9:00 a.m. The Dynamic Nature of Functional Brain Networks of Emotion Regulation. Reinhard Laubenbacher*, Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine and UConn Health
Sherli Koshy Chenthittayil, Center for Quantitative Medicine, UConn Health
Paola Vera-Licona, Center for Quantitative Medicine, UConn Health
Michael Stevens, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT
Andrew Poppe, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT
11:00 a.m. A topological study of protein folding kinetics. Eleni Panagiotou*, Department of Mathematics University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Kevin W Plaxco, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Center for Bioengineering University of California Santa Barbara
1:00 p.m. Deducing dynamical rules via machine learning and topology. Angelika Manhart, Imperial College
Dhananjay Bhaskar, Brown University
Jesse Milzman, University of Maryland
John Nardini*, North Carolina State University
Chad Topaz, Williams College
Kathleen Storey, University of Michigan
Lori Ziegelmeier, Macalester College