Past Exhibitors & Sponsors
We thank the exhibitors and sponsors below for their support of JMM over the past few years! Get ready to join them.
- 619 Wreath LLC
- Acme Klein Bottles
- AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships
- American Institute of Mathematics
- American Mathematical Society
- American Statistical Association
- Association for Women in Mathematics
- Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (Pro Mathematica Arte)
- Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education
- Cambridge University Press
- Causeway Postbaccalaureate Program
- Center for Women in Mathematics at Smith College (sharing with EDGE)
- CoCalc by SageMath, Inc.
- Coco Tutti
- Crowdmark
- De Gruyter
- Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
- Edfinity
- Elsevier
- EMS Press
- Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE)
- Green Lion Press
- Hawkes Learning
- Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival
- OER Linear Algebra - An Interactive Introduction
- LibreTexts, Inc.
- Link-Systems International Inc.
- Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
- Maplesoft
- Math Mentor
- Math Wiz Flashcards, LLC
- MathMatize
- MathWorks
- McGraw Hill
- MIT Press
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
- National Association of Mathematicians, Inc.
- National Institute for Modeling Biological Systems (NIMBioS)
- National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath)
- Navajo Jewelry and Crafts
- National Security Agency
- National Science Foundation
- Overleaf
- Oxford University Press
- Pi Mu Epsilon, Inc.
- The POGIL Project
- Princeton University Press
- Project Euclid
- PROSE Consortium
- Society for Mathematical Biology
- Springer Nature
- Tessellations
- University of Miami (MCA2025)
- Wiley
- Wipebook Corp
- Wolfram Research
- World Scientific Publishing