AMS Travel Grants
PUI Faculty Travel Grants: The AMS is pleased to offer grants for faculty from primarily-undergraduate institutions (PUIs) to attend the Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM). With generous support from an anonymous donor, awards were made to support travel, lodging, subsistence, and registration. We seek applications from faculty at all career stages who can identify benefits to their research, teaching, or departmental leadership from participating in JMM and who would not be able to attend without this support. Individuals from groups historically-underrepresented in mathematics are especially encourage to apply. The maximum reimbursement amount will depend on the applicant’s AMS membership status at the time of JMM: support available up to \$1,050 for non-members, and up to \$2,100 for members. Applications accepted now. Apply here.
Graduate Student Travel Grants: With funding from the AMS Next Generation Fund, the AMS will be accepting applications for partial travel support for graduate students attending the JMM 2024. While the AMS encourages students’ institutions to match the award, matching is not required.
This program supports selected doctoral students in mathematics who are in their last two years of study. No student shall receive a grant more than once. Information can be found here. Applications accepted now. Apply here.
Undergraduate Student Travel Grants: With support from the National Science Foundation and an anonymous donor, the AMS is offering travel support to a limited number of undergraduate students who are presenting in the following JMM sessions: Pi Mu Epsilon Undergraduate Poster Session, AMS-SIAM Special Session on Research in Mathematics by Undergraduates and Students in Post-baccalaureate Programs, and Other Special or Contributed Paper Sessions at the JMM 2024.
Awards will help undergraduate students defray travel expenses associated with JMM participation. Applications are especially encouraged from students from groups that have been underrepresented in the mathematical sciences and from those with financial need. Additional information can be found here. Applications accepted now. Apply here.