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JMM 2020 Blog

JMM 2020

The largest mathematics meeting in the world is coming to Denver! The American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) invite you to join them in Denver, January 15 - 18, 2020! Record-breaking attendance is expected!

This meeting is a must-attend for anyone interested in learning about innovative mathematical research, advancing mathematical achievement, providing the communication and tools to progress in the field, encouraging mathematical research, and connecting with the mathematical community. It will include:

  • a comprehensive and rich scientific program, offering something for mathematicians at all levels;
  • prize and award ceremonies, honoring the achievements of outstanding mathematicians;
  • the AMS Short Course and the MAA Minicourses, offering opportunities for continued education;
  • the Grad School Fair and the Undergraduate Poster Session for undergraduate students;
  • the AMS Employment Center for job opportunities;
  • the Annual Mathematical Art Exhibition, a multi-media exhibition; and
  • the "Who Wants to Be a Mathematician Championship" and Math Wrangle Competitions, showcasing the brilliance of some of the nation's best high school students

Thank You to Our Sponsors!



Maplesoft has provided mathematics-based software solutions to educators and researchers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields for over 25 years. Maplesoft's flagship product, Maple, combines the world's most powerful mathematics engine with an interface that makes it extremely easy to analyze, explore, visualize, and solve mathematical problems.

Listen as Mike Breen, AMS Public Awareness Officer, talks with Charlotte Turnbull from Maplesoft, about Maplesoft's participation in the meeting.



Edfinity provides online homework mapped to any publisher or OER textbook. Choose from 200+ ready-to-go, peer-reviewed courses or create your own in minutes. NSF-supported, WeBWorK-compatible, and used by over 100 institutions. \$2-\$4/student/month.

Listen as Mike Breen, AMS Public Awareness Officer, talks with Sid Grover from Edfinity, about Edfinity's participation in the meeting.



At Pearson, our educational and assessment tools, content, products, and services are designed to help learners at every stage open doors to new experiences. Because wherever learning flourishes, so do people. For more information visit us at pearson.com/us

Listen as Mike Breen, AMS Public Awareness Officer, talks with Jeff Weidenaar from Pearson, about Pearson's participation in the meeting.

