Miscellaneous Information

Audio-Visual Equipment

This meeting is being planned as an in-person meeting

Special Sessions and Contributed Papers sessions will contain a screen, an LCD projector. Blackboards, white boards, and transparency projectors will not be available.

Session rooms will include public Wi-Fi in most meeting rooms. Session rooms will not include audio elements, including microphones, speakers, and direct box for audio files. Any presenters using a MAC laptop will be required to provide the proper adaptor(s). Rooms will contain a HDMI connection at the podium, so a Mini-Display Port to HDMI or USB-Type C to HDMI will be needed. If you are not sure what adapter your laptop needs, please consult through this link.

Invited Talks that will take place in the main Invited Address Rooms will contain a lectern, PC Laptop with Microsoft Office Suite, wireless microphone, wireless slide advancer (aka clicker) with laser pointer, and an LCD projector for projecting presentation slides onto two large stage flanking screens. This image will be mirrored on all screens.

Any presenters using a MAC laptop will be required to provide the proper adaptor(s). Rooms will contain a HDMI connection at the podium, so a Mini-Display Port to HDMI or USB-Type C to HDMI will be needed. If you are not sure what adapter your laptop needs, please consult through this link. If any videos are shown, the link must be correctly embedded in the PowerPoint file and tested prior to speaking. Any videos that reside on an individual's laptop and are embedded in the PowerPoint, those files must be included on their USB drive and tested prior to speaking. This method is not preferred, as the video is likely to lag. Transparency projectors cannot be provided as part of the standard audio-visual setup in any room.

Any requests for additional equipment should be sent to mtgs-requests@ams.org and received no later than September 20.

E-mail Services

Limited e-mail access for all Joint Meetings participants will be available in an e-mail center located adjacent to the JMM Registration Desk. The hours of operation will be published in the program. Participants should be aware that complimentary wireless internet access will also be available in specific, designated areas of the Convention Center. These locations will be identified in the program.

Information Distribution

Tables are set up in the exhibit area for dissemination of general information of possible interest to the members and for the dissemination of information of a mathematical nature not promoting a product or program for sale. Information must be approved by the Exhibits Manager prior to being placed on these tables.

If a person or group wishes to display information of a mathematical nature promoting a product or program for sale, please contact the Senior Meetings Specialist at mmsb@ams.org for further details.

Local Information

Find out more information about Seattle here.

Telephone Messages

It will be possible to leave a message for any registered participant at the meetings registration desk from January 3 through 6 during the hours that the desk is open. Staff will try to locate a participant in the event of an emergency. The telephone number to the desk will be published in the program book and daily newsletter.
