For locations, click here;
All locations are subject to change
NEW! Career
Fair, Monday, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., organized by
Robert W. Vallin, MAA. This event will help answer
the eternal questions, "Who is hiring people with math
degrees?" and "How can I get in contact with them?"
All students, whether they are earning Bachelor's, Master's,
or Ph.D. degrees, are invited to participate. Representatives
from companies in government and industry will take part
in the event. Participants will have the opportunity to
make contacts, hand out resumes or curricula vita, and explore
the many kinds of careers they may pursue in the future.
A human resources professional will also be on hand to critique
resumes. Exhibitors for this event may participate for a
registration fee of US$100; JMM exhibitors may participate
for US$50. Please contact Stephen DeSanto at
to register, and Robert Vallin at
for any other questions.
National Science Foundation Programs
Supporting Learning and Teaching in the Mathematical Sciences,
Monday, 9:00 a.m. to 10:20 a.m., organized by Henry
Warchall (NSF/DMS); Karen A. Marrongelle
(NSF/DRL); and Daniel P. Maki,
Ginger H. Rowell, Elizabeth J. Teles,
and Lee L. Zia (NSF/DUE). A number of NSF
divisions offer a variety of grant programs that support
innovations in learning and teaching in the mathematical
sciences. These programs will be discussed along with examples
of successful projects. Anticipated budget highlights and
other new initiatives for the next fiscal year will also
be presented.
Finding Your nth
Job (for n Greater than or Equal to 2), Monday,
9:00 a.m. to 10:20 a.m., organized by Joshua D.
Laison, Willamette University; Aaron Luttman,
Clarkson University; and Ralucca M. Gera,
Naval Postgraduate School. Your first job in academia is
often not your last. Visiting positions, postdocs, and bad
matches mean in many cases that the next step after finding
a job in academia is to find another one. Many new issues
arise when searching for your second, or third, or nth position.
This panel will focus on what makes later job searches different
from your first and how best to prepare to re-enter the
job market. Sponsored by the Young Mathematicians' Network.
ICME-11 in Retrospect, Monday
9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., organized by Martha J.
Siegel, Towson University, and William
G. McCallum, University of Arizona. Panelists will
present the newest research in mathematics education K-20
from an international perspective.
Mathematical Sociology, Monday,
2:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m., organized by Barbara F.
Meeker and Joseph Auslander, University
of Maryland, College Park. Mathematical sociology is a branch
of applied mathematics, in which sociologists use mathematical
models (including graph theory, stochastic models, game
theory, computer simulation, and differential equations)
to describe sociological phenomena such as population growth
and decline, income inequality, decision-making in small
groups and social networks. This panel consists of presentations
of examples of their own work by four members of the mathematical
sociology section of the American Sociological Association.
Speakers in this invited paper session include Phillip
Bonacich, University of California at Los Angeles,
Network implications of social exchange: An overview;
John C. Angle, Inequality Process Institute,
A particle system that mimics empirical income dynamics;
Guillermina Jasso, New York University, Exploring
polarization: The effects of general inequality
and subgroup relative size on distance between subgroups
and dispersion within subgroups; and Barbara
F. Meeker, Mathematical models of talking in
discussion groups.
Project NExT/Young
Mathematicians' Network Poster Session, Monday,
2:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m., organized by Michael C.
Axtell, Wabash College, and Kevin E. Charlwood,
Washburn University. This session is intended to highlight
the research activities, both mathematical and pedagogical,
of recent or future Ph.D.'s in mathematics and related fields.
The organizers seek to provide an open venue for people
who are near completion, or have finished their graduate
studies in the last five years to present their work and
make connections with other same-stage professionals, in
much the same spirit as the YMN and Project NExT. The posterboard
size will be 48" by 36"; it is best to have the posters
36" high. Posterboards and materials for posting pages on
the posters will be provided on site. If you are interested
in participating, submit copies of your abstract to
Starting and Maintaining an Academic
Year Undergraduate Research Program, Monday, 3:50
p.m. to 5:10 p.m., organized by Michael J. Dorff,
Brigham Young University, and Zsuzsanna Szaniszlo,
Valparaiso University. There is a growing trend to have
undergraduate students participate in research during the
academic year. In this session several experienced professors
will share their insight and ideas on the following topics:
1) Purposes for doing undergraduate research; (2) Finding
students to do undergraduate research; (3) Finding research
problems for undergraduates; (4) Characteristics of good
undergraduate research problems; (5) Logistics of an academic
year undergraduate research program; and (6) Student presentations
and written report/paper. A question and answer period will
conclude the session. Panelists are Sarah Spence
Adams, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering;
Rebecca Garcia, Sam Houston State University; Richard
A. Gillman, Valparaiso University; Darren
A. Narayan, Rochester Institute of Technology;
and Daniel J. Schaal, South Dakota State
University. Sponsored by the MAA CUPM Subcommittee on Research
by Undergraduates.
How to Apply for
Jobs, Monday 4:30 p.m. to 5:40 p.m., organized
by David C. Manderscheid, University of
Nebraska. This session is aimed at Ph.D. students and recent
Ph.D.'s. An overview of the employment process will be given
with ample opportunity for participants to ask questions.
Questions that will be addressed include: How do you find
which jobs are available? How do you choose which jobs you
want to apply for? What are academic and other employers
looking for in the materials that you send? What should
you be doing now? How do schools conduct interviews? How
can you best prepare for these interviews? How do employers
choose to whom they will make offers? How do you negotiate
once you have an offer? Panelists are Sharon M.
Clarke, Pepperdine University; James H.
Freeman, Cornell College; David C. Manderscheid,
plus someone from industry and possibly someone
from a community college. Cosponsored by the MAA
Committee on Graduate Students and the Young Mathematicians'
The CNN United States of Mathematics
Presidential Debate, Monday, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00
p.m., coordinated by Colin C. Adams and
Thomas Garrity, Williams College. In perhaps the
most critical election in the history of the United States
of Mathematics, two diametrically opposed candidates are
vying for the presidency. Should it be the figure-eight
knot, the first knot to run for the presidency and a strong
supporter of the jobs program for unemployed mathematical
symbols, or should it be the Euclidean algorithm, the first
algorithm to run and a firm believer in cutting the equality
sign tax? Don't miss the fireworks in this historic debate.
Mathematical Outreach Programs for
Underrepresented Populations, Tuesday, 9:00 a.m.
to 11:00 a.m., organized by Elizabeth (Betsy) G.
Yanik, Emporia State University. This poster session
is designed to highlight special programs which have been
developed to encourage students from underrepresented populations
to maintain an interest in and commitment to succeeding
in mathematics. These programs might include such activities
as after school clubs, weekend activities, one-day conferences,
mentoring opportunities with women professionals, summer
camps, etc. In particular, recipients of Tensor and SUMMA
grants will find this an ideal venue in which to share the
progress of their funded projects. We encourage everyone
involved with offering outreach activities to consider submitting
an abstract to the session organizer, Betsy Yanik,
The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2008.
Sponsored by the Women and Mathematics Network, a subcommittee
of the MAA Committee on the Participation of Women.
Session for Chairs, Tuesday,
9:00 a.m. to 10:20 a.m., organized by Daniel P.
Maki, Indiana University, and Catherine
M. Murphy, Purdue University Calumet. This session
will focus on the suggestions contained in the MAA's Guidelines
for Programs and Departments in Undergraduate Mathematical
Sciences, Susan
C. Geller, Texas A&M University, chair of the
MAA's Committee on the Profession, will present a summary
of the Guidelines and, with the organizers of this session,
will lead a discussion of areas of most interest to the
attendees. Attendees are encouraged to read the Guidelines
which are available at the above URL and come to the session
with questions and suggestions.
Multidisciplinary Projects that Hook
Those Not Usually Interested in Mathematics, Tuesday,
9:00 a.m. to 10:20 a.m., organized by Alex J. Heidenberg
and Gerald C. Kobylski, U.S. Military
Academy at West Point. A majority of college students study
mathematics courses to fulfill their degree requirements.
These students, many of whom dislike or fear mathematics,
generally do not see mathematics as a tool for their discipline.
How do we as mathematics educators excite these students
about learning mathematics? Panelists from four different
universities, Laurie J. Heyer, Davidson
College; Shawnee L. McMurran, California
State University, San Bernardino; Michael Huber,
Muhlenberg College; and Barbra S. Melendez,
U.S. Military Academy, will discuss examples of multi-disciplinary
projects that they have used that require students to discover
connections between mathematical concepts and disciplines
in which they are interested. The panelists will specifically
discuss their multi-disciplinary project, the logistics
of its implementation, and an assessment regarding the effectiveness
of the learning experience. Panelists will also discuss
the barriers they had to overcome and provide suggestions
for others who are interested in implementing these ideas
at their institution.
Proposal Writing Workshop for Grant
Applications to the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
Tuesday, 10:45 a.m. to 12:05 p.m., organized by Daniel
P. Maki, Ginger H. Rowell,
Elizabeth J. Teles, and
Lee L. Zia, Division of Undergraduate Education,
National Science Foundation. Presenters will describe the
general NSF grant proposal process and consider particular
details relevant to programs in the Division of Undergraduate
Education. This interactive session will feature a series
of "read/think/share/report" exercises built around a series
of short excerpts from sample proposals.
Picture This! Geometry Software,
Tuesday, 10:45 a.m. to 12:05 p.m., organized by Mary
L. Platt, Salem State College; Marina Vulis,
University of New Haven; and Lawrence Moore,
Duke University. Interested in using geometry software in
the classroom? This panel will showcase four options for
freeware, Geometry Explorer, GeoGebra, Google SketchUp,
and Spherical Easel. Each panelist will give a brief history
of the software, describe what the software is designed
to do, discuss any extensions of the software beyond geometry
topics, and demonstrate of the software. Time will be reserved
for questions and comments from the audience. Panelists
include Michael D. Hvidsten, Gustavus Adolphus
College, Geometry Explorer; David Fowler,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Geogebra; Jon
Choate, Groton School, Google SketchUp;
and David Austin, Grand Valley State University,
Spherical Easel. The panel will be moderated by
Mary L. Platt and Marina Vulis.
Sponsored by the Committee on Technology in Mathematics
The Intersection of the History and
Philosophy of Mathematics, Tuesday, 10:45 a.m.
to 12:05 p.m., organized by Bonnie Gold,
Monmouth University, and Amy Shell-Gellasch,
Pacific Lutheran University. The best work in the philosophy
of mathematics is accurately descriptive of mathematics
as it is actually done. This often requires careful examination
of the history of mathematics. On the other hand, the best
work in the history of mathematics must include philosophical
concerns related to that mathematics. This panel will discuss
several cases of the history of mathematics and the philosophy
of mathematics influencing each other. Panelists are Thomas
L. Drucker, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater;
Kenneth L. Manders, University of Pittsburgh;
and Daniel C. Sloughter, Furman University.
Cosponsored by the SIGMAA on the History of Mathematics
and the SIGMAA on the Philosophy of Mathematics.
Using Open Source Software for Undergraduate
Courses, Tuesday 1:00 p.m. to 2:20 p.m., organized
by Karl-Dieter Crisman, Gordon College;
Marshall E. Hampton, University of Minnesota,
Duluth; and David Joyner, U.S. Naval Academy.
The open source software paradigm provides freely available
and freely modifiable software to anyone with an Internet
connection, including much mathematics software. Some of
the most familiar to the math community are LaTEX and the
Firefox web browser, but there are many other high-quality
projects as well. Two reasons this software is appropriate
for use in the undergraduate curriculum are its affordability
for institutions where this is a limiting factor, and the
ability for advanced students with programming experience
to see the inner workings of, contribute to, and improve
upon software they constantly use. This panel will describe
and demonstrate a variety of successful uses of open source
software in contexts ranging from the introductory classroom
to senior projects. Panelists are John A. Verzani,
CUNY, Introductory Statistics with R; Michael
E. Gage, University of Rochester, WebWorK;
David Joyner, Differential Equations
with Sage, and Robert Miller, University of
Washington, Undergraduate Research and Open Source.
Teaching Postdocs: A Journey from
Graduate School to a Position in the World of Mathematics,
Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. to 2:20 p.m., organized by Stephen
M. Gagola III, University of Arizona, and
Feryal Alayont, Grand Valley State University.
Teaching postdoc programs can play an important role in
helping people gain different types of experience that are
relevant to their future careers. These positions are similar
to postdoctoral positions in research except that the postdoctoral
fellow is introduced to new teaching techniques and scholarly
activities pertaining to teaching. Such programs offer postdocs
an opportunity to gain experience in broad instructional
and scholarly activities in an environment committed to
excellence in teaching and learning. Examples of such activities
are teaching across the undergraduate curriculum, participating
in independent study and research projects, training teaching
assistants, designing courses, grant writing, outreach activities,
along with participating in research groups. The session
will serve to inform the audience of the ways a teaching
postdoc program can be beneficial to potential employees,
math departments interested in starting such a program,
and current teaching postdocs interested in how such programs
have helped others in the past. Panelists are Taliesin
Sutton, University of Arizona; Andrew G.
Bennett, Kansas State University; Nathan
A. Carlson, University of Arizona; Steven
J. Schlicker, Grand Valley State University; and
Matt Salomone, Bates College. Sponsored
by the MAA Committee on Graduate Students.
Preparing Students to Communicate
Mathematics, Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. to 2:20 p.m., organized
by Lewis D. Ludwig, Denison University.
As research in mathematics by undergraduates becomes more
and more prevalent, it is important that students effectively
communicate and disseminate their ideas and findings. The
participants in this panel will share their experiences
and suggestions for successfully preparing students to communicate
mathematics through oral presentations, posters sessions,
and articles, ranging from the classroom to organized conferences.
This panel is intended for a general audience. Panelists
are Joseph A. Gallian, University of Minnesota-Duluth;
Darren A. Narayan, Rochester Institute
of Technology; and Michael E. Orrison,
Harvey Mudd College. Cosponsored by the CUPM Subcommittee
on Research by Undergraduates and Project NExT.
Projects Supported by the NSF Division
of Undergraduate Education, Tuesday, 2:00 p.m to 4:00
p.m., organized by Jon W. Scott, Montgomery Community
College. This poster session will feature principal investigators
(PIs) presenting progress and outcomes from various NSF
funded projects in the Division of Undergraduate Education.
The poster session format will permit ample opportunity
for attendees to engage in small group discussions with
the PIs and to network with each other. Information about
presenters and their projects will appear in the program.
Online Homework Systems: A Pedagogical
Prospective, Tuesday, 2:30 p.m to 3:50 p.m., organized
by Ellen E. Kirkman, Wake Forest University, and
Cheryl Miner, Nebraska Wesleyan University. This
panel will consider online homework systems in courses at
the calculus level and above from a pedagogical prospective.
Panelists will include faculty who have experience using
online homework systems and/or have done research on their
effectiveness as a teaching tool. The panelists will consider
questions such as: How can online systems be used to facilitate
student learning? For what sorts of topics are they useful,
or not useful? What are problems that one encounters in
using online systems? What are the best practices in using
online systems effectively? Our focus is not on the particular
products and how to use them, but rather the pedagogical
strengths and weaknesses that they bring to the classroom.
Panelists include Andrew G. Bennett, Kansas State
University; Ellen E. Kirkman; and P. Gavin LaRose,
University of Michigan. Sponsored by the Committee on the
Teaching of Undergraduate Mathematics.
Hiring, Tenuring, and Promoting Statisticians
in a Mathematics or Mathematical Sciences Department,
Tuesday, 2:30 p.m to 3:50 p.m., organized by Patricia
B. Humphrey, Georgia Southern University; Chris J.
Lacke, Rowan University; Michael A. Posner, Villanova
University; and Robin H. Lock, St. Lawrence University.
At many small and medium-size institutions, statistics courses
are offered by departments of mathematics, mathematics and
statistics, or mathematical sciences. Our hope and intention
is to help educate chairs and members of mathematics departments
who incorporate statisticians to the fact that these individuals
may need to be treated somewhat differently than the typical
mathematician. Specifically, we will address (1) Any differences
in the search/hiring process. (For example, there are typically
many times fewer statisticians than mathematicians in any
given year. Salary surveys indicate statisticians command
higher salaries. Is this a problem?) (2) What role, if any,
does consulting work play in the promotion and tenure processes?
(3) The assessment of the quality and value of statistical
research as opposed to mathematical research. (4) Any other
ways in which statisticians might be different from the
typical mathematician. Panelists include Carolyn K. Cuff,
Westminster College (moderator); Patti Frazer Lock,
St. Lawrence University; Douglas E. Norton, Villanova
University; and Lila F. Roberts, Georgia College
& State University and Clayton State University. Cosponsored
by the SIGMAA on Statistics Education and the ASA-MAA Joint
Committee on Statistics.
The Story of Maths I, Tuesday, 3:00
p.m to 4:00 p.m. This film will be introduced by Robin
Wilson, The Open University, and covers Egyptian, Mesopotamian,
and Greek mathematics. It is the first of a series of four
one-hour television programs by the BBC and The Open University,
filmed around the world by Marcus du Sautoy. See Wednesday
at 3:00 p.m. for Part II.
Lewis Carroll in Numberland, Tuesday,
6:00 p.m to 7:30 p.m., performed by Robin Wilson,
The Open University, This illustrated one-hour informal
dramatic performance presents the mathematical life of Charles
Dodgson (Lewis Carroll)--as a student, a mathematics lecturer,
a champion of Euclid and a logician--in a light-hearted
and informative way. What mathematics did he do? What was
he interested in? How good a mathematician was he?
Reunion of College Algebra Workshops Participants,
Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., organized by Donald
B. Small, U.S. Military Academy, and William E. Haver,
Virginia Commonwealth University. Participants from College
Algebra Workshops (PREP, HBCUs, MAA's, etc.) will discuss
their efforts to refocus college algebra courses based on
their workshop experiences. Topics are expected to include
visions, realities, efforts that worked, efforts that did
not work, reflections on project work, hurdles encountered,
suggestions on how to build support for change, etc. The
session will also include discussions and exchanges of class
activities, exercises, writing assignments and tests.
Environmental Mathematics--Getting It in
the Curriculum, Wednesday, 9:00 a.m to 10:20 a.m., organized
by Karen D. Bolinger, Clarion State University, and
Ben A. Fusaro, Florida State University. Introducing
an unconventional subject into a mathematics program, even
as a relatively harmless general education course, raises
some interesting challenges. How can a course in applications
offer any depth if it has no college mathematics pre-requisites?
How can there be time for other than toy applications in
a subject with the broad sweep of the environment? How can
a faculty member be expected to cope with a subject that
often requires a background in biology, chemistry, or geology?
These, as well as audience-generated questions, will be
addressed by the panelists Charles R. Hadlock, Bentley
College; Martin E. Walter, University of Colorado
at Boulder; and Ben A. Fusaro. The panel will be
moderated by Lee Seitelman, United Technologies.
Sponsored by the SIGMAA on Environmental Mathematics.
Placement Testing: Is It Working?,
Wednesday, 9:00 a.m to 10:20 a.m., organized by Jerry
F. Dwyer, Texas Tech University, and Susan L. Forman,
Bronx Community College, CUNY. Panelists will describe the
processes used by colleges and universities to evaluate
the reliability, validity and effectiveness of their testing
procedures for placing students into mathematics courses.
Several perspectives will be presented including that of
Bernard L. Madison, University of Arkansas, who is
leading the development of the new MAA placement instrument.
Dan Miller and Kent Pearce have developed
placement tests at Milliken (private college) and Texas
Tech (large public university), respectively. Judy E.
Ackerman, Montgomery College, will present the view
from a two-year college standpoint. Cosponsored by the MAA/NCTM
Committee on Mutual Concerns and the MAA Committee on Articulation
and Placement.
Refocusing the Courses below Calculus:
The View from the Deans Office, Wednesday, 1:00 p.m
to 2:20 p.m., organized by Sheldon P. Gordon, Farmingdale
State College. Each year over a million students take college
algebra and related courses that typically aim to prepare
students for calculus. However, these courses do not adequately
serve the needs of the overwhelming majority of students;
do not adequately prepare most students who go on to subsequent
mathematics courses; do not serve the needs of most quantitative
disciplines or todays workplace; and are not an appropriate
terminal mathematics experience for most students. The MAA
is addressing the challenge of changing the focus in these
courses to better serve the majority of students who take
them. This session will give the deans perspective on the
college algebra issues: Information about enrollment and
success rates; what the dean hears about these courses from
students, parents, and faculty in other disciplines; how
to approach the dean to request support to change the focus
in these courses; and the kinds of support a dean can provide
to facilitate change. Panelists include Bruce C. Crauder,
Oklahoma State University; Judi H. Morrel, Butler
University; Rhonda Mandel, SUNY Oswego; and Reggie
K. U. Luke, Middlesex County College.
Power of Three: How the Public, Private,
and Academic Sector Need to Work Together to Restore Education
in America, Wednesday, 1:00 p.m to 2:20 p.m., organized
by Jim Whaley, president, Siemens Foundation. Education
in America is on a slippery slope. According to the World
Economic Forums Global Competitiveness Report 2006-07, the
U.S. dropped from first place to sixth place in global rankings.
Today, countries such as Switzerland, Finland, and Sweden
have moved up significantly on the list, due in part to
their top-notch education systems that focus on technology
and innovation. The Power of Three panel, including Moderator:
Jim Whaley, president, Siemens Foundation; Public
Sector Panelist: Lydia M. Logan, Vice President and
Executive Director for the Institute for a Competitive Workforce;
Academic Panelist: Alex Hahn, University of Notre
Dame; Academic Panelist: Max Warshauer, Texas State
University; and Private Sector Panelist: Wendy Hawkins,
Executive Director, Intel Foundation, will discuss how the
public, private and academic sectors must work together
to restore America's competitiveness, particularly in the
field of math. Without an emphasis on math-oriented education,
American youth will not have the tools and abilities to
solve complex problems such as developing ground-breaking
technologies to improve homeland security, modernize our
infrastructures, and further usher in the digital world.
From the Trenches: Middle School Teachers
Look at Their Training, Wednesday, 2:30 p.m to 3:50
p.m., organized by Florence D. Fasanelli, AAAS, and
George M. Rosenstein, Franklin & Marshall College.
Four middle school teachers representing a variety of backgrounds
and school settings (for example, public, private, and charter
schools; diverse educational backgrounds; diverse ethnic
groups) will discuss, under the guidance of a moderator,
their training as mathematics teachers and their reactions
to that training. Following their discussion a person active
in the training of middle school teachers will respond.
Panelists are Beth Cole, St. Patrick Episcopal School,
Georgetown; Michelle Johncock, Edmund Burke School,
Washington DC; Brieta Dougherty-Brill, Maya Angelou
Public Charter School, Washington DC; and Marcia Cole,
Clark Elementary School, Washington DC. Hyman Bass,
University of Michigan, will moderate this panel.
The Story of Maths II, Wednesday, 3:00
p.m to 4:00 p.m. This film will be introduced by Robin
Wilson, The Open University, and is the last of a series
of four one-hour television programs by the BBC and the
Open University, filmed around the world by Marcus du Sautoy.
This film covers twentieth-century European and American
mathematics and contains some interesting archive material.
Actuarial Education Session, Wednesday,
5:00-7:00 p.m., organized by Robert E. Buck, Slippery
Rock University; Bettye Anne Case, Florida State
University; Kevin E. Charlwood, Washburn University;
and Steve P. Paris, Florida State University. Panelists
will be local practicing actuaries, and discuss topics of
import to the profession currently, with an emphasis on
ties to programs in actuarial science in academia. Panelists
are James W. Daniel, University of Texas at Austin;
Ken Guthrie, Society of Actuaries; Bryan Hearsey,
Lebanon Valley College; Emily Kessler, Society of
Actuaries; and Hwa Chi Liang, Washburn University.
Kevin E. Charlwood will serve as moderator.The session
is sponsored by Actuarial Educators.
Mathematics and Love: A Poetry Reading,
Wednesday, 7:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m., organized by JoAnne
S. Growney, Silver Spring, MD. Mathematicians and friends
of mathematicians are invited to this reading of mathematical
love poems. An opening portion of the poetry program features
guest readers whose poems are collected in a recent anthology
of poems of love and mathematics edited by Sarah Glaz,
University of Connecticut, and JoAnne Growney.
A second portion of the program is open for all math-poets
to submit work on the same theme and to read. Mathematician
poets who wish to participate should submit one to three
poems (not more than three pages) via email to JoAnne Growney,, by November
14, 2008. Each poem should involve mathematics in its structure
or imagery--it might have, for example, a triangular shape
or mention love's division or love's geometry. The theme,
Mathematics and Love, includes love's various categories:
not only romantic love but also love of family, love of
nature, spiritual love and--not to be forgotten--love of
mathematics. Participating poets include: Karren LaLonde
Alenier, Chevy Chase, MD, Patrick Bahls, University
of North Carolina, Ashville, Judith Baumel, Adelphi
University, Marion Deutsche Cohen, Arcadia University,
Jennifer Crow, West Falls, NY, Kathryn DeZur,
SUNY Technical College at Delhi, Ruth Favro, Lawrence
Technological University reading the work of poet Ron Mosier
(1938-2008), Sarah Glaz, University of Connecticut,
Emily Grosholz, Pennsylvania State University and
University of Paris, JoAnne Growney, Silver Spring,
MD, Bob Grumman, Port Charlotte, FL, Charlotte
Henderson, A K Peters, Ltd., Rosanna Iembo, University
of Calabria (accompanied by violinist Irene Iaccarino),
Israel Lewis, Silver Spring, MD, Kaz Maslanka,
D3 Technologies, Wilmer Mills, University of North
Carolina, Wendy Mnookin, Emerson College, Kyoko
Mori, George Mason University, Deanna Nikaido,
Baltimore, MD, Becky Dennison Sakellariou, Kifissia,
GR, Alissa Valles, San Francisco, CA , and John
Vieira, Potomac, MD. Sponsored by SIGMAA on Mathematics
and the Arts.
Note -
The Minority Chairs Breakfast Meeting is now scheduled
for Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
Technology in Statistics Education,
Thursday, 9:00 a.m to 10:20 a.m., organized by Patricia
B. Humphrey, Georgia Southern University; Chris J.
Lacke, Rowan University; and Michael A. Posner,
Villanova University. Since the late 1980s the birth and
enhancement of technological tools for teaching and performing
statistical analyses has substantially changed the way introductory
data analysis courses are taught. Instead of concentrating
on formulas, making graphs by hand, and using tables to
obtain results, many teachers of statistics let the technology
do the number crunching and spend more time on analyzing
the results. A not-so-random survey of statisticians and
teachers of statistics makes it clear that different people
use different forms of technology, whether by choice or
institutional mandate. In this panel session, the members
seek to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different
types of technology. The various technologies will be grouped
as follows: (1) graphing calculators, (2) spreadsheets,
(3) Fathom, and (4) packages with user-friendly GUIs (e.g.,
JMP, Minitab, SPSS). Panelists include Patricia B. Humphrey;
John D. McKenzie, Babson College; Paul L. Myers,
Woodward Academy; Chris J. Lacke; and Michael
A. Posner (moderator). Sponsored by SIGMAA on Statistics
Beyond T.A. Training: Calculus Curriculum
Development by Graduate Teaching Assistants, Thursday,
1:00 p.m to 2:20 p.m., organized by Timothy Lucas,
Pepperdine University, and Joseph A. Spivey, Wofford
College. Although graduate students teach the majority of
calculus sections at Duke, there is no formal framework
for graduate student input in the calculus program. To that
end, in the spring of 2007 a group of graduate students
formed a committee to review the calculus curriculum. In
response to placement issues the committee created a Calculus
II course for undergraduates with AP credit, designed to
encourage students to pursue mathematics. It is currently
taught and maintained by graduate students. In addition
two committee members created a dynamic, indexed electronic
database to assist in the sharing of handouts and exams
among teachers. Jack Bookman will discuss the teacher training
program that he leads and his interactions with the graduate
student projects. Three committee members will talk about
the organization process, the curriculum review, developing
a calculus course that emphasizes both theory and applications,
and the politics involved in lobbying for a new course.
Panelists include Jack Bookman, Duke University;
Paul L. Bendich, Pennsylvania State University; Abraham
D. Smith, Duke University; Rann Bar-On, Duke
University; and Timothy Lucas. The session will be
moderated by Joseph A. Spivey.
Math Club in a Box, Thursday, 1:00
p.m. to 3:00 p.m., Organized by Kay B. Somers, Moravian
College and Elizabeth Mayfield, Hood College. One
of the recommendations of the Strategic Planning Group on
Students is that the MAA offer support to student chapter
advisors by making available "in-a-box" resources
such as Jeopardy-in-a-box, Career-Day-in-a-box, Fun-Math-Games-in-a-box,
Math-Volunteer-Ideas-in-a-box . . . activities that advisors
could easily carry out on their own campuses, with their
own students. In some cases, we picture a literal box: something
an advisor receives in the mail and opens to find a ready-made
activity within. In other cases, participants may offer
"virtual boxes." What would you put in such a
box? What activity or resource would you contribute to this
new collection of MAA Student Activity Boxes? We seek field-tested
resources from faculty across the MAA to assist student
chapter advisors and others who want to engage students
in mathematics-related activities. These "boxes"
could be used as part of a course, but more likely will
involve activities intended to be completed outside the
classroom. Proposals and questions regarding the session
may be directed to Kay Somers
The deadline for proposals is Friday, November 7, 2008.
The session is sponsored by the MAA Committee on Undergraduate
Student Activities and Chapters (CUSAC).
Mathematicians and Public Policy, Thursday,
2:30 p.m to 3:50 p.m., organized by Philippe M. Tondeur,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Panelists will
include members of Congress and/or their staff and mathematicians
who have worked in the public policy arena. The panel will
discuss how mathematicians can serve to influence public
policy on issues affecting the funding for research and
education and other policy matters and how to learn about
these issues. Panelists include Vernon J. Ehlers,
U.S. Congressman, Michigan, and House Subcommittee on Research
and Science Education; Jerry McNerney, U.S. Congressman,
California; Douglas N. Arnold, University of Minnesota
and President-elect, Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics; Daniel H. Ullman, George Washington
University and former AMS/AAAS Congressional Fellow. The
moderator is Philippe Tondeur, former Director of
the Division of Mathematical Sciences, NSF.