Registration/Course Fees and Categories

All fees are in US\$ ONLY. 

Registration Category
(see definitions below)
By Dec. 20
(midnight EST)
After Dec. 20
Member of AIM, AMS, AWM, ASA, NAM, or SIAM \$374 \$492
Nonmember \$593 \$756
Graduate Student \$84 \$98
Undergraduate Student \$84 \$98
High School Student \$84 \$98
Unemployed \$84 \$98
Retired \$84 \$98
Developing Country Participant \$84 \$98
High School Teacher \$84 \$98
Librarian \$84 \$98
One-day Only - Member (AIM, AMS, AWM, ASA, NAM, or SIAM) N/A \$267
One-day Only - Nonmember N/A \$416
Non-mathematician Guest \$28 \$28
Any child 16 years and younger can attend the meeting free of charge but must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
AMS Short Course - Polynomial systems, homotopy continuation and applications

(1/2 - 1/3, 2023)
By Dec. 20
(midnight EST)
After Dec. 20
Member \$184 \$235
Nonmember \$282 \$334
Student, Unemployed, Emeritus \$107 \$138
JMM Professional Enhancement Program (PEP) - Per program: \$125  Member (AIM, AMS, AWM, ASA, NAM, or SIAM); \$175 Nonmember    

All of these programs are open only to persons who register for the Joint Mathematics Meetings and pay the Joint Mathematics Meetings registration fee, in addition to the appropriate program fee. The AMS reserves the right to cancel any program that is undersubscribed. Note: Online registration will turn off for PEPs on 1/3. After that, registration for a PEP can only be done in person at a cashier station at the meeting, through 1/4. Registration will be closed for the PEPs after 1/4. 

#1: Breaking the Cycle of Mechanisms of Inequality in Mathematics Teaching and Learning
#2: Developing Mathematics Programs for Workforce Preparation in Data Science and Other Applications
***CANCELLED*** #3. Evidence-based Practices for More Effective Mentoring Relationships
#4: Inclusive Active Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics
***CANCELLED*** #5: Recruiting and Mentoring Majors in the Mathematical Sciences
#6: Using Your Voice for Influence and Impact: Incorporating Mathematics into Public Discourse
#7: Creating accessible and interactive documents with PreTeXt
***CANCELLED*** #8: How to Run Successful Math Circles for Students and Teachers
#9: Introductory Python Jupyter Notebooks for College Math Teachers
#10: Visualizing Projective Geometry Through Photographs and Perspective Drawings
#11: Getting Started in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Grad School Fair - \$150 per table for non-institutional members, \$100 for institutional members
Graduate Program Table - fees apply per table for either Fall Virtual Grad School Fair or JMM Grad School Fair (includes table/poster board/electricity)
 Career Fair - \$150 per table, FREE for corporate members
Table - Fees apply per table for JMM Career Fair (includes table/poster board/electricity and one free hour slot in the BEGIN Career Center)
Department Chairs Workshop - \$200 per person for Members of AMS; \$300 per person for Nonmembers
Employment Center

Information and registration for the Employment Center is available here or contact the Employment Center Staff at the American Mathematical Society:

Colleen Rose - Phone: 800-321-4267 ext. 4124 or by email:

Definitions of Registration Categories
Full-Time Students:
Any person who is currently working toward a degree or diploma is eligible for this category. Students are asked to determine whether their status can be described as a graduate (working toward a degree beyond the bachelor’s), an undergraduate (working toward a bachelor’s degree), or high school (working toward a high school diploma) and to mark the Registration and Housing Form accordingly. 
Any person who has been a member of the AMS for twenty years or more and who retired because of age or long-term disability from his or her latest position is eligible for this category.
Emeritus (for Short Course):
Any person who has been a member of the AMS for twenty years or more and who retired because of age or long-term disability from his or her latest position is eligible for this category.
Any librarian who is not a professional mathematician is eligible for this category.
Any person who is currently unemployed, actively seeking employment, and is not a student is eligible for this category. This category is not intended to include any person who has voluntarily resigned or retired from his or her latest position.
Developing Country Participant:
Any person who is employed in a developing country, where salary levels are radically not commensurate with those in the U.S., is eligible for this category. See the most recent list of developing countries here.
Non-mathematician Guest:
Any family member, friend, or associate, who is not a mathematician, and who is accompanied by a participant in the meeting is eligible for this category. Guests will receive a badge and may attend any session, talk, or other event at the meeting.