Programs and Activities of Particular Interest to Students

Many opportunities and events of interest to students and young mathematicians are offered at this meeting. Please see the list below; however it is not exhaustive.


Look for student rates at all JMM hotels, all based on availability. See details here.


Career Fair, Thursday, 8:30–10:30 a.m. The AMS Career Fair is an opportunity for mathematically trained job seekers at various phases of education and experience—undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and others—to interact in person with employers in Business, Entrepreneurship, Government, Industry, and Nonprofit (BEGIN). This event is job seekers’ chance to discover how their mathematical training makes them strong candidates for BEGIN jobs.

Recruiters can represent their companies or organizations and connect with potential employees. For US\$180/\$0 AMS Corporate Member, recruiters will be provided with a table for print materials, where they will also be welcome to engage personally with interested BEGIN job seekers.

More information is available here.

Graduate School Fair, Friday, 8:30–10:30 a.m. This event is undergraduate and master’s students’ chance for one-stop shopping in the graduate school market. January is a great time for college juniors to learn more about applying to graduate school, and seniors may still be able to refine their search. Meet representatives from mathematical sciences graduate programs from universities all over the United States. At JMM 2023, over 300 students engaged with representatives from more than 60 graduate programs.

Colleges and universities that offer graduate programs in the mathematical sciences are invited to exhibit at this event. For US\$200/\$140 AMS Institutional Member, program representatives will be provided with a table on which to display posters and printed materials, and where they will be able to speak directly with interested students.

More information is available here.


AMS Erdős Lecture for Students, John Urschel, MIT, From Moments to Matrices, Wednesday, 11:00 a.m.

MAA Lecture on Teaching and Learning, Yvonne Lai, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, (Why) To Build Bridges in Math Education?; Thursday, 11:00 a.m.

PME J. Sutherland Frame Lecture, Trachette Jackson, University of Michigan, Mobilizing Mathematics for the Fight Against Cancer, Friday, 2:15 p.m.

Current Events Bulletin

Membership Promotions


JMM 2024 registrants who are members of one of the eligible JMM partner organizations and have not been AMS members since 2021, are qualified to receive 50% off an American Mathematical Society membership! This special offer is available until February 1, 2024.

To receive your discount, please use the same email account you used to register for JMM. Join today!

Eligible JMM partner organizations: American Statistical Association (ASA), Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), Mathematical Association of America (MAA), National Association of Mathematicians (NAM), and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

This offer excludes Affiliate, Life, and Unemployed memberships.


The AWM offers a 50% discount for new members. Student membership costs \$25.


SIAM offers 25% off of SIAM Membership including Activity Groups, effective January 3 – February 29.


PME Panel: What Every Student Should Know about the JMM, organized by Jennifer Beineke, Western New England University, Stephanie Edwards, Hope College, and Thomas Wakefield, Youngstown State University; Wednesday, 1:00–2:30 p.m. and Thursday, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Navigating a large conference can be overwhelming, even for those who have previously attended such an event. Common questions may include: How do I get the most out of the program? What sessions are especially for students? What other events should I be on the lookout for? How can I get some cool, free math stuff? Students and their faculty mentors are encouraged to attend. This panel is sponsored by the Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honorary Society.


Pi Mu Epsilon Contributed Paper Sessions on Research by Undergraduates, organized by Thomas Wakefield, Youngstown State University, and Jennifer Beineke, Western New England University; Thursday, 1:00–5:00 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. These sessions provide a venue for undergraduate students to deliver podium presentations that are either purely expository in nature or based on original research. First-year graduate students are eligible to present if their research was completed while they were still undergraduates. High school students are eligible to present if their research was conducted under the supervision of a faculty member at a post-secondary institution. Presenters need not be members of any particular mathematics or honorary society.

Participants should submit an abstract through the JMM abstract submission portal by September 26. Questions regarding this session should be directed to Chad Awtrey. Deadline has passed.

AMS-PME Student Poster Session, organized by Chad Awtrey, Samford University, and Frank Patane, Samford University; Friday, 12:00–1:30 p.m. and 3:30–5:00 p.m. These sessions feature research done by undergraduate students. First-year graduate students are eligible to present if their research was completed while they were still undergraduates. Research by high school students can be accepted if the research was conducted under the supervision of a faculty member at a post-secondary institution.

Appropriate content for a poster includes, but is not limited to, a new result, a new proof of a known result, a new mathematical model, an innovative solution to a Putnam problem, or a method of solution to an applied problem. Purely expository material is not appropriate for this session.

Participants should submit an abstract through the JMM abstract submission portal by September 26. Questions regarding this session should be directed to Chad Awtrey or Frank Patane. Deadline has passed.

Social Events

Travel Grants

Graduate Student Travel Grants: With funding from the AMS Next Generation Fund, the AMS will be accepting applications for partial travel support for graduate students attending the JMM 2024. While the AMS encourages students’ institutions to match the award, matching is not required.

This program supports selected doctoral students in mathematics who are in their last two years of study. No student shall receive a grant more than once. Information can be found here. Applications accepted from September 1 through October 17, 2023 (11:59 pm ET). Apply here.

Undergraduate Student Travel Grants: With support from the National Science Foundation and an anonymous donor, the AMS is offering travel support to a limited number of undergraduate students who are presenting in the following JMM sessions: Pi Mu Epsilon Undergraduate Poster Session, AMS-SIAM Special Session on Research in Mathematics by Undergraduates and Students in Post-baccalaureate Programs, and Other Special or Contributed Paper Sessions at the JMM 2024.

Awards will help undergraduate students defray travel expenses associated with JMM participation. Applications are especially encouraged from students from groups that have been underrepresented in the mathematical sciences and from those with financial need. Additional information can be found here. Applications accepted from September 1 through October 17, 2023 (11:59 pm ET). Apply here.


The AMS strongly encourages use of the Employment Center venues for all interviews of prospective employees at society meetings. The use of hotel guest rooms for interviews violates the AMS Welcoming Environment Policy. Interviews must be conducted in public meeting spaces.

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