Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
AWM Panel: Non-Traditional Academic Careers in Math; organized by sarah-marie belcastro, MathILy, and Alice Mark, Vanderbilt University; Friday, 2:15–3:40 pm. This will be a panel discussion about academic careers that fall outside of the traditional tenure-track. One of the dominant narratives that a lot of math PhD students encounter says that the only way to have a successful academic career after graduate school is to get a tenure-track job. However, many mathematicians find that traditional tenure-track jobs don't align with their career or personal goals, even if certain components of these jobs do. The panelists are all people who have built careers for themselves that incorporate some aspects of teaching, research, and/or service, outside of a traditional tenure-track job. Moderator for this panel is Alice Mark, Vanderbilt University. Panelists are sarah-marie belcastro, MathILy, Alyson Deines, Center for Computational Research, Sarah Sword, Education Development Center, and Lynne Yengulalp, Wake Forest University.
Joint Committee on Women Panel Discussion, organized by Jennifer Schultens, University of California, Davis; Thursday, 1:00 – 2:30 pm. For 50 years, the Joint Committee on Women has served as a forum for communication among member organizations to enhance opportunities for women in the mathematical sciences. As an umbrella organization with representatives from the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (AMATYC), American Mathematical Society (AMS), American Statistical Association (ASA), Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), Mathematical Association of America (MAA), National Association of Mathematics (NAM), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), the JCW maintains a website to highlight policies and practices of member organizations. This panel will examine metacognition, the ways in which we approach mathematics and how this facilitates or impedes understanding. Confirmed panelists are Lakeshia Jones, University of Arkansas-Little Rock, Jo Boaler, Stanford University, Yvonne Lai, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and John Nardo, Oglethorpe University. Jennifer Schultens, University of California, Davis, will be moderating.
AWM Panel: Women in Math Leadership, organized by Donatella Danielli, Arizona State University; Thursday, 3:00 – 4:00 pm. Despite gains overall, women are still underrepresented in leadership positions in STEM. Data in the US suggest around 25% of deans and department heads are women; in science this drops to nearly 1 in 20. Part of this underrepresentation problem stems from the population pool. Other issues include lack of role models, biases, discrimination, and unwelcoming climate. Empirical evidence suggests that women in STEM are particularly susceptible to the barriers and biases facing women who wish to move into leadership positions, an effective double-jeopardy. This panel will bring together women mathematicians who occupy leadership positions in academia, as well as those who are interested in pursuing this career path. It will provide a forum to discuss leadership challenges and effective strategies to address them. It will also provide networking opportunities and facilitate the creation of a support system. Panelists will include Kathryn Leonard, Occidental College and AWM President, Dorina Mitrea, Baylor University, and Magdalena Toda, Texas Tech University and NSF.
Business Meeting
Business Meeting: Wednesday, 3:45–4:15 pm. Chair, Kathryn Leonard, AWM President
AWM-AMS Noether Lecture: The AWM-AMS Noether Lecture will be delivered on Thursday at 10:05 am by Laura DeMarco, Harvard University, Rigidity and uniformity in algebraic dynamics.
Poster Presentation and Reception
AWM Workshop Poster Presentations and Reception: AWM Workshop Poster Presentations and Reception, Friday, 4:00–5:30 pm. Organizers are Catherine Beneteau, University of South Florida, Claudia Miller, Syracuse University, Julie Rana, Lawrence University, Radmila Sazdanovic, North Carolina State University, Janet Striuli, Fairfield University, and Isabel Vogt, Brown University. The Poster Judging Coordinator is Matthew Krauel, Sacramento State University. AWM will conduct its workshop poster presentations by women graduate students. This session is open to all JMM attendees. AWM seeks volunteers to serve as mentors for workshop participants. If you are interested, please contact the AWM office.
Reception and Presentation
Association for Women in Mathematics Reception and Award Presentation: Association for Women in Mathematics Reception and Award Presentation, Friday, 5:00-6:30 pm. Please see the listing under Social Events.
AWM Workshop: AWM Workshop: Women in Commutative Algebra (WiCA), organized by Claudia Miller, Syracuse University, and Janet Striuli, Fairfield University; Saturday, 8:00 am–12:00 pm and 1:00–5:00 pm. A Poster Session for graduate students and recent PhDs will be held in conjunction with the workshop on Friday. Updated information about the workshop is available here.
Special Sessions
AWM also has a number of Special Sessions.