This two-day Short Course on
Leonhard Euler - Looking Back After 300 Years is organized
by Edward Sandifer, Western Connecticut State University,
and Robert Bradley, Adelphi University, and will take place
on Wednesday and Thursday, January 3 and 4, 2007.
In 2007 we celebrate the 300th anniversary
of Euler's birth. As the preparation and publication of more than
70 volumes of his works and correspondence in the Opera Omnia begins
to wind down, this is a fitting occasion to take an in depth look
at what Euler did and how it fit in the context of his own times.
Seven historians of mathematics will describe their recent work
on Euler, his life, times, science and mathematics.
The program includes the following lectures:
A Mathematical Life in the Enlightenment, Ronald S. Calinger,
Catholic University of America; Leonhard Euler and the Function
Concept, Ruediger Thiele, University of Leipzig; D'Alembert,
Clairaut and Lagrange: Euler and the French Mathematical Community;
Robert E. Bradley, Adelphi University; Enter, Stage
Center: The Early Drama of Hyperbolic Functions in the Age of Euler,
Janet Barnett, Colorado State University - Pueblo; Euler
and Classical Physics, Stacy G. Langton, University of
San Diego; Elliptic Integrals, Mechanics and Differential Equations,
Lawrence A. D'Antonio, Ramapo College; and Euler's Great
Theorems, Edward Sandifer, Western Connecticut State
University. Abstracts and program of the lectures can be found at
Please note there is a separate registration
fee for this short course. To register in advance, please click
Advance registration fees are US$125/member; US$175/nonmember; and
$50/student, unemployed, emeritus. On-site registration fees are
US$140/member; US$190/nonmember; and US$60/student, unemployed,
This course will be held in the Rhythms
Ballroom I, Sheraton New Orleans.
Onsite registration will be from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday
January 3, 2007, and will be held right outside this room.