calculus weakened the students'
background in precalculus mathematics? Is AP calculus the best
preparation for future mathematicians? How are we addressing the
200,000 students who have taken calculus in high school but are
repeating the course in college because they either did poorly
on the AP exam, or took calculus for college admissions with no
expectation of advanced placement? What can the MAA community
of mathematicians offer AP teachers to insure that AP calculus
continues to be a friend to quality mathematics education rather
than a foe? Panelists include David M. Bressoud, Macalaster
College; Susan Schwartz Wildstrom, Walt Whitman High School;
and Daniel Kennedy, The Baylor School.
Business Meeting and Guest Lectures, Friday,
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., organized by Murray Eisenberg,
University of Massachusetts. The guest speakers are Thomas
F. Banchoff, Brown University, and Douglas A. Quinney,
University of Keele.
Serious Data and Serious Tools on the Web for
a Serious Problem, Saturday, 2:30 p.m. to 3:50 p.m., organized
by Franklin A. Wattenberg, U.S. Military Academy. In 1972
the authors of Limits to Growth said, "If present growth
trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food
production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits
to growth on this planet will be reached sometime within the next
100 years. The most probable result will be a rather sudden and
uncontrolled decline in both population and industrial capacity."
Julian Symon responded, "The material conditions of life will
continue to get better for most people, in most countries, most
of the time, indefinitely." Thirty-three years later the debate
rages on. Besides being an important problem, this is an excellent
venue for mathematical modeling. At the U.S. Military Academy
this topic is a theme in the mathematics program from the first
semester of the two-year core mathematics sequence through the
senior-level capstone course. This session emphasizes model-building,
and analyzing and using data obtained largely from the Web, rather
than completed models.