Joint Mathematics Meetings
New Orleans, LA, January 5-8, 2007 (Friday - Monday)
Meeting #1023
Associate secretaries: Susan J Friedlander, AMS James J Tattersall, MAA
Links to abstracts will be available approximately one
week (for sectional meetings) to four weeks (for national
meetings) after the abstracts deadline.
Invited Addresses of Other Organizations
Tony DeRose, Pixar Animation Studios, Geometry in the movies. (SIAM)
Matthew D. Foreman, University of California Irvine, Classifying Measure Preserving Transformations. (ASL)
Su Gao, University of North Texas, Countable group actions and hyperfinite equivalence relations. (ASL)
Valentina S. Harizanov, George Washington University, Back and forth through computable model theory. (ASL)
Ulrich Kohlenbach, Darmstadt University of Technology, Recent Uses of Proof Theory in Nonlinear Analysis and Geodesic Geometry. (ASL)
Michael Rathjen, Ohio State University and University of Leeds, Independence and equiconsistency results in intuitionistic set theory. (ASL)
Reed Solomon, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Almost everywhere domination. (ASL)
Karen Vogtmann, Cornell University, Automorphisms of free groups, outer space, and beyond. (AWM)
Nathaniel Whitaker, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Some mathematical models for modeling blood flow in the kidney. (NAM)
Scott Williams, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Why ``Mathematicians of the African Dispora"? (NAM)
Carol S. Wood, Wesleyan University, Reducts of Omega-Categorical Theories. (ASL)