Registration Information & Forms

Please register at the meeting. The Joint Meetings Registration Desk will be located in the Marriott Ballroom Lobby. Hours of operation will be Sunday from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday-Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to noon. Please see below for reg rates.

Please click on the section you would like to see.


Fees & Fee Categories Registration by Internet
Registration by U.S Mail Deadlines Cancellations & Refunds


The importance of advance registration cannot be overemphasized. Advance registration fees are considerably lower than the fees that will be charged for registration at the meetings.

Advance registration and on-site registration fees only partially cover the expenses of holding meetings. All mathematicians who wish to attend sessions are expected to register and should be prepared to show their badges if so requested. Badges are required to enter the exhibit area, to obtain discounts at the AMS and MAA Book Sales, and to cash a check with the Joint Meetings cashier.


Mailing of Registration Materials

Participants registering by November 14 may receive their badges, programs, and tickets (where applicable) in advance by mail approximately three weeks before the meetings. Participants who do not wish to have their registration materials mailed must check the appropriate box on the Advance Registration/Housing Form. Registration materials will be mailed automatically if this box is not checked. Because of delays that occur in U.S. mail to Canada, advance registrants from Canada must pick up their materials at the meetings. Because of delays that occur in U.S. mail to overseas, materials are never mailed overseas. There will be a special Registration Assistance Desk at the Joint Meetings to assist individuals who either do not receive this mailing or who have a problem with their registration. Please note that a US$5 replacement fee will be charged for programs and badges that are mailed but not taken to Washington.


Other Mailings

Participants Who Are Not Members of the AMS and register for the meetings as a nonmember will receive mailings after the meetings are over with a special membership offer.

If you wish to be included in a list of individuals sorted by mathematical interest, please provide the one mathematics subject classification number of your major area of interest on the Advance Registration/Housing Form. (A list of these numbers is available by sending an empty email message to; include the number 1035 as the subject of the message.) Copies of this list will be available for your perusal in the Networking Center.

If you do not wish to be included in any mailing list used for promotional purposes, please indicate this in the appropriate box on the Advance Registration/Housing Form.


Registration Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments of registrations will be sent by email to the email addresses given on the Advance Registration/Housing Form. If you do not wish your registration acknowledged by email, please mark the appropriate box on the form.


Policy on Insufficient Funds

Advance registration forms accompanied by insufficient payment will be returned, thereby delaying the processing of any housing request, or a US$5 charge will be assessed if an invoice must be prepared to collect the delinquent amount. Overpayments of less than US$5 will not be refunded.

For each invalid check or credit card transaction that results in an insufficient payment for registration or housing, a US$5 charge will be assessed. Participants should check with their tax preparers for applicable deductions for education expenses as they pertain to these meetings.


Where Your Registration Dollars Go

The AMS and MAA make every effort to keep participant expenses at meetings and registration fees for meetings as low as possible. We work hard to negotiate the best hotel rates and to make the best use of your registration dollars to keep the meetings affordable for you. The AMS and the MAA encourage all participants to register for the meeting. When you pay the registration fee, you are helping to support a wide range of activities associated with planning, organizing, and running a major meeting of this size.

While the AMS and MAA work hard to make the best use of registration dollars and keep the meetings affordable, your suggestions on how to keep costs down are welcome. While at the meeting please enter your comments in the log at the Transparencies section of the Registration Desk. After the meeting is over, you may forward your suggestions to the Director of Meetings, AMS, P.O. Box 6887, Providence, RI 02940, or send email to


Registration Fees & Categories

Category Register by
December 15
Register at Mtg
  (of AMS, ASL, CMS, MAA, or SIAM)
US $216 US $282
Nonmember US $335 US $435
Temporarily Employed US $174 US $202
Temporarily Employed: Any person currently employed but who will become unemployed by June 1, 2009, and who is actively seeking employment.
Emeritus Member
  AMS or MAA
US $43 US $53
Emeritus: Persons who qualify for emeritus membership in either the Society or the Association. The emeritus status refers to any person who has been a member of the AMS or MAA for twenty years or more and who retired because of age or long-term disability from his or her latest position.
Graduate Student US $44 US $54

Graduate Student: Those currently working toward a degree or diploma. Students are asked to determine whether their status can be described as graduate (working toward a degree beyond the bachelor's), undergraduate (working toward a bachelor's degree), or high school (working toward a high school diploma).

Unemployed US $43 US $53
Unemployed: Any person currently unemployed, actively seeking employment, and not a student. It is not intended to include any person who has voluntarily resigned or retired from his or her latest position
Librarian US $43 US $53
Librarian: Any librarian who is not a professional mathematician.
High School Teacher US $43 US $53
Developing Countries Special Rate US $43 US $53
Developing Countries: Any person employed in developing countries where salary levels are radically noncommensurate with those in the U.S.
Undergraduate Student US $30 US $40
High School Student US $5 US $10
One-Day Member (onsite only)
  (of AMS, ASL, CMS, MAA, or SIAM)
N/A US $154
One-Day Nonmember (onsite only) N/A US $240
Nonmathematician Guest US $15 US $15
Guest: Any family member or friend who is not a mathematician and who is accompanied by a participant of the meetings. These official guests will receive a badge and may attend all sessions and the exhibits.


AMS SHORT COURSE: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
Category Register by
December 15
Register at Mtg
AMS Short Course - member of AMS or MAA US $96 US $130
AMS Short Course - nonmember US $130 US $160

AMS Short Course - student, unemployed, emeritus

US $44 US $65
Click here for details.


MAA SHORT COURSE: Data Mining and New Trends in Teaching Statistics
Category Register by
December 15
Register at Mtg
Member of MAA or AMS US $125 US $140
Nonmember US $175 US $190

Student, Unemployed, Emeritus

US $50 US $60
Click here for details.


Category Register by
December 15
Register at Mtg
Grad School Fair Table
Click here for details.
US $50 N/A


Category Register by
December 15
Register at Mtg
Employer - Quiet Area Table US $250 US $330
Employer - Additional Quiet Area Table US $100 N/A
Employer - Committee Table US $350 US $425
Employer - Curtained Booth US $425 N/A
Applicant US $25 US $40
Note: Computer scheduling have been discontinued. Click here for more details.


Fee for each course is US $60.

#1: Discrete models in biology and simulations - SOLD OUT

#2: Using GeoGebra to create activities and applets for visualization and exploration

#3: Educating about the state of the planet and sustainability while enhancing calculus

#4: An introduction to the mathematics of modern cryptography

#5: Developing department self-studies

#6: Teaching with clickers and classroom voting

#7: A Game Theory path to quantitative literacy

#8: Taking symbols seriously: Teaching form and function in college algebra

#9: Beyond formulas and algorithms: Teaching a conceptual/thematics single variable calculus course

#10: The ubiquitous Catalan numbers and their applications

#11: Planning and teaching mathematics capstone courses for preservice, secondary school teachers

#12: SNAP Math Fairs in elementary education

#13: Directing undergraduate research

#14: Teaching a course in the history of mathematics


Grad School Fair

Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 8:30 a.m to 10:00 a.m.; At last year's meeting, about 300 students met with representatives from 45 graduate programs. If your school has a graduate program and you are interested in participating, a table will be provided for your posters and printed materials for US$50 (registration for this event must be made by a person already registered for the JMM), and you are welcome to personally speak to interested students.

Internet Advance Registration

Please click here to register and reserve a room online. VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are the only methods of payment which are accepted for Internet advance registration, and charges to credit cards will be made in U.S. funds. All Internet advance registrants will receive acknowledgment of payment upon submission of this form.

Note: It is preferable that you register and reserve a room at the same time. If you do not need housing, you can register only. However, reserving a room without registering cannot be done on this form. If you have already registered and decided later that you need a hotel room, please either send email to the MMSB at with your housing information or fill out the housing side of a paper form and fax it to the MMSB at 401-455-4004. Please indicate that you have already registered.


Registration by U.S. Mail

For your convenience, a copy of the form is available in pdf format here. Forms must be mailed to MMSB, P. O. Box 6887, Providence, RI 02940.


Advance Registration Deadlines

There are four separate advance registration deadlines, each with its own advantages and benefits.

EMPLOYMENT CENTER advance registration (inclusion in the Winter Lists): October 22 - Applicant and employer forms must be received by October 22 in order to appear in the publications distributed to all participants.

EARLY meetings advance registration (room drawing): October 31 - Those who register by the early deadline of October 31 will be included in a random drawing to select winners of complimentary hotel rooms in Washinigton DC. Multiple occupancy is permissible. The location of rooms to be used in this drawing will be based on the number of complimentary rooms available in the various hotels. Therefore, the free room may not necessarily be in the winner's first-choice hotel. The winners will be notified by mail prior to December 20. So register early!

Applicant and employer forms must be received by October 22 in order to be reproduced in the Winter Lists for the Employment Center.

ORDINARY meetings advance registration (hotel reservations, materials mailed): November 14 - Those who register after October 31 and by the ordinary deadline of November 14 may use the housing services offered by the MMSB but are not eligible for the room drawing. You may also elect to receive your badge and program by mail in advance of the meetings.

FINAL meetings advance registration (advance registration, Short Courses, Employment Center, MAA Minicourses, banquets): December 15 - Those who register after November 14 and by the final deadline of December 15 must pick up their badges, programs, and any tickets for social events at the meetings. Unfortunately, it is sometimes not possible to provide final advance registrants with housing, so registrants are strongly urged to make their hotel reservations by November 14. Please note that the December 15 deadline is firm - ***Deadline Extended for Advance Registration - Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 4:00 pm EST *** ; any forms received after that date will be returned and full refunds issued. Please come to the Meetings Registration Desk in the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel located near the Marriott Ballroom.


Cancellation Policy & Refunds

Those who cancel their advance registration for the meetings, MAA Minicourses, or Short Courses by December 30 (the deadline for refunds for banquet tickets is December 22) will receive a 50% refund of fees paid. No refunds will be issued after this date. . Please send email to the MMSB at to cancel registrations and/or tickets.