Programs and Activities of Particular Interest to Students
Many opportunities and events of interest to students and young mathematicians are offered at this meeting. Please see the list below; however it is not exhaustive.
AMS Erdős Lecture for Students, Eugenia Cheng, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Associativity, Commutativity and Units: a Higher-dimensional ballet, Wednesday, 11:10 am – 12:00 pm.
PME J. Sutherland Frame Lecture, organized by Paul Fishback, Grand Valley State University; Wednesday, 5:00 pm. Edray Herber Goins, Pomona College will provide this lecture, Distance makes the Math Grow Deeper: Rational Distance Sets, Nate Dean, and Me.
MAA Project NExT Lecture on Teaching and Learning, organized by Dave Kung, Charles A. Dana Center, The University of Texas at Austin; Thursday, 11:10 am. Estrella Johnson, Virginia Tech, will provide this lecture. What the Research Says about Active Learning – and What it Doesn’t
JPBM Communications Award Lecture, Saturday, 10:05–10:55 am. Presented by Jordan S. Ellenberg, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Outward-facing mathematics
JPBM Communications Award Lecture, Thursday, 3:50–4:00 pm. Presented by Grant Sanderson, 3blue1brown, Raising the ceiling and lowering the floor of math exposition
JPBM Communications Award Lecture, Saturday, 1:00–1:50 pm. Presented by Talithia Williams, Harvey Mudd College, The power of talk: Engaging the public in mathematics
Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences (ACMS) Reception and Lecture
Lightning Talks in Environmental Mathematics
PME Panel: What Every Student Should Know about the JMM, organized by Jennifer Beineke, Western New England University, Stephanie Edwards, Hope College, and Tom Wakefield, Youngstown State University; Wednesday, 1:00–2:30 pm and Thursday, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm. Navigating a large conference can be overwhelming, even for those who have previously attended such an event. Common questions may include: How do I get the most out of the program? What sessions are especially for students? What other events should I be on the lookout for? Will I understand any of the invited addresses or should I not bother attending them? If I am presenting a poster, where do I go to set it up? How can I get some cool, free math stuff? Students and their faculty mentors are encouraged to attend. Panelists are Jennifer Beineki, Western New England University, Stephanie Edwards, Hope College, and Tom Wakefield, Youngstown State University. This panel is sponsored by the Pi Mu Epsilon Honorary Mathematics Society.
Pi Mu Epsilon Contributed Sessions on Research by Undergraduates, organized by Jennifer Beineke, Western New England University, Darci Kracht, Kent State University, and Thomas Wakefield, Youngstown State University; Thursday morning and afternoon.
AMS-SIAM Special Session on Research in Mathematics by Undergraduates and Students in Post-Baccalaureate Programs I, organized by Darren A. Narayan, Rochester Institute of Technology, Khang Tran, California State University, Fresno, Mark Daniel Ward, Purdue University, John C. Wierman, Johns Hopkins University, and Christopher O'Neil, San Diego State University
AMS - PME Student Poster Session, organized by Chad Awtrey, Samford University, Paul Fishback, Grand Valley State University, and Frank Patane, Samford University; Friday,10:30 am–12:00 pm and 3:30–5:00 pm. These sessions feature research done by undergraduate students. First-year graduate students are eligible to present if their research was completed while they were still undergraduates. Research by high school students can be accepted if the research was conducted under the supervision of a faculty member at a post-secondary institution. NEW! See schedule here.
Appropriate content for a poster includes, but is not limited to, a new result, a new proof of a known result, a new mathematical model, an innovative solution to a Putnam problem, or a method of solution to an applied problem. Purely expository material is not appropriate for this session.
Deadline for New Submissions for AMS-PME Poster Session and PME Contributed Paper sessions has PASSED.
Questions regarding this session should be directed to Chad Awtrey,, Paul Fishback,, or Frank Patane,
Career Fair, Thursday, 8:30–10:30 am. This is an opportunity for mathematically-trained job seekers at various phases of education and experience—graduate students, undergraduates, post-doctoral, and others—to interact in-person with employers in Business, Entrepreneurship, Government, Industry, and Nonprofit (BEGIN). This event is your chance to network and learn what it takes to do a BEGIN job. If your company is interested in participating, for US\$150 (Free for Corporate members), a table will be provided for your posters and printed materials, and you are welcome to speak to interested students personally. Complimentary coffee will be served, sponsored by the AMS.
Grad School Fair, Friday, 8:30–10:30 am. Here is the opportunity for undergrads to meet representatives from mathematical sciences graduate programs from universities all over the country. January is a great time for juniors to learn more, and college seniors may still be able to refine their search. This is your chance for one-stop shopping in the graduate school market. At JMM 2020, over 300 students met with representatives from more than 70 graduate programs. If your school has a graduate program and you are interested in participating, for US\$150 for non-institutional members and US\$100 for institutional members, a table will be provided for your posters and printed materials, and you are welcome to personally speak to interested students. Complimentary coffee will be served, sponsored by the AMS. More information is available here.
Membership Promotions
JMM 2023 registrants who are members of one of the eligible JMM partner organizations and have not been AMS members since 2020, are qualified to receive 50% off an American Mathematical Society membership! This special offer is available until February 1, 2023.
To receive your discount, please use the same email account you used to register for JMM. Join today!
Eligible JMM partner organizations: American Institute of Mathematics (AIM), American Statistical Association (ASA), Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), National Association of Mathematicians (NAM), and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). This offer excludes Affiliate, Life, and Unemployed memberships.
Complimentary Professional Portraits: Complimentary Professional Portraits for AMS members on January 5-6 (Thursday–Friday). Schedule your appointment here.
The AWM offers a 50% discount for new members. Student membership costs \$20.
Social Events
Undergraduate Student Reception
Uniform Convergence: A One-Woman Play
Yearly Gather: Collaborative Puzzle Time!
Travel Grants
Undergraduate Student Travel Grants: Applications will be accepted on from September 1, 2022 through October 21, 2022. See more details here.
Graduate Student Travel Grants: Applications will be accepted September 1, 2022 through October 14, 2022 ONLY from doctoral students in mathematics who are in their last two years of study; i.e., applicants must not have received their doctoral degrees before the travel takes place but must expect to receive them within twelve months of the JMM. No student shall receive a grant more than once. Exception for JMM 2023-—those who received grant support for the virtual JMM in 2022 are eligible to apply for the JMM 2023 grant. See more details here.