Joint Mathematics Meetings - January 6 - 9, 2008 - Sunday - Wednesday - San Diego Convention Center

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Project NExT Sessions

Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching) is the MAA's professional development program for new and recent Ph.D.'s in the mathematical sciences. Each year, about sixty new faculty are selected as Project NExT Fellows. Application materials for 2008-09 are available at the Project NExT booth in the exhibit area. Project NExT has organized several sessions to which it invites all meeting participants.

The following sessions were organized by Project NExT Fellows to address the concerns of faculty who have four to ten years of teaching experience.

Making the Math Major Work for the Under-Prepared Student, Monday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., organized by Linda Braddy, East Central University, and Pamela B. Pierce, The College of Wooster. Wouldn't it be great if all students considering a major in mathematics were adequately prepared to succeed in the major? Of course, the reality is that many of our students need additional motivation, guidance, and assistance with the material in order to make it through the major. Our panelists will give brief presentations on some strategies that have proven successful at helping such students to succeed without compromising learning in the major. We plan to conclude this session by soliciting ideas, concerns, and success stories from members of the audience. Panelist include Bonnie Gold, Monmouth University; John Ramsay, The College of Wooster; and Laura Taalma, James Madison University.

Capstone and One-Semester Research Projects for a Variety of Students, Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., organized by Steven W. Morics, University of Redlands, and Mary D. Shepherd, Northwest Missouri State University. Creating a true mathematical research experience for all students can be a challenge. Students have varying abilities and interests. Mathematics majors, even those not destined for mathematical stardom, can benefit from a real mathematical research experience. This session is designed to help faculty recognize and find appropriate problems that can be tackled in a single semester, match problems to students, and mentor these young researchers throughout the research experience from initial approach to final product, a paper and/or presentation. Panelists include William E. Fenton, Bellarmine University; Steven W. Morics; and Barbara Reynolds, Cardinal Stritch University.

New Technologies for Faculty: Wikis, Discussion Boards, and Clickers, Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., organized by Mason A. Porter, University of Oxford, and Holly S. Zullo, Carroll College. Technology changes rapidly, leading to an inevitable influx of new innovations in teaching and research. This can feel overwhelming, but many of your colleagues have found exciting ways to improve their pedagogy with cutting-edge technology. Come learn how you too can enhance your teaching with these easy-to-learn technologies. Among other topics the panelists will discuss how to use wikis and clickers to increase student communication both in and out of class. Panelists will give short presentations describing the way they use technology, and there will be an open discussion at the end. Panelists include Joy L. Becker, University of Wisconsin, Stout; Kris Green, St. John Fisher College; Jean McGivney-Burelle, University of Hartford; Steven W. Morics, University of the Redlands; and Reva Narasimhan, Kean University.


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