Joint Mathematics Meetings Program by Day
Current as of Saturday, January 14, 2012 00:29:10
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Inquiries: meet@ams.org
Joint Mathematics Meetings
John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center, Boston Marriott Hotel, and Boston Sheraton Hotel, Boston, MA
January 4-7, 2012 (Wednesday - Saturday)
Meeting #1077
Associate secretaries:
Michel L Lapidus, AMS lapidus@math.ucr.edu, lapidus@mathserv.ucr.edu
Gerard A Venema, MAA venema@calvin.edu
Thursday January 5, 2012
Thursday January 5, 2012, 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Joint Meetings Registration
2nd Floor Corridor, opposite Hall C, Hynes
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Classical Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, III
Room 104, Hynes Organizers: William O. Bray, University of Maine bray@math.umaine.edu Mark A. Pinsky, Northwestern University
8:00 a.m.
Stationary Navier-Stokes equations with singular external forces.
Cong Phuc Nguyen, Louisiana State University
Tuoc Van Phan*, University of Tennessee
8:30 a.m.
The critical density property and Harnack's inequality in spaces of homogeneous type.
Sharad Deep Silwal*, Kansas State University
Diego Maldonado, Kansas State University
Sapto Indratno, Bandung Institute of Technology
9:00 a.m.
Exponential Operator Splitting for the generalized Kawahara equation.
Pablo U Suarez*, Delaware State University
9:30 a.m.
Dispersive estimates for Schrödinger operators in dimension two with obstructions at zero energy.
M Burak Erdo\smash{ğ}an, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
William R Green*, Eastern Illinois University
10:00 a.m.
The regularity problem for the Lamé system on curvilinear polygons in two dimensions.
Katharine Ott*, University of Kentucky
Irina Mitrea, Temple University
10:30 a.m.
A proof of a Theorem of Boutet de Monvel.
Matthew B. Stenzel*, Ohio State University at Newark
11:00 a.m.
Unimodular Fourier Multipliers On Modulation Spaces.
Jiecheng Chen, Zhejiang University, P.R.China
Dashan Fan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Lijing Sun*, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
11:30 a.m.
The Muckenhoupt-type estimations for the best constants in multidimensional modular inequalities over spherical cones.
Chang-pao Chen*, Hsuan Chuang University
Jin-Wen Lan, National Tsing Hua University
Dah-Chin Luor, I-Shou University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:20 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Climate Modeling and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, I
Suffolk, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Qingshan Chen, Florida State University Nathan Glatt-Holtz, Indiana University negh@indiana.edu Mickael Chekroun, University of California, Los Angeles
9:00 a.m.
Impact of Non-Gaussian Random Boundary Conditions on a Burgers-Boussinesq System.
Jinqiao Duan*, Institute for Pure and Applied Math, Los Angeles & Dept of Applied Math, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
9:30 a.m.
Parameter estimation for energy balance models with memory.
Mickael D. Chekroun*, Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences and IGPP, UCLA
Lionel Roques, UR 546 Biostatistique et Processus Spatiaux, INRA
Michel Cristofol, Université Aix-Marseille, LATP
Samuel Soubeyrand, UR 546 Biostatistique et Processus Spatiaux, INRA
Michael Ghil, Geosciences Department and Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (CNRS and IPSL)
10:00 a.m.
Uncertainty quantification in the simulation of quasi-one-dimensional nozzle flow.
Yanyan He*, Florida State University
Yousuff Hussaini, Florida State University
Jonghoon Bin, Florida State University
10:30 a.m.
Correcting flow estimates in Chesapeake Bay using data assimilation.
Matthew J Hoffman*, Rochester Institute of Technology
11:00 a.m.
A stochastic model for tropical rainfall and extreme events.
Samuel N Stechmann*, Department of Mathematics, and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison
J David Neelin, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, and Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UCLA
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Combinatorial Geometry of Polytopes, I
Room 102, Hynes Organizers: Egon Schulte, Northeastern University schulte@neu.edu Asia Ivic Weiss, York University
8:00 a.m.
Semiregular Polytopes and Amalgamated C-Groups.
Egon Schulte*, Northeastern University
8:30 a.m.
Resent developments about Colorful Polytopes.
Deborah Oliveros*, UNAM
Gabriela Araujo, UNAM.
Hubard Isabel, UNAM.
Egon Schulte, Northeastern University
9:00 a.m.
Theory and examples of ghost symmetry.
David Richter*, Western Michigan University
9:30 a.m.
Strengthening Fary's Theorem: Convex and Star-Shaped Realizations of Polyhedral Complexes.
Stedman M. Wilson*, University of California, Los Angeles
Igor Pak, University of California, Los Angeles
10:00 a.m.
Constructing self-Petrie and self-dual covers of regular polyhedra.
Gabe Cunningham*, Northeastern University
10:30 a.m.
The width of 4-prismatoids.
Francisco Santos, Universidad de Cantabria
Tamon Stephen*, Simon Fraser University
Hugh Thomas, University of New Brunswick
11:00 a.m.
Two-Orbit Polytopes with Two Facet Types.
Ilanit Helfand*, Northeastern University
11:30 a.m.
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Computational and Applied Topology (Mathematics Research Communities session), I
Exeter, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Radmila Sazdanovic, University of Pennsylvania Daniel Muellner, Stanford University Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson, University of St. Andrews mikael@johanssons.org
8:00 a.m.
Oscillatory solutions of fourth order conservative systems via the Conley index.
Miroslav Kramar*, Rutgers
J Van den Berg, Free University Amsterdam
R. Van der Vorst, Free University Amsterdam
8:30 a.m.
Quantifying Patterns in a Coupled-Patch Population Model.
Sarah Day*, The College of William and Mary
Benjamin Holman, University of Arizona
9:00 a.m.
Homology and Robustness of Level and Interlevel Sets.
Paul Bendich, Duke University
Herbert Edelsbrunner, IST Austria
Dmitriy Morozov*, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Amit Patel, Rutgers University
9:30 a.m.
A spectral sequence for parallelized persistence.
Primoz Skraba*, Jozef Stefan Institute
10:00 a.m.
Obstruction-Theoretic Sensing.
Justin Michael Curry*, University of Pennsylvania
10:30 a.m.
Evasion Paths in Mobile Sensor Networks.
Henry Adams*, Stanford University
11:00 a.m.
Persistent homology and statistical inference.
Peter Bubenik*, Cleveland State University
11:30 a.m.
Finite Coverage Processes and Homology of Random Sets.
Rafal Komendarczyk, Tulane University
Jeffrey Pullen*, Tulane University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Differential Algebraic Geometry and Galois Theory (in memory of Jerald Kovacic), I
Room 103, Hynes Organizers: Phyllis Joan Cassidy, Smith College and the City University of New York Richard Churchill, Hunter College and Graduate Center at CUNY Claude Mitschi, Université de Strasbourg, France Michael Singer, North Carolina State University singer@math.ncsu.edu
8:00 a.m.
Automorphisms of Hurwitz series.
William F. Keigher*, Rutgers University, Newark Campus
V. Ravi Srinivasan, Catholic University of America
8:30 a.m.
Cohomology of Differential Schemes.
Raymond T Hoobler*, City College of New York and Graduate Center, CUNY
9:00 a.m.
Classification of Algebraic Subgroups of Lower Order Unipotent Algebraic Groups.
V. Ravi Srinivasan*, Catholic University of America
9:30 a.m.
Higher variationnal equations between Kolchin solvability and virtual Abelianity.
Guillaume Duval*, INSA de Rouen (France)
10:00 a.m.
Descent for differential Galois theory of difference equations. Confluence and q-dependency.
Lucia Di Vizio*, Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Versailles
Charlotte Hardouin, Institut de mathématiques de Toulouse
10:30 a.m.
Solvability of difference Riccati equations.
Seiji Nishioka*, Aoyama Gakuin University
11:00 a.m.
Galois theory of strongly normal differential and difference extensions.
Michael Wibmer*, RWTH Aachen
11:30 a.m.
The ring of global sections of a differential scheme.
Dmitry Trushin*, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Fractal Geometry in Pure and Applied Mathematics (in memory of Benoit Mandelbrot), II
Room 200, Hynes Organizers: Michael L. Lapidus, University of California, Riverside Erin Pearse, University of Oklahoma ep@ou.edu Machiel van Frankenhuijsen, Utah Valley University
8:00 a.m.
The algebraic geometry of Harper operators.
Dan Li*, Florida State University
8:30 a.m.
Extreme risk and fractal regularity in finance.
Laurent E Calvet*, Department of Finance, HEC Paris
9:00 a.m.
The Weierstrass function and Fractional Brownian motion.
Murad S. Taqqu*, Boston University
9:30 a.m.
Magic fractal distribution trees in living systems: 1-Implication for evolution theory 2-Role of randomness.
Bernard Sapoval*, Physique de la Matière Condensée,Ecole Polytechnique-CNRS
10:00 a.m.
The landscape of Anderson localization in a disordered medium.
Marcel Filoche*, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS
Svitlana Mayboroda, University of Minnesota
10:30 a.m.
Fractal Antennas, Resonators, and Invisibility Cloaks: Nuggets from the Tortuous Path.
Nathan Cohen*, Fractal Antenna Systems,Inc.
11:00 a.m.
Fractal geometry: a pathway to understanding biodiversity.
Mark E Ritchie*, Syracuse University
11:30 a.m.
Physical Analogues of Peano Curves: from genome folding to new symmetries.
Adrian Sanborn, Harvard University
Jian Li, Harvard University
Erez Lieberman Aiden*, Harvard Society of Fellows
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Groups, Algorithms, Complexity, and Theory of Security, III
Room 101, Hynes Organizers: Maggie Habeeb, City University of New York Delaram Kahrobaei, City University of New York dkahrobaei@gc.cuny.edu
8:00 a.m.
A More Efficient Approach to Bayesian Variable Selection.
Eric R Ruggieri*, Duquesne University
8:30 a.m.
Schreier graphs and Schreier dynamical system of the action of Thompson's group $F$ on the Cantor set.
Dmytro M Savchuk*, Binghamton University
9:00 a.m.
Some Observations Involving the Baumslag groups $G(m,n)$.
Anthony E Clement*, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
9:30 a.m.
From indexed languages to generating functions.
Jared Adams, Southern Utah University
Eric M Freden*, Southern Utah University
Marni Mishna, Simon Fraser University
10:00 a.m.
Abelian extensions of orthogonal Lie algebras in $E_6$ and $E_8$.
Andrew Douglas*, City University of New York
Delaram Kahrobaei, City University of New York
Joe Repka, University of Toronto
10:30 a.m.
Twin Towers of Hanoi: diameters of coupled graphs.
Zoran Sunic*, Texas A&M University
11:00 a.m.
Permutational isomorphism of permutation groups.
László Babai, The University of Chicago
Paolo Codenotti*, IMA, University of Minnesota
Youming Qiao, Tsinghua University
11:30 a.m.
Quantum Algorithms for Fixed Points and Invariant Subgroups.
Stephen Majewicz*, Kingsborough Community College
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Hyperbolicity in Manifolds and Groups, III
Berkeley, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: David Futer, Temple University dfuter@temple.edu Genevieve Walsh, Tufts University
8:00 a.m.
How do you build examples?
David Ben McReynolds*, Purdue University
8:30 a.m.
Hyperbolicity and measure in Teichmüller space.
Spencer Dowdall, UIUC
Moon Duchin*, Tufts University
Howard Masur, University of Chicago
9:00 a.m.
Dynamics of non-classical interval exchanges.
Vaibhav Gadre*, Harvard University
9:30 a.m.
On convex and non-convex Fuchsian polyhedral realizations of hyperbolic surfaces with a single conical singularity.
Jaejeong Lee, Seoul, South Korea
Kei Nakamura*, Temple University
10:00 a.m.
Hyperbolic directions in Teichmuller space equipped with the Lipschitz metric.
Jing Tao*, University of Utah
10:30 a.m.
Embeddability between Right-Angled Artin Groups.
Sang-hyun Kim*, KAIST
Thomas Koberda, Harvard University
11:00 a.m.
The geometry of right-angled Artin subgroups of mapping class groups.
Matt T. Clay, Allegheny College
Christopher J. Leininger, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Johanna Mangahas*, Brown University
11:30 a.m.
Invariant random subgroups of Lie groups.
Ian P Biringer*, New Haven
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Knot Theory, I
Provincetown, 4th Floor, Marriott Organizers: Tim Cochran, Rice University cochran@rice.edu Shelly Harvey, Rice University
8:00 a.m.
Virtual Knot Theory - State Sum Invariants.
Louis H Kauffman*, University of Illinois at Chicago
8:30 a.m.
Virtual knots and Khovanov Homology.
Heather A Dye*, McKendree University
Louis Kauffman, University of Illinois at Chicago
Aaron Kaestner, North Park University
9:00 a.m.
A new generalization of the Khovanov Homology.
Ik Jae Lee*, Kansas State University
9:30 a.m.
Strong L-Spaces and Left Orderability.
Adam Simon Levine*, Brandeis University
Sam Lewallen, Princeton University
10:00 a.m.
A relationship between categorified braid invariants from representation theory and Floer theory.
Denis Auroux, University of California, Berkeley
J. Elisenda Grigsby*, Boston College
Stephan M. Wehrli, Syracuse University
10:30 a.m.
A new filtration of the Magnus kernel of the Torelli group.
R. Taylor McNeill*, Rice University
11:00 a.m.
Embeddings of contact solid tori and Legendrian cable knots.
Douglas J LaFountain*, Aarhus University
John B Etnyre, Georgia Institute of Technology
Bülent Tosun, Georgia Institute of Technology
11:30 a.m.
Unstable Vassiliev theory.
Chad D Giusti*, Willamette University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Mathematics in Natural Resource Modeling, III
Simmons, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Catherine Roberts, College of the Holy Cross croberts@holycross.edu
8:00 a.m.
The environmental impact on sustainable forest management.
Natali Hritonenko*, Prairie View A&M University
Yuri Yatsenko, HBU
Renan Goetz, University of Girona
8:30 a.m.
Optimally Fragmenting Graphs Against Stochastically-located Threats: Balancing Preventative and Real-time Actions in Wildfire Containment.
Gwen Spencer*, Cornell University
David Shmoys, Cornell University
9:00 a.m.
Effect of Gravity in Diffusive Thermal Instabilities of Diffusion Flames.
Joseph E Hibdon, Jr*, Northeastern Illinois University
Moshe Matalon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9:30 a.m.
Multiscale methods for seismic imaging.
Susan E. Minkoff*, University of Maryland Baltimore County
10:00 a.m.
A Bayesian Model Identifying Locations At Risk From Human-Transported Exotic Pathogens.
Steven C McKelvey*, St. Olaf College
Frank H Koch, USDA Forest Service
William D Smith, USDA Forest Service
Kelly R Hawley, Best Buy, Inc.
10:30 a.m.
Temporally variable dispersal and demography can accelerate the spread of invading species.
Stephen P. Ellner, Cornell University
Sebastian J. Schreiber*, University of California, Davis
11:00 a.m.
Mathematical modeling for the improvement of sustainable pest management: a trap cropping example.
Matthew H. Holden*, Cornell University
Stephen P Ellner, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology/Cornell University
Doo-Hyung Lee, Entomology/Cornell University
Jan P Nyrop, Entomology/Cornell University
John P Sanderson, Entomology/Cornell University
11:30 a.m.
To eradicate or not to eradicate: Economic optima for spatial immunizing infections.
Petra Klepac*, Princeton University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:40 a.m.
AMS Special Session on New Perspectives in Multiplicative Number Theory (Mathematics Research Communities session), I
Fairfield, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Leo Goldmakher, University of Toronto Jonathan Kish, University of Colorado at Boulder Micah Milinovich, University of Mississippi Paul Pollack, University of British Columbia/Simon Fraser University pollack@math.ubc.ca
8:00 a.m.
A Weighted Selberg Sieve.
C S Franze*, Central Michigan University
8:30 a.m.
On the maximum number of consecutive integers on which a character is constant.
Enrique Trevino*, Swarthmore
9:00 a.m.
The distribution of character sums.
Jonathan W Bober*, University of Washington
Leo Goldmakher, University of Toronto
9:30 a.m.
On the divisors of $x^n-1$.
Lola Thompson*, Dartmouth College
10:00 a.m.
Large odd order character sums.
Youness Lamzouri*, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Leo Goldmakher, University of Toronto
10:30 a.m.
When is a multiplicative function small on average?
Dimitris Koukoulopoulos*, CRM, Universite de Montreal
11:00 a.m.
The latest pretensions.
Andrew Granville*, University of Montreal
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Optimal Control in Applied Mathematical Modeling, II
Clarendon, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Natali Hritonenko, Prairie View A&M University nahritonenko@pvamu.edu Yuri Yatsenko, Houston Baptist University
8:00 a.m.
Two-dimensional interaction of weakly nonlinear solitary waves in shallow water: Mach reflection for the Benney-Luke equation and the KP equation.
Kenichi Maruno*, The University of Texas - Pan American
Yuji Kodama, Ohio State University
Hidekazu Tsuji, Kyushu University
Bao-Feng Feng, The University of Texas - Pan American
8:30 a.m.
Nonlinear parametric Neumann problems with bifurcation and control properties.
Dumitru Motreanu*, University of Perpignan, France
9:00 a.m.
Optimization under Uncertainty and Algorithmic Correlation of Random Variables - Practice.
Thomas R Fielden*, Portland, Oregon
Steven A Bleiler, Portland State University
9:30 a.m.
Optimization under Uncertainty and Algorithmic Correlation of Random Variables: Theory.
Steven A Bleiler*, Portland State University
Thomas R Fielden, Portland, Oregon
10:00 a.m.
Optimal Control of Variational Inequalities.
Janos Turi*, University of Texas at Dallas
Alain Bensoussan, University of Texas at Dallas
10:30 a.m.
Time-and-age distributed controls in economic and management applications.
Natali Hritonenko*, Prairie View A&M University
Yuri Yatsenko, Houston Baptist University
11:00 a.m.
Optimal R & D Spending and Competition Between Firms.
Jannett Highfill, Bradley University
Michael McAsey*, Bradley University
11:30 a.m.
Stochastic Multi-scale Modeling Suggests the Molecular Basis of Calcium-Entrained Cardiac Arrhythmia.
M. Saleet Jafri*, George Mason University
Minh Tuan Hoang-Trong, George Mason University
George S. B. Williams, University of Maryland Baltimore
W. Jonathan Lederer, University of Maryland Baltimore
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:40 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Progress in Free Analysis, I
Room 108, Hynes Organizers: J. William Helton, University of California, San Diego Paul S. Muhly, University of Iowa paul-muhly@uiowa.edu
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Rational Points on Varieties, I
Arlington, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Jennifer Balakrishnan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Bjorn Poonen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Bianca Viray, Brown University bviray@math.brown.edu Kirsten Wickelgren, Harvard University
8:00 a.m.
The rational points on a recalcitrant genus 12 curve.
Ralph Greenberg, University of Washington
Karl Rubin, UCI
Michael Stoll, Universitat Bayreuth
Alice Silverberg*, University of California, Irvine
8:30 a.m.
Twists of Shimura Curves.
James Henry Stankewicz*, University of Georgia
9:00 a.m.
A descent map for curves with totally degenerate semi-stable reduction.
Shahed Sharif*, CSU San Marcos
9:30 a.m.
Siegel's Theorem and the Shafarevich Conjecture.
Aaron Levin*, Michigan State University
10:00 a.m.
Hilbert's Tenth Problem for function fields of positive characteristic.
Kirsten Eisentraeger*, The Pennsylvania State University
10:30 a.m.
Integral points on elliptic curves and explicit valuations of division polynomials.
Katherine E Stange*, Stanford University
11:00 a.m.
The Distribution of 2-Selmer Ranks of Quadratic Twists of Elliptic Curves.
Zev Klagsbrun*, University of Wisconsin - Madison
11:30 a.m.
Elliptic division and unramified correspondence.
Fedor A. Bogomolov*, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Theory and Applications of Stochastic Differential and Partial Differential Equations, I
Room 107, Hynes Organizers: Edward Allen, Texas Tech University Mahmoud Anabtawi, American University of Sharjah Armando Arciniega, University of Texas at San Antonio armando.arciniega@utsa.edu Gangaram S. Ladde, University of South Florida Sivapragasam Sathananthan, Tennessee State University
8:00 a.m.
Energy/Lyapunov Function Method for Solving Stochastic Differential Equations.
Gangaram S. Ladde*, University of South Florida at Tampa
8:30 a.m.
Qualitative Analysis of Stochastic Theta Methods for SDEs.
Henri Schurz*, Southern Illinois University
9:00 a.m.
Stochastic Differential Equations of the Wick Type.
Fariborz Asadian*, Fort Valley State University
9:30 a.m.
Stability properties of stochastic logistic models.
Janusz S Golec*, Fordham University
10:00 a.m.
Hybrid Impulsive Control of Stochastic Systems with Multiplicative Noise under Markovian Switching.
S. Sathananthan, Tennessee State University
N. Jordan Jameson*, Tennessee State University
M. J. Knap, Tennessee State University
10:30 a.m.
Pathwise Convergence Rate for Numerical Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations.
Son Luu Nguyen*, Carleton University
George Yin, Wayne State University
11:00 a.m.
Asymptotic Properties of Consensus-Type Algorithms for Networked Systems with Regime-Switching Topologies.
G. Yin, Wayne State University
Yu Sun*, Wayne State University
Le Yi Wang, Wayne State University
11:30 a.m.
Existence Results for Some Higher-Order Nonautonomous Differential Equations in Hilbert Space.
Toka Diagana*, Howard University - Washington DC
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on the Geometry of Real Projective Structures (Mathematics Research Communities session), I
Dartmouth, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Jeffrey Danciger, Stanford University jeffdanciger@gmail.com Kelly Delp, Buffalo State College Sean Lawton, University of Texas, Pan American Kathryn Mann, University of Chicago
8:00 a.m.
Open problems in real projective structures on low-dimensional orbifolds.
Suhyoung Choi*, KAIST
9:00 a.m.
On Embedded Spheres of Closed Affine Manifolds.
Weiqiang Wu*, University of Maryland - College Park
9:30 a.m.
Bi-Lipschitz Extension from Boundaries of Certain Gromov Hypebolic Spaces.
Anton Lukyanenko*, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
10:00 a.m.
Two-holed cross surfaces and their affine deformations.
Todd A. Drumm*, Howard University
Virginie Charette, University of Sherbrooke
William M. Goldman, University of Maryland, College Park
11:00 a.m.
The Simple $S^2$-branched Cover Area of a Surface.
Aldo-Hilario Cruz-Cota*, Grand Valley State University
Teresita Ramirez-Rosas, Grand Valley State University
11:30 a.m.
Volumes of Complex Hyperbolic Orbifolds.
Ilesanmi Adeboye*, Wesleyan University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS-MAA Special Session on the History of Mathematics, III
Back Bay Ballroom A, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Organizers: Sloan Despeaux, Western Carolina University despeaux@wcu.edu Craig Fraser, University of Toronto Deborah Kent, Hillsdale College
8:00 a.m.
The Genius in Mathematics.
Anjing Qu*, Northwest University, Xian, China
8:30 a.m.
Analogies between algebra and number theory: Some uses of congruences in France between 1801 and 1850.
Jenny Boucard*, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (Paris)
9:00 a.m.
The teaching of Algebra in France (1809-1914).
Caroline Ehrhardt*, ENS-Lyon/Institut français de l'éducation, Service d'histoire de l'éducation
9:30 a.m.
Linear groups in Galois fields between France and the U.S.A. at the turn of the 20th century.
Frédéric Brechenmacher*, University of Lille-North of France (U. Artois). Laboratoire de mathématiques de Lens.
10:00 a.m.
Hans Frederik Blichfeldt.
Sebastien Gauthier*, Institut Camille Jordan, Université Lyon 1 - Claude Bernard
10:30 a.m.
Cambridge mathematics in the north: Peter Guthrie Tait, Philip Kelland and the local nature of mathematics in Edinburgh, 1858-1865.
Josipa Petrunic*, Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto
11:00 a.m.
Mathematics for Public Consumption: Augustus De Morgan's Anonymous Reviews for the Athenaeum.
Sloan Evans Despeaux*, Western Carolina University
11:30 a.m.
Rhetorics of international communication and cooperation: Mittag-Leffler and Swedish mathematics, 1880-1920.
Laura E. Turner*, University of Artois
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:40 a.m.
AMS-ASL Special Session on the Life and Legacy of Alan Turing, III
Room 207, Hynes Organizers: Damir Dzhafarov, University of Chicago and University of Notre Dame Jeff Hirst, Appalachian State University jlh@cs.appstate.edu Carl Mummert, Marshall University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS-SIAM Special Session on the Mathematics of Computation: Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, and Applications, II
Room 109, Hynes Organizers: Chi-Wang Shu, Brown University shu@dam.brown.edu Susanne C. Brenner, Louisiana State University brenner@math.lsu.edu
8:00 a.m.
A balanced finite element method for singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems.
Runchang Lin*, Texas A&M International University
Martin Stynes, National University of Ireland
8:30 a.m.
Finite Element Methods for the Displacement Obstacle Problem of Clamped Plates.
Susanne C. Brenner, Louisiana State University
Li-yeng Sung, Louisiana State University
Hongchao Zhang, Louisiana State University
Yi Zhang*, Louisiana State University
9:00 a.m.
Finite dimensional approximations of nonlocal diffusion and peridynamic models.
Qiang Du*, Penn State University
9:30 a.m.
Domain decomposition preconditioners for the discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin method.
Andrew T. Barker*, Louisiana State University
Susanne C. Brenner, Louisiana State University
Li-Yeng Sung, Louisiana State University
10:00 a.m.
HDG Methods for the Vorticity-Velocity-Pressure Formulation of the Stokes Problem.
Bernardo Cockburn, University of Minnesota
Jintao Cui*, University of Minnesota
10:30 a.m.
Analysis of HDG methods for the Navier-Stokes equations.
Aycil Cesmelioglu*, University of Minnesota
Bernardo Cockburn, University of Minnesota
Ngoc Cuong Nguyen, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jaime Peraire, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11:00 a.m.
A non-conforming Generalized Finite Element Method for Transmission Problems.
Anna L. Mazzucato, Penn State University
Victor Nistor, Penn State University
Qingqin Qu*, Penn State University
11:30 a.m.
A Two-grid Method for Semilinear Interface Problems.
Holst Michael, University of California at San Diego
Ryan Szypowski, University of California at San Diego
Yunrong Zhu*, University of California at San Diego
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:55 a.m.
MAA Session on Arts and Mathematics, Together Again, II
Room 311, Hynes Organizers: Douglas E. Norton, Villanova University douglas.norton@villanova.edu
8:20 a.m.
Semigroups, L-Systems, and Algorithmic Composition.
Marcus Pendergrass*, Hampden-Sydney College
8:40 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Exploring the Mathematics of Tuning a Musical Instrument using Straws.
Christine von Renesse*, Westfield State University, MA
9:20 a.m.
Composing with Mathematics: Final Projects in a Math and Music Course.
Gareth E Roberts*, College of the Holy Cross
9:40 a.m.
Three stories from the math-art frontier.
Luke Wolcott*, University of Washington
10:00 a.m.
Math/Art: Collaborative Practices.
William Kronholm*, Whittier College
Aaron Bocanegra, SCI-Arc
10:20 a.m.
Creative Variations.
Jennifer Wilson*, Eugene Lang College the New School for Liberal Arts
10:40 a.m.
Fostering Artistic Explorations with Geometer's Sketchpad.
Debra L. Hydorn*, University of Mary Washington
11:00 a.m.
Improv Techniques for the Mathematics Classroom.
Andrea N Young*, Ripon College
11:20 a.m.
Mathematics in Literature and Cinema.
Mark Kozek*, Whittier College
11:40 a.m.
Artists Respond to the Enigma of Alan Turing.
Michael Olinick, Middlebury College
Robert P. Martin*, Middlebury College
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-9:40 a.m.
AMS Session on Calculus of Variations, Optimal Control, and Optimization
Room 303, Hynes
8:00 a.m.
Optimal Control of Projectile Motion with Sensitivity-Based Optimization.
David C. Szurley*, Francis Marion University
8:15 a.m.
A Comparison of Derivative-Free Optimization Methods with Constraint Methods.
Ahmad R Almomani*, Clarkson University
Katie R. Fowler, Clarkson University
8:30 a.m.
Existence of isoperimetric regions in $R^n$ with density.
Frank Morgan*, Williams College
Aldo Pratelli, Universita di Pavia
8:45 a.m.
Solution of optimal control problems via combined block-pulse functions and polynomial series.
Mohsen Razzaghi*, Mississippi State University
9:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
A variational characterization of the effective yield set for ionic polycrystals.
Farhod Abdullayev*, North Dakota State University
9:30 a.m.
Identification of Nerves in Ultrasound Scans Using a Modified Mumford-Shah Functional and Prior Information.
Jung-Ha An*, California State University, Stanislaus
Paul Bigeleisen, Department of Anesthesiology/University of Maryland
Steven Damelin, Georgia Southern University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:25 a.m.
AMS Session on Combinatorics and Graph Theory, III
Room 111, Hynes
8:00 a.m.
On the Permanent Rank of Matrices.
Keivan Hassani Monfared*, Graduate Student / University of Wyoming
8:15 a.m.
Zero Forcing Numbers and Graph Powers.
Carolyn Kim*, Harvard University
8:30 a.m.
Weak Discrepancy of Grids.
Katherine V. Johnson*, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
A. J. Radcliffe, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
8:45 a.m.
Spectral properties of complex unit gain graphs.
Nathan H Reff*, Binghamton University
9:00 a.m.
Fair Duels, Bad Shots, and Thue-Morse.
Joshua N Cooper, University of South Carolina
Aaron M Dutle*, University of South Carolina
9:15 a.m.
Counting Large Distances in Convex Polygons: A Computational Approach.
Filip Morić, EPFL
David Pritchard*, EPFL
9:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
Some Results on Permutation Patterns.
Taylor F Allison*, North Carolina State University
10:00 a.m.
Maximizing the number of edges in optimal $k$-rankings.
Rigoberto Florez, University of South Carolina Sumter
Darren A Narayan*, Rochester Institute of Technology
10:15 a.m.
Degree Matrices of $k$-edge Colored Graphs.
Kathleen M. Ryan*, Lehigh University
Garth Isaak, Lehigh University
10:30 a.m.
Generating Differential Equations for Multi-restricted Stirling numbers.
Ji Young Choi*, Shippensburg University of PA
10:45 a.m.
The negative $q$-Binomial.
Shishuo Fu*, KAIST, Republic of Korea
Victor Reiner, University of Minnesota
Dennis Stanton, University of Minnesota
Nathaniel Thiem, University of Colorado at Boulder
11:00 a.m.
Modular-Distance Labelings of Graphs.
Joshua Hanes*, Mississippi University for Women
Tristan Denley, Austin Peay State University
11:15 a.m.
Strong Circuit Double Cover Conjecture in Special Cubic Graphs.
Wenliang Tang*, West Virginia University
Erling Wei, Renmin University of China
Cunquan Zhang, West Virginia University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-9:40 a.m.
AMS Session on Geometry and Differential Geometry, I
Room 105, Hynes
8:00 a.m.
Large autotopism groups on translation planes.
Oscar Vega*, California State University, Fresno
N. L. Johnson, University of Iowa
Vikram Jha, Glasgow United Kingdom.
8:15 a.m.
A note on a topological geometrical interpretation of Bell's inequality and Hardy's quantum entanglement.
S. I. Nada*, University of Qatar
El-naschie, Alexandrie university,Egypt
8:30 a.m.
Tetrahedron Discovers Itself : Frequency & Scale Change.
John Arden Hiigli*, Le Jardin a l'Ouest
8:45 a.m.
The Chen-type of some isoparametric hypersurfaces in the unit sphere.
Ivko M Dimitric*, Pennsylvania State University Fayette, The Eberly Campus
9:00 a.m.
Complete geometry on a Riemannian $\mathcal{A}$-module. Sylvester's theorem.
Adaeze Christiana Anyaegbunam*, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
9:15 a.m.
Tiling a triangle with congruent triangles.
Michael Beeson*, San Jose State University
9:30 a.m.
Differential forms on contact quotients.
Fatima Mahmood*, Cornell University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:55 a.m.
MAA General Contributed Paper Session: Research in Analysis
Room 201, Hynes Organizers: Jennifer Beineke, Western New England College jbeineke@wne.edu Lynette Boos, Providence College lboos@providence.edu Aliza Steurer, Dominican University asteurer@dom.edu
8:00 a.m.
Minimizing the Jacobian Integral.
Colin Carroll*, Rice University
8:15 a.m.
The Poisson Geometry of SU(1,1).
McKenzie R Lamb*, Ripon College
Philip Foth, University of Arizona
8:30 a.m.
Looking for a few good means.
Bruce R. Ebanks*, Mississippi State University
8:45 a.m.
a CLT for independent non-identical processes.
Yuping Yang*, Texas A&M University
9:00 a.m.
Benford's Law and Dependent Random Variables.
Thealexa G Becker*, Smith College
Alec Greaves-Tunnell, Williams College
Ryan Ronan, Cooper Union
Steven J Miller, Williams College
9:15 a.m.
The Necessary Condition For $\bar{\partial}$-equation in Hölder space in $\mathbb{C}^3$.
Young Hwan You*, Indiana University East
9:30 a.m.
Dynamical deltoids.
Joshua P. Bowman*, Stony Brook University
9:45 a.m.
Existence of Solutions for Nonconvex $n^{th}$ Order Differential Inclusions.
Michael Fulkerson, University of Central Oklahoma
Kristi Karber*, University of Central Oklahoma
10:00 a.m.
Bifurcations of Inverse Functions: A Story of Undergraduate Research.
Jody M Sorensen*, Augsburg College
10:15 a.m.
Proof of the density hypothesis.
Yuanyou F. Cheng*, Waltham, MA
10:30 a.m.
On quasi-diagonality of continuous fields.
Jose L. Lugo*, Purdue University
10:45 a.m.
How Fast does a Sequence of Positive Integers Grow? An Elementary Perspective based on Multiplication.
Michael A Brilleslyper*, U. S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
Bradley A Warner, U. S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
11:00 a.m.
A tail of two series.
Johann A Thiel*, United States Military Academy
11:15 a.m.
Low-lying zeros of cuspidal Maass forms.
Liyang Zhang*, Williams College
Steven J Miller, Williams College
Oleg Lazarev, Princeton University
Geoffrey Iyer, University of Michigan
Nadine Amersi, University College London
11:30 a.m.
Quantitative Approximation by Fractional Smooth General Singular Operators.
George A Anastassiou, University of Memphis
Razvan A. Mezei*, Lander University
11:45 a.m.
On the Linear Generating Function for the Charlier Polynomials.
Daniel Joseph Galiffa*, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:40 a.m.
MAA General Contributed Paper Session: Statistics
Back Bay Ballroom D, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Organizers: Jennifer Beineke, Western New England College jbeineke@wne.edu Lynette Boos, Providence College lboos@providence.edu Aliza Steurer, Dominican University asteurer@dom.edu
8:00 a.m.
Estimation of eigenvalues and their multiplicities of a covariance operator.
Krishna Kaphle*, Illinois Wesleyan University
Frits H. Ruymgaart, Texas Tech University
George Gaines, Texas Tech University
8:15 a.m.
Linear Tests of Uniformity for Data Defined on Distance Transitive Graphs.
Connor Ahlbach, Harvey Mudd College
John Choi, Harvey Mudd College
Michael Orrison, Harvey Mudd College
Laura Passarelli, Scripps College
Shujing Xu*, Claremont Graduate University
8:30 a.m.
Approximation to the Generalized Gamma Distribution.
Salam Md. Mahbubush Khan*, Alabama A&M University
8:45 a.m.
Detection of slightly expressed changes in random environment.
Veera Holdai*, Salisbury University
9:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
Bounded influence nonlinear signed-rank regression.
Huybrechts Bindele*, Auburn University
Asheber Abebe, Auburn University
9:30 a.m.
Rank-based estimation for generalized linear models.
Guy-vanie M Miakonkana*, Auburn University
Ashere Abebe, Auburn University
9:45 a.m.
A Robust Dispersion Estimator and its Applications.
Jianfeng Zhang*, Chattanooga TN
David Olive, Southern Illinois Univeristy Carbondale
Ping Ye, Quincy University
10:00 a.m.
Exact Confidence Intervals for the Ratio of Two Proportions.
Paul R. Coe*, Dominican University
10:15 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Using Mixed Distributions to Model Count Data with Application.
Mehdi Razzaghi*, Bloomsburg University
10:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Census at School: An Outreach Program to Teach Statistical Problem Solving in Grades 4-12 Using Real Student Data.
Rebecca Nichols*, American Statistical Association
11:15 a.m.
Teaching Statistics through the years: What works? What doesn't? What's next?
Barbara A. Wainwright*, Salisbury University
11:30 a.m.
Introducing The Idea of Fitting a Distribution to Data in a Probability Course.
Christopher J Lacke*, Rowan University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-10:40 a.m.
AMS Session on Manifolds, Cell Complexes, and Global Analysis, I
Room 305, Hynes
8:00 a.m.
Paths in the pants complex and bridge splittings of knots.
Alexander M Zupan*, University of Iowa
8:15 a.m.
The sl(3) skein module.
Jeffrey Boerner*, Westminster College
8:30 a.m.
The asymptotic expansion of the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants.
Benjamin Himpel*, Aarhus University, Denmark
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Aarhus University, Denmark
8:45 a.m.
Knots in handlebodies with handlebody surgeries.
R. Sean Bowman*, University of Texas, Austin
9:00 a.m.
Squarepegs and Inscribed Polygons.
Jason Cantarella, University of Georgia, Athens
Elizabeth Denne*, Smith College
John McCleary, Vassar College
9:15 a.m.
Mapping Cylinder Neighborhoods in Manifold Stratified Pairs.
Stacy L. Hoehn*, Vanderbilt University
C. Bruce Hughes, Vanderbilt University
9:30 a.m.
Genus 2 mutation of knots.
Allison H Moore*, The University of Texas at Austin
9:45 a.m.
Algebras Counting Minimal Intersection and Self-Intersection Numbers of Loops on a Surface.
Patricia Cahn*, Dartmouth College
10:00 a.m.
The adjoint action on homotopy-associative H-spaces.
Nicholas D. Nguyen*, University of California San Diego
10:15 a.m.
Circle Valued Generating Families and Legendrian Link Invariants.
Christopher A Micklewright*, Bryn Mawr College
10:30 a.m.
On the rotation class of knotted Legendrian tori in $\mathbb{R}^5$.
Ben McCarty*, Louisiana State University
Scott Baldridge, Louisiana State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:15 a.m.
MAA Session on Mathematics Experiences in Business, Industry, and Government
Room 203, Hynes Organizers: Carla D. Martin, James Madison University carlam@math.jmu.edu Phil Gustafson, Mesa State College Michael Monticino, University of North Texas
8:00 a.m.
Reduction of the operation cost via optimal control of an industrial wastewater biotreatment process.
Ellina V. Grigorieva*, Texas Woman's University
Evgenii N. Khailov, Lomonosov Moscow State Univeristy, Russia
Andrei Korobeinikov, University of Limerick, Ireland
8:20 a.m.
Tires, Insurance and Clutches: Applications of Undergraduate Consulting.
John R Ramsay*, The College of Wooster
8:40 a.m.
Visualizing semantic data through the use of partially ordered sets.
Emilie Hogan*, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Cliff Joslyn, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
9:00 a.m.
Cubic Splines, Local Extrema, and the Harmonic Mean: An Application to Graph Editors.
James H. Fife*, Educational Testing Service
9:20 a.m.
Optimization in Fourier imaging for laser remote sensing.
Thomas Höft*, Tufts University
9:40 a.m.
Modeling GPS Interference.
Joseph J. Rushanan*, The MITRE Corporation
10:00 a.m.
Using Regression to Determine Cost Estimating Relationships for Costing of FAA Software.
William S. Barfield*, Quantech Services, Inc.
10:20 a.m.
New Metrics to Detect Suicide Bombers.
William P. Fox*, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
10:40 a.m.
Math in the City.
Ananthnarayan Hariharan, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Lauren Keough*, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
11:00 a.m.
"Careers in Mathematics" speakers series.
Michael Dorff*, Brigham Young University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:55 a.m.
MAA Session on My Most Successful Math Club Activity
Back Bay Ballroom B, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Organizers: Jacqueline Jensen, Slippery Rock University Jacqueline.jensen@sru.edu Deanna Haunsberger, Carleton College
8:00 a.m.
Math Club Bingo.
Jacqueline A. Jensen-Vallin*, Slippery Rock University
8:20 a.m.
The Calculus Bowl: A Fundraising Activity for the Mathematics Club.
H. Smith Risser, Montana Tech
Casey Clark*, Montana Tech
Jay Rosencrantz, Montana Tech
JoAnne McAllister, Montana Tech
Jeff Winter, Montana Tech
Stuart Fortier, Montana Tech
8:40 a.m.
The Amazing Mathematical Race.
Brooke E Buckley*, Northern Kentucky University
Bethany A Noblitt, Northern Kentucky University
9:00 a.m.
Bringing Down The House?
Kathryn Behrend Andrist*, Utah Valley University
9:20 a.m.
Solidly Platonic: Hood College's Math Tea Love Affair with Vi Hart.
Jill Bigley Dunham*, Hood College
Ann Stewart, Hood College
9:40 a.m.
Origami for Math Clubs.
Dale K Hathaway*, Olivet Nazarene University
10:00 a.m.
Celebrating Pi-Day with a Piathlon!
Daniel M. Look*, St. Lawrence University
10:20 a.m.
University of Rochester's Annual Pi-Day Festival.
Alicia M Cornelia*, University of Rochester
10:40 a.m.
Interdisciplinary Lecture Series.
Jennifer McLoud-Mann*, The University of Texas at Tyler
Christina Graves, The University of Texas at Tyler
11:00 a.m.
Art Museum Field Trip.
Kathi Crow*, Salem State University
11:20 a.m.
Beautiful Minds: Getting hooked on Math through Literature.
Maria Falidas*, American Community Schools of Athens
11:40 a.m.
Math Awareness Week: Students Engaging Students.
Monika Kiss, Saint Leo University
Jacci White*, Saint Leo University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-10:40 a.m.
AMS Session on Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes, and Statistics, III
Room 209, Hynes
8:00 a.m.
Beta-cauchy distribution and its applications.
Etaf Alshawarbeh*, Central Michigan University
Felix Famoye, Central Michigan University
Carl Lee, Central Michigan University
8:15 a.m.
Invariant Theory for Hypothesis Testing on Graphs.
Andrey Rukhin*, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division
8:30 a.m.
Investigation of a Random Graph Model for Neuronal Connectivity.
David J. Marchette*, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, VA
Carey E. Priebe, Johns Hopkins University
Rebecca F. Goldin, George Mason University
Giorgio A. Ascoli, George Mason University
8:45 a.m.
Solving Tolerance Optimization Problems for Complex Manufacturing Systems.
Paul L. Goethals*, United States Military Academy
Gregory L. Boylan, Clemson University
Byung Rae Cho, Clemson University
9:00 a.m.
Identifying Gene Set Differences Between B-cell and T-cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.
Jacob A Gagnon*, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
9:15 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
On a hybrid method for variable selection.
Daniel Vasiliu*, Christopher Newport University
9:45 a.m.
A Study on Tests of Symmetry with Ordered Alternatives in Higher Dimensional Contingency Tables.
Ping Ye*, Quincy University
Bhaskar Bhattacharya, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
10:00 a.m.
Law of the iterated logarithm for the $L_2$ error of the wavelet density estimator.
Lu Lu*, University of Connecticut
10:15 a.m.
Multivariate Nonparametric Ranking and Selection.
Jeremy Entner*, Syracuse University
10:30 a.m.
Combinatorics and statistical issues related to the Kruskal-Wallis statistic.
Raymond N. Greenwell*, Hofstra University
Anna E. Bargagliotti, Loyola Marymount University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:15 a.m.
MAA Session on Research on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics, I
Room 202, Hynes Organizers: Sean Larsen, Portland State University slarsen@pdx.edu Stacy Brown, Pitzer College Karen Marrongelle, Portland State University
8:00 a.m.
Students' Understanding of Two-Variable Functions and Rates of Change.
Eric David Weber*, Arizona State University
8:20 a.m.
A circle of radius one: Pre-service teachers' notions of the unit circle.
Kevin C. Moore*, University of Georgia
Kevin R. LaForest, University of Georgia
Hee Jung Kim, University of Georgia
8:40 a.m.
Introducing the Concept of Derivative via the Calculus Triangle.
Michael A. Tallman*, Arizona State University
Eric Weber, Arizona State University
9:00 a.m.
The Proof is in the Practice? Graduate Teaching Assistants and Future Teachers.
Kimberly Cervello Rogers*, Michigan State University
9:20 a.m.
9:40 a.m.
Authority dynamics in mathematics discussions.
Rebecca A. Dibbs, University of Northern Colorado
David M. Glassmeyer*, University of Northern Colorado
Michael C. Oehrtman, University of Northern Colorado
10:00 a.m.
Building Symbolic Meaning Through Dynamically-Connected Representations in Abstract Algebra.
Douglas A. Lapp*, Central Michigan University
10:20 a.m.
Experts' Reification of Complex Variables Concepts: The Role of Metaphor.
Hortensia Soto-Johnson*, University of Northern Colorado
Michael Oehrtman, University of Northern Colorado
Kristin Noblet, University of Northern Colorado
Lee Roberson, University of Northern Colorado
Sarah Rozner, University of Northern Colorado
10:40 a.m.
Reaching for the Familiar: Example Generation in the Proving Process.
James T Sandefur*, Georgetown University
John Mason, Oxford University
Gabriel J. Stylianides, Oxford University
Anne Watson, Oxford University
11:00 a.m.
A Model of Students' Combinatorial Thinking.
Elise N Lockwood*, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:15 a.m.
MAA Session on Touch It, Feel It, Learn It: Tactile learning Activities in the Undergraduate Mathematics Classroom, III
Room 313, Hynes Organizers: Jessica Mikhaylov, U.S. Military Academy jessica.mikhaylov@usma.edu Julie Barnes, Western Carolina University
8:00 a.m.
Riding the Ferris Wheel: A Sinusoidal Model.
Kathleen Cage Mittag*, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Sharon Taylor, Georgia Southern University
8:20 a.m.
Building Art Galleries for Geometric Proofs.
B. Carrigan*, Auburn University
8:40 a.m.
Learning Through Re-Arrangement of Patterns.
John C Mayer*, University of Alabama at Birmingham
William O Bond, University of Alabama at Birmingham
9:00 a.m.
Geometric Models in Many Classrooms.
Teresa E. Moore*, Ithaca College
L. Christine Kinsey, Canisius College
9:20 a.m.
Building Mathematics Understanding with Toys.
Mike Long*, Shippensburg University
9:40 a.m.
Investigating Polytopes of the Fourth Dimension by Building Models.
John F Putz*, Alma College
10:00 a.m.
Tearing Plastic: A laboratory exercise on fractals and hyperbolic geometry.
Ron Taylor*, Berry College
Todd Timberlake, Berry College
10:20 a.m.
Traffic Jam: Teaching Critical Thinking through Games.
Melissa A Stoner*, Salisbury University
10:40 a.m.
Hands-on Activity for Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares.
Julie F Rogers*, Auburn University
11:00 a.m.
Hands-On SET$^\circledR$.
Ellizabeth McMahon*, Lafayette College
Rebecca Gordon, Queen Margaret College, Wellington NZ
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:25 a.m.
AMS Session on Undergraduate Research, III
Room 110, Hynes
8:00 a.m.
Diagram vectors of frames and the tight frame scaling problem.
Martin S. Copenhaver*, Georgia Institute of Technology
Cortney Logan, Stonehill College
Kyanne Mayfield, University of Portland
Jonathan Sheperd, University of Notre Dame
8:15 a.m.
Pondering and Posing Problems and Proofs Pertaining to Perfect Order Subset Groups.
Ashley R. Taylor*, Univeristy of Central Oklahoma
Devin C Smith, University of Central Oklahoma
8:30 a.m.
Ecological Systems, Nonlinear Boundary Conditions, and $\Sigma$-Shaped Bifurcation Curves.
Kathryn Lois Ashley*, Clemson University
Jerome Goddard II, Auburn University Montgomery
Victoria Sincavage, Clemson University
8:45 a.m.
An Analytical Approach to Solving Green Oxidation Processes.
Diego Torrejon*, George Mason University
9:00 a.m.
Tear-film dehydration of a soft contact lens.
Mihail Sharov*, George Mason University
9:15 a.m.
Modeling the Effects of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Meltdown on the Marine Environment.
Bernard R Lipat*, New Jersey City University
Rusty Laracuenti, New Jersey City University
9:30 a.m.
On Li-Yorke Measurable Sensitivity.
Lucas Manuelli, Princeton University
Jared Hallett*, Williams College
Cesar E. Silva, Williams College
9:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Global Dynamics of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators.
Allison L. Corish*, College of William & Mary
Sarah Day, College of William & Mary
M. Drew LaMar, College of William & Mary
10:15 a.m.
Nabla Discrete Fractional Calculus.
Kevin Ahrendt, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lucas Castle*, Lamar University
Holm Michael, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Kathryn Yochman, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology
10:30 a.m.
Tilings with nonconvex pentagons.
Ping Ngai Chung*, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Niralee K. Shah, Williams College
Luis A. Sordo Vieira, Wayne State University
Miguel A. Fernandez, Truman State University
10:45 a.m.
Minimal Pentagonal Tilings.
Niralee Shah*, Williams College
Luis Sordo Vieira, Wayne State University
Ping Ngai Chung, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Miguel Fernandez, Truman State University
11:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
The Wecken Property for Random Maps on Surfaces with Boundary.
Matthew Donovan Griisser*, Georgia Institute of Technology
Allison Miller, Pomona College
Jacqueline Brimley, Fairfield University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-11:25 a.m.
SIAM Minisymposium on Computational Geometry
Room 206, Hynes Organizers: Suresh Venkatasubramanian, University of Utah suresh@cs.utah.edu
8:00 a.m.
Computing interesting topological features on surface embedded graphs.
Erin Chambers*, Saint Louis University
8:30 a.m.
Optimal stochastic planarization.
Anastasios Sidiropoulos*, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
9:00 a.m.
An Introduction to Davenport-Schinzel Sequences, Forbidden 0-1 Matrices, and Their Geometric Applications.
Seth Pettie*, University of Michigan
9:30 a.m.
Toward understanding complex data: graph Laplacians on singular manifolds.
Mikhail Belkin, The Ohio State University
Qichao Que, The Ohio State University
Yusu Wang*, The Ohio State University
Xuanyuan Zhou, University of Chicago
10:00 a.m.
Horoball Hulls and Extents in Positive Definite Space.
P. Thomas Fletcher, University of Utah
John Moeller, University of Utah
Jeff M Phillips, University of Utah
Suresh Venkatasubramanian*, University of Utah
10:30 a.m.
Computational Geometry on Uncertain Data.
Jeff M Phillips*, University of Utah
11:00 a.m.
Geometric Aspects of Compressive Sensing.
Eric Price*, MIT
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Committee on Math Institutes
Beacon H, 3rd Floor, Sheraton
Susan Lenhart,
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Employment Center
Exhibit Hall C, Hynes
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:30 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Enumerative and Algebraic Combinatorics, I
Room 204, Hynes Organizers: Ira Gessel, Brandeis University Alexander Postnikov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Richard Stanley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology rstan@math.mit.edu
8:30 a.m.
On the bunkbed conjecture and related problems.
Svante Linusson*, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
9:00 a.m.
Monotone Hurwitz numbers and the HCIZ integral.
Jonathan Novak*, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
9:30 a.m.
The Potts model on random lattices.
Olivier Bernardi*, MIT
10:00 a.m.
Enumerations deciding the weak Lefschetz property.
David W. Cook II*, University of Kentucky
Uwe Nagel, University of Kentucky
10:30 a.m.
Lifted generalized permutohedra and composition polynomials.
Federico Ardila*, San Francisco State University
Jeffrey Doker, University of California, Berkeley
11:00 a.m.
Flow polytopes and the Kostant partition function for signed graphs.
Alejandro H. Morales*, MIT
Karola Mészáros, University of Michigan
11:30 a.m.
Algebra based on real hyperplane arrangements.
Marcelo Aguiar*, Texas A&M University
Swapneel Mahajan, IIT Mumbai
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:30 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: Theory and Application, I
Wellesley, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Jerry L. Bona, University of Illinois, Chicago Laihan Luo, New York Institute of Technology lluo@nyit.edu
8:30 a.m.
Concentration compactness and KdV-NLS solitary waves.
John P Albert*, University of Oklahoma
Santosh Bhattarai, University of Oklahoma
9:00 a.m.
Comparisons between Uni-directional and Bi-directional Models for Surface Water Waves.
Jerry L Bona*, University of Illinois at Chicago
9:30 a.m.
Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to the Liquid Crystals Systems in $\mathbb{R}^3$.
Mimi Dai*, University of California, Santa Cruz
Jie Qing, University of California, Santa Cruz
Maria Schonbek, University of California, Santa Cruz
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Solutions to the Sine-Gordon Equation of Low Differentiability.
Josef F Dorfmeister, Technische Universitat Munchen
Ivan C Sterling*, St. Mary's College of Maryland
11:00 a.m.
Periodic Rippling in Hyperbolic Non-Euclidean Plates.
John Gemmer*, University of Arizona
Shankar Venkataramani, University of Arizona
11:30 a.m.
Global Well Posedness for a system of KdV-type Equations with Coupled Quadratic nonlinearities.
Jerry L. Bona, University of Illinois, Chicago
Jonathan Cohen*, DePaul University
Gang Wang, DePaul University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:30 a.m.-11:20 a.m.
AMS Special Session on Stability Analysis for Infinite Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems, III
Room 300, Hynes Organizers: Wilhelm Schlag, University of Chicago schlag@math.uchicago.edu Gene Wayne, Boston University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 8:40 a.m.-11:55 a.m.
MAA Session on Innovative and Effective Ways to Teach Linear Algebra, II
Room 312, Hynes Organizers: David Strong, Pepperdine University David.Strong@pepperdine.edu Gil Strang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology David Lay, University of Maryland
8:40 a.m.
Web 2.0 for Linear Algebra Classes.
Tom Edgar*, Pacific Lutheran University
9:00 a.m.
On Generating Large Dimensional, Hand-Calculable Exercises and Applications.
Jeff R. Knisley*, East Tennessee State University
9:20 a.m.
Mobile Math Applications for the Second Course of Linear Algebra.
Sang-Gu Lee*, Sungkyunkwan University
9:40 a.m.
Full Sage Contents of Introductory Linear Algebra.
Sang-Gu Lee, Sungkyunkwan University
Kyung-Won Kim*, Sungkyunkwan University
10:00 a.m.
10:20 a.m.
Muggle Magic with Matrix Arithmetic.
Tim Chartier*, Davidson College
10:40 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
LINE (Linear Algebra in New Environments): Using Learning Theories to Design Linear Algebra Modules.
William O. Martin*, North Dakota State University
Jeff Suzuki, Brooklyn College
Draga Vidakovic, Georgia State University
Sergio Loch, Grand View University
Laurel A Cooley, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Catalin Ciuperca, North Dakota State University
Scott Dexter, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
11:20 a.m.
A Comparison of Different Pedagogical Approaches to Linear Algebra.
Sukanya Basu*, Grand Valley State University
11:40 a.m.
Connecting Linear Algebra Concepts.
C. Ray Rosentrater*, Westmont College
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-9:50 a.m.
MAA Invited Address
The sound of geometry.
Ballrooms A/B, 3rd floor, Hynes
Carolyn Gordon*, Dartmouth College
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
MAA Minicourse #4: Part A
Elementary mathematics in architecture.
Salon AB, 4th Floor, Marriott
Alexander J. Hahn, University of Notre Dame
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
MAA Minicourse #13: Part A
Interactive applets for calculus and differential equations.
Salon HI, 4th Floor, Marriott
Haynes Miller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
MAA Minicourse #1: Part A
Mathematics and backgammon.
Salon CD, 4th Floor, Marriott
Arthur Benjamin, Harvey Mudd College
Robert Koca, Community College of Baltimore County
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m.
MAA Invited Paper Session on the Beauty and Power of Number Theory
Room 302, Hynes Organizers: Thomas Koshy, Framingham State University tkoshy@framingham.edu Shannon Lockard, Bridgewater State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-11:15 a.m.
MAA Session on Preparing College Students for Calculus
Back Bay Ballroom C, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Organizers: Andrew Bennett, Kansas State University bennett@math.ksu.edu
9:00 a.m.
Making connections with Precalculus.
Ramanjit K Sahi*, Austin Peay State University
9:20 a.m.
Tangent lines: a multifaceted concept.
Peter J. Byers*, Boston University
9:40 a.m.
Preparing students for proofs and deeper conceptual thinking by implementing collaborative learning projects in Intermediate Algebra and Trigonometry.
Alla Morgulis*, BMCC/CUNY
Claire Wyn Wladis, BMCC/CUNY
10:00 a.m.
Mathematical Reasoning in Calculus: Moving Between Representations.
Mairead Greene*, Rockhurst University
Paula Shorter, Rockhurst University
10:20 a.m.
Identifying Crucial Concepts and Skills, and Preparing College Students for Success in Calculus.
Alison Ahlgren*, University of Illinois
Marc Harper, UCLA
10:40 a.m.
Long-Term National Impact of the Calculus Reform Initiative.
Susan L Ganter*, East Carolina University
Jack Bookman, Duke University
11:00 a.m.
Preparing your calculus students: An inquiry-based algebra review.
Angie Hodge*, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
MAA Poster Session on Mathematical Outreach Programs for Underrepresented Populations
Veteran's Auditorium, 2nd floor, Hynes
Elizabeth Yanik, Emporia State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-10:20 a.m.
MAA Panel Discussion
Are we selling mathematics as a major?
Room 309, Hynes
Steve Deckelman, University of Wisconsin Stout
Mary Kay Abbey, Montgomery College
Michael Dorff, Brigham Young University
Sandy Ganzell, St. Mary's College
Daniel Kaplan, Macalester College
Theresa Anderson, Brown University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-10:20 a.m.
MAA Committee on Graduate Students/Young Mathematicians Network Panel Discussion
Graduate school: Choosing one, getting in, staying in.
Room 306, Hynes
Aaron Luttman, Clarkson University
Kristi Meyer, Wisconsin Lutheran College
Richard McGehee, University of Minnesota
Kim Ruane, Tufts University
Bogdan Vernescu, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-10:20 a.m.
MAA Session for Chairs
Timely and timeless aspects of chairing a mathematical sciences department.
Room 304, Hynes
Daniel Maki, Indiana University
Catherine M. Murphy, Purdue University Calumet
Richard Cleary, Bentley University
Dennis Luciano, Western New England College
Catherine Roberts, College of the Holy Cross
Sheryl Stump, Ball State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Student Hospitality/Information Center
2nd Floor Corridor by Veterans Auditorium, Hynes
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:20 a.m.-11:35 a.m.
MAA Session on Trends in Undergraduate Mathematical Biology Education
Room 310, Hynes Organizers: Timothy D. Comar, Benedictine University tcomar@ben.edu
9:20 a.m.
Deviation from the Norms -- Algebra, Trigonometry, & Calculus for the Aspiring Life Scientist.
Mike Martin*, Johnson County Community College
9:40 a.m.
So, why do you require Calculus?
Carrie Diaz Eaton*, Unity College
10:00 a.m.
Undergraduate Research Projects in Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Simulation in MATLAB.
Timothy D Comar*, Benedictine University
10:20 a.m.
Mathematical epidemiology without differential equations.
Matthew Glomski*, Marist College
10:40 a.m.
Mathematical Concepts and Methods in Modern Biology: Using Modern Discrete Models - A Book in Progress.
Terrell L. Hodge*, Western Michigan University
Raina Robeva, Sweet Briar College
11:00 a.m.
Undergraduate Research in Modeling the Response of Chaparral Plants to Wildfires.
Timothy A Lucas*, Pepperdine University
11:20 a.m.
Cross Disciplinary Research by Undergraduates in Mathematics and Biology to Examine Cellular Processes.
Sepideh Khavari, Youngstown State University
Tara Sansom, Youngstown State University
Bradley Slabe, Youngstown State University
Jonathan Caguiat, Youngstown State University
George T Yates*, Youngstown State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Exhibits and Book Sales
Exhibit Hall D, Hynes
Thursday January 5, 2012, 10:05 a.m.-10:55 a.m.
AWM Emmy Noether Lecture
Conservation Laws - Not Exactly a la Noether.
Ballrooms A/B, 3rd floor, Hynes
Barbara Lee Keyfitz*, The Ohio State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
SIGMAA Officers Meeting
Room 308, Hynes
Amy Shell-Gelasch, Beloit College
Thursday January 5, 2012, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
AMS Special Presentation
A conversation on nonacademic employment.
Room 208, Hynes
C. Allen Butler, Daniel H. Wagner Associates, Inc.
Thursday January 5, 2012, 10:35 a.m.-11:55 a.m.
MAA Panel Discussion
Improving college mathematics teaching through faculty development.
Room 306, Hynes
Jerry Kobylski, U. S. Military Academy
Alex Heidenberg, U. S. Military Academy
Hilary Fletcher, U. S. Military Academy
Howard McInvale, U. S. Military Academy
Molli Jones, Immaculata College
Laurice Garrett, Edison State College
Cindy Soderstrom, Salt Lake Community College
Philip Darcy, Dutchess Community College
Thursday January 5, 2012, 10:35 a.m.-11:55 a.m.
MAA Workshop
Proposal writing for grant applications to the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education.
Room 304, Hynes
Richard Alo, National Science Foundation
Ron Buckmire, National Science Foundation
Lee Zia, National Science Foundation
Thursday January 5, 2012, 11:10 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
SIAM Invited Address
Navier-Stokes, Euler, and other relevant equations.
Ballrooms A/B, 3rd floor, Hynes
Edriss S. Titi*, University of California at Irvine, and the Weizmann Institute of Science
Thursday January 5, 2012, 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
AMS Special Presentation
Report on the findings of the 2010 CBMS survey of undergraduate mathematical and statistical sciences in the U.S.
Room 209, Hynes
Ellen Kirkman, Wake Forest University
James W. Maxwell, American Mathematical Society
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-1:50 p.m.
AMS Colloquium Lectures: Lecture II
Langlands program, trace formulas, and their geometrization, II.
Ballrooms A/B, 3rd floor, Hynes
Edward Frenkel*, University of California Berkeley
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
MAA Minicourse #2: Part A
A dynamical systems approach to the differential equations course.
Salon AB, 4th Floor, Marriott
Paul Blanchard, Boston University
Robert Devaney, Boston University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Classical Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, IV
Room 104, Hynes Organizers: William O. Bray, University of Maine bray@math.umaine.edu Mark A. Pinsky, Northwestern University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-4:20 p.m.
MAA Invited Paper Session on Clever Counting or Beautiful Bijection?
Room 302, Hynes Organizers: Jennifer Quinn, University of Washington, Tacoma jjquinn@u.washington.edu
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:20 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Climate Modeling and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, II
Suffolk, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Qingshan Chen, Florida State University Nathan Glatt-Holtz, Indiana University negh@indiana.edu Mickael Chekroun, University of California, Los Angeles
1:00 p.m.
Dynamic Transition Theory for Thermohaline Circulation.
Shouhong Wang*, IN
1:30 p.m.
Dynamic Transitions and Hexagonal Patterns in Surface Tension Driven Convection.
M Taylan Sengul*, Indiana University
Shouhong Wang, Indiana University
Henk Dijkstra, Utrecht University
2:00 p.m.
Suppression of chaos at slow variables by rapidly mixing fast dynamics.
Rafail V. Abramov*, University of Illinois at Chicago
2:30 p.m.
Stochastic perturbations to dynamical systems: a response theory approach.
Valerio Lucarini*, Klimacampus, University of Hamburg
3:00 p.m.
A Discrete Dynamical Systems Model to Study the Interaction Between Arctic Sea-Surface Temperature and Sea-Ice Cover.
Sukanya Basu*, Grand Valley State University
Auroop R. Ganguly, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University
Evan Kodra, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Combinatorial Geometry of Polytopes, II
Room 101, Hynes Organizers: Egon Schulte, Northeastern University schulte@neu.edu Asia Ivic Weiss, York University
1:00 p.m.
Euler flag enumeration of Whitney stratified spaces.
Richard Ehrenborg, University of Kentucky
Mark Goresky, Institute for Advanced Study
Margaret Readdy*, University of Kentucky
1:30 p.m.
Combinatorial constructions of polytopes.
T. Bisztriczky*, University of Calgary
2:00 p.m.
Matrices associated with polar dual pairs of polytopes.
Jim Lawrence*, George Mason University
2:30 p.m.
Deformations of surfaces and convex polytopes.
Satyan L Devadoss*, Williams College
3:00 p.m.
Minkowski length of 2D and 3D lattice polytopes.
Olivia Beckwith, Harvey Mudd College
Matthew Grimm, UCSD
Jenya Soprunova*, Kent State University
Bradley Weaver, Grove City College
3:30 p.m.
Graphs of Polytopes.
Margaret M Bayer*, University of Kansas
William Espenschied, University of Kansas
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Computational and Applied Topology (Mathematics Research Communities session), II
Exeter, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Radmila Sazdanovic, University of Pennsylvania Radmilas@math.upenn.edu Daniel Muellner, Stanford University muellner@math.stanford.edu Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson, University of St. Andrews mikael@johanssons.org
1:00 p.m.
$\Phi$-somap: Estimating Intrinsic Distance Using Persistent Homology.
Paul Louis Bendich*, Duke University
Jacob Harer, North Carolina State University
1:30 p.m.
Stratification Learning through Local Homology Transfer.
Paul Bendich, Duke University
Bei Wang*, SCI Institute, University of Utah
Sayan Mukherjee, Duke University
2:00 p.m.
Topological dimensionality reduction.
Vin de Silva*, Pomona College
2:30 p.m.
Sheaf invariants for temporal logic.
Michael Robinson*, University of Pennsylvania
3:00 p.m.
Directed sheaf homology and information.
Sanjeevi Krishnan*, University of Pennsylvania
3:30 p.m.
Topology of Spaces of Micro-Images and Applications.
Jose Perea*, Duke University
Gunnar Carlsson, Stanford University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Control Theory and Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations, I
Clarendon, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Shitao Liu, University of Helsinki shitao.liu@helsinki.fi Ting Zhou, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1:00 p.m.
Optimal control of PDE population models involving resources.
Suzanne Lenhart*, University of Tennessee
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
On the linearization of a fluid-nonlinear elasticity interaction.
Lorena Bociu*, North Carolina State University
2:30 p.m.
Uniform decays of energy and blow up of steady states in unstable systems arising in fluid structure interactions.
Irena Lasiecka, University of Virginia
Yongjin Lu*, University of Virginia
3:00 p.m.
Structural decomposition, spectral analysis, and exponential stability for a third order PDE arising in high-intensity ultrasound.
Richard J. Marchand*, U.S. Air Force Academy/Slippery Rock University
Timothy J. McDevitt, Elizabethtown College
Roberto Triggiani, University of Virginia
3:30 p.m.
Attractor for a non-dissipative von Karman plate with damping in free boundary conditions.
Lorena Bociu, North Carolina State University
Daniel Toundykov*, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
MAA Invited Paper Session on Decoding Geometry
Room 203, Hynes Organizers: Carolyn S. Gordon, Dartmouth College carolyn.s.gordon@dartmouth.edu David Webb, Dartmouth College
1:00 p.m.
The music of triangles.
Christopher M. Judge*, 47405
Luc Hillairet, Universite de Nantes
1:30 p.m.
On the distribution of simple geodesics.
Peter Buser*, Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne
Hugo Parlier, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
2:00 p.m.
Building Polygons from Spectral Data.
Emily B Dryden*, Bucknell University
Victor Guillemin, MIT
Rosa Sena-Dias, Instituto Superior Tecnico
2:30 p.m.
Isospectral noncompact surfaces.
Pierre Albin*, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
3:00 p.m.
A nodal domain count mystery.
Gregory Berkolaiko, Texas A&M University
Peter Kuchment*, Texas A&M University
Uzy Smilansky, Weizmann Institute of Science and Cardiff University
3:30 p.m.
Distances between Riemannian Manifolds.
Sajjad Lakzian, CUNY GC
Christina Sormani*, CUNY GC and Lehman College
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Dynamical Systems in Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry, III
Room 200, Hynes Organizers: Patrick Ingram, University of Waterloo, Canada Michelle Manes, University of Hawaii, Honolulu Clayton Petsche, Hunter College (CUNY) cjpetsche@gmail.com
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Enumerative and Algebraic Combinatorics, II
Room 204, Hynes Organizers: Ira Gessel, Brandeis University Alexander Postnikov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Richard Stanley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology rstan@math.mit.edu
1:00 p.m.
Stable multivariate Eulerian polynomials and generalized Stirling permutations.
J. Haglund*, University of Pennsylvania
M. Visontai, University of Pennsylvania
1:30 p.m.
The negative q-binomial.
Dennis Stanton*, University of Minnesota
2:00 p.m.
Matrices with restricted entries and $q$-analogues of permutations.
Joel Brewster Lewis*, MIT
Ricky Ini Liu, University of Michigan
Alejandro H. Morales, MIT
Greta Panova, UCLA
Steven V Sam, MIT
Yan X Zhang, MIT
2:30 p.m.
Major Index for 01-Fillings of Moon Polyominoes.
Catherine Yan*, Texas A&M University
William Chen, Nankai University, China
Svetlana Poznanovik, Goergia Institute of Technology
Arthur Yang, Nankai University, China
3:00 p.m.
Bijections between k-triangulations, k-fans of Dyck paths, and certain pipe dreams.
Luis G Serrano*, Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Christian Stump, Universite du Quebec a Montreal
3:30 p.m.
The Möbius function of generalized subword order.
Peter R. W. McNamara*, Bucknell University
Bruce E. Sagan, Michigan State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Frontiers in Geomathematics, I
Commonwealth, 3rd Floor, Sheraton Organizers: Willi Freeden, University of Kaiserslautern Freeden@mathematik.uni-kl.de Volker Michel, University of Siegen M. Zuhair Nashed, University of Central Florida Thomas Sonar, Technical University of Braunschweig
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
MAA Minicourse #10: Part A
Geometry and art: A liberal arts mathematics course.
Salon HI, 4th Floor, Marriott
Anneke Bart, Saint Louis University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Knot Theory, II
Provincetown, 4th Floor, Marriott Organizers: Tim Cochran, Rice University cochran@rice.edu Shelly Harvey, Rice University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Linear Algebraic Groups: Their Arithmetic, Geometry, and Representations, I
Berkeley, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: R. Skip Garibaldi, Emory University George McNinch, Tufts University mcninchg@member.ams.org
1:00 p.m.
A Unified Solution to Some Linear Preserver Problems.
Hernando Bermudez*, Emory University
Skip Garibaldi, Emory University
Victor Larsen, Emory University
1:30 p.m.
The gamma filtration on projective homogeneous varieties.
Kirill Zainoulline*, University of Ottawa
2:00 p.m.
Parity Sheaves and Tilting Modules.
Daniel Juteau, Uni. de Caen/CNRS
Carl Mautner*, Harvard Univ./NSF
Geordie Williamson, MPIM Bonn
2:30 p.m.
Unipotent Classes in Disconnected Algebraic Groups.
Robert M Guralnick*, University of Southern California
Jason Fulman, University of Southern California
3:00 p.m.
Weakly commensurable $S$-arithmetic subgroups in simple algebraic groups of types $B_n$ and $C_n$.
Andrei Rapinchuk*, University of Virginia
3:30 p.m.
Cohomology for Finite Groups of Lie Type.
Daniel K. Nakano*, University of Georgia
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:40 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Mathematics in Industry, II
Room 109, Hynes Organizers: Kirk E. Jordan, IBM T. J. Watson Research Donald Schwendeman, Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute Burt S. Tilley, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Suzanne L. Weekes, Worcester Polytechnic Institute sweekes@wpi.edu
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Mathematics in Natural Resource Modeling, IV
Simmons, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Catherine Roberts, College of the Holy Cross croberts@holycross.edu
1:00 p.m.
On the Complexity of Competition.
Roland H Lamberson*, Humboldt State University
1:30 p.m.
Co-viability modelling for the sustainable management of biodiversity.
Luc Doyen*, CNRS, Paris, France
2:00 p.m.
The math and algorithms of mapping and valuing ecosystem services.
Erik J Nelson*, Department of Economics, Bowdoin College
2:30 p.m.
A Mathematical Model of Harbor Seal Haul-out.
Jonathan D Cowles, Department of Biology, Andrews University
Shandelle M. Henson*, Andrews University
James L Hayward, Department of Biology, Andrews University
3:00 p.m.
Model of Marine Iguana Haulout on Fernandina, Galapagos.
Brianna G Payne*, Department of Biology, Andrews University
James L Hayward, Department of Biology, Andrews University
Shandelle M. Henson, Andrews University
Libby C Megna, Department of Biology, Andrews University
Susana del Rocio Velastegui Chavez, Colegio Adventista del Ecuador
3:30 p.m.
The NW Power Conservation Council's Regional Portfolio Model and the R-tic PHOX computation environment: Overview.
Steven A Bleiler*, Portland State University
Thomas R Fielden, Portland, Oregon
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS-AWM Special Session on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, I
Room 300, Hynes Organizers: Barbara Lee Keyfitz, Ohio State University bkeyfitz@math.ohio-state.edu Charis Tsikkou, Ohio State University
1:00 p.m.
On the size of the Navier - Stokes singular set.
Walter Craig*, McMaster University
1:30 p.m.
Global well-posedness and decay for the viscous surface wave problem without surface tension.
Ian T Tice*, Universite Paris-Est Creteil, LAMA
2:00 p.m.
Nonrelativistic Euler-Maxwell systems.
Michael Sever*, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
2:30 p.m.
Broad Band Solitons in a Periodic and Nonlinear Maxwell System.
Dmitry Pelinovsky*, McMaster University
3:00 p.m.
Blow Up of Solutions to the Generalized Proudman Johnson Equation.
Alejandro Sarria, University of New Orleans
Ralph Saxton*, University of New Orleans
3:30 p.m.
Two Phase Flow in Porous Media: the Saffman-Taylor Instability Revisited.
Michael Shearer*, NC State University
Kim Spayd, NC State University
Zhengzheng Hu, NC State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Rational Points on Varieties, II
Arlington, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Jennifer Balakrishnan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Bjorn Poonen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Bianca Viray, Brown University bviray@math.brown.edu Kirsten Wickelgren, Harvard University
1:00 p.m.
Failure of the Hasse principle on general K3 surfaces.
Brendan Hassett, Rice University
Anthony Varilly-Alvarado*, Rice University
1:30 p.m.
Density of rational points on Del Pezzo surfaces of degree one.
Ronald van Luijk*, Universiteit Leiden
Cecilia Salgado, Max Planck Institute, Bonn
2:00 p.m.
Manin's Conjecture and Balanced line bundles.
Sho Tanimoto*, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
2:30 p.m.
Some Explicit Moduli Spaces of Elliptic Curves and Generalizations.
Wei Ho*, Columbia University
3:00 p.m.
Rational elliptic surfaces with Mordell-Weil lattice $E_8$ and multiplicative reduction.
Abhinav Kumar*, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tetsuji Shioda, Rikkyo University
3:30 p.m.
Abelian varieties with homotheties.
Yuri Zarhin*, Pennsylvania State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Reaction Diffusion Equations and Applications, I
Wellesley, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Jerome Goddard II, Auburn University Montgomery jgoddard@aum.edu Junping Shi, College of William and Mary Ratnasingham Shivaji, University of North Carolina Greensboro
1:00 p.m.
Steady-states for a chemotaxis system.
Marcello Lucia*, City University of New York, CSI
Dirk Horstmann, University of Cologne
1:30 p.m.
Alternate Stable States in Ecosystems.
Sarath Sasi*, Mississippi State University
2:00 p.m.
Asymptotic properties of perturbed parabolic equations.
Juraj Foldes*, Vanderbilt University
2:30 p.m.
A Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Vegetative Turing Pattern Formation for an Interaction-Diffusion Plant-Surface Water Model System in an Arid Flat Environment.
Bonni J Kealy*, Washington State University
David J Wollkind, Washington State University
3:00 p.m.
Analysis of classes of elliptic equations with nonlinear boundary conditions arising in combustion theory.
Eunkyung Ko*, Mississippi State University
3:30 p.m.
Existence of Multiple Positive Solutions to Some Semipositone Systems.
Maya Chhetri, University of North Carolina--Greensboro
Sarah Raynor*, Wake Forest University
Stephen Robinson, Wake Forest University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
MAA Minicourse #9: Part A
Reading original sources in Latin for the historian and mathematician.
Salon CD, 4th Floor, Marriott
Amy Shell-Gellasch, Beloit College
Dominic Klyve, Central Washington University
Kim Plofker, Union College
Stacy Langton, University of San Diego
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Several Complex Variables and Multivariable Operator Theory, III
Room 108, Hynes Organizers: Ronald Douglas, Texas A&M University John McCarthy, Washington University mccarthy@math.wustl.edu
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Stochastic Analysis (in honor of Hui-Hsiung Kuo), III
Room 107, Hynes Organizers: Julius Esunge, University of Mary Washington jesunge@umw.edu Aurel Stan, Ohio State University
1:00 p.m.
Stationary Solutions of Parabolic Equations in Gauss-Sobolev Space.
Pao-Liu Chow*, Wayne State University
1:30 p.m.
On the 2D Navier-Stokes and Euler equations: A statistical study.
Fernanda Cipriano*, FCT-UNL and GFM-UL
2:00 p.m.
Ergodic control for two-dimensional stochastic Navier-Stokes equations.
P. Sundar*, Louisiana State University
2:30 p.m.
Solvability of Forward-Backward Stochastic Partial Differential Equations.
Hong Yin*, State University of New York, Brockport
3:00 p.m.
A Stochastic Delay Model for Pricing Corporates Liabilities.
Elisabeth Kemajou*, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
3:30 p.m.
Portfolio Optimization under Convex Incentive Schemes.
Maxim Bichuch, Princeton University, ORFE Department
Stephan Sturm*, Princeton University, ORFE Department
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Topological Graph Theory: Structure and Symmetry, III
Room 102, Hynes Organizers: Jonathan L. Gross, Columbia University Thomas W. Tucker, Colgate University ttucker@colgate.edu
1:00 p.m.
The distinguishing chromatic numbers of graphs on surfaces.
Seiya Negami*, Yokohama National University
1:30 p.m.
Distinguishability of Infinite Groups, Graphs, and Graph Products.
Simon Mark Smith, Syracuse University
Thomas W. Tucker, Colgate University
Mark E. Watkins*, Syracuse University
2:00 p.m.
Vertex Transitive Infinite Median Graphs.
Wilfried Imrich*, Montanuniversity Leoben, Austria
2:30 p.m.
Embeddability of infinite graphs.
Robin Christian, Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo
R. Bruce Richter, Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo
Gelasio Salazar*, Instituto de Fisica. Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi (Mexico)
3:00 p.m.
Topological Models of 3-configurations.
Arthur T. White*, Western Michigan University
3:30 p.m.
An orthogonal latin square construction for orientable hamiltonian embeddings of $K_{n,n,n}$.
M. N. Ellingham, Vanderbilt University
Justin Z. Schroeder*, Vanderbilt University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on Trends in Representation Theory, III
Room 103, Hynes Organizers: Donald King, Northeastern University Alfred Noel, University of Massachusetts, Boston anoel1956@gmail.com
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:40 p.m.
AMS Special Session on the Geometry of Real Projective Structures (Mathematics Research Communities session), II
Dartmouth, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Jeffrey Danciger, Stanford University jeffdanciger@gmail.com Kelly Delp, Buffalo State College Sean Lawton, University of Texas, Pan American Kathryn Mann, University of Chicago
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS-MAA Special Session on the History of Mathematics, IV
Back Bay Ballroom A, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Organizers: Sloan Despeaux, Western Carolina University despeaux@wcu.edu Craig Fraser, University of Toronto Deborah Kent, Hillsdale College
1:00 p.m.
Mathematics in the Republic of China: A Centennial Overview.
Yibao Xu*, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
Wann-Sheng Horng, National Taiwan Normal University
1:30 p.m.
How to Assess Influence: Wu Wen-Tsun's Work in Measure, Number and Weight.
Jiri Hudecek*, Needham Research Institute, Cambridge
2:00 p.m.
Elevating the ranking of American mathematics departments 1900-1940.
David E Zitarelli*, Temple University
2:30 p.m.
"It Is No Good Baking Cakes If Pies Are Wanted": The American Mathematics Community in the 1970s Job Market Crisis.
Alma Steingart*, MIT
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
The Design of Intuition: Computing and Mathematical Proof.
Stephanie Dick*, Harvard University, Department of History of Science
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:40 p.m.
AMS-ASL Special Session on the Life and Legacy of Alan Turing, IV
Room 207, Hynes Organizers: Damir Dzhafarov, University of Chicago and University of Notre Dame Jeff Hirst, Appalachian State University jlh@cs.appstate.edu Carl Mummert, Marshall University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-2:40 p.m.
AMS Session on Algebraic Geometry, I
Room 209, Hynes
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:35 p.m.
MAA Session on Arts and Mathematics, Together Again, III
Room 311, Hynes Organizers: Douglas E. Norton, Villanova University douglas.norton@villanova.edu
3:40 a.m.
On the geometry of music.
Benjamin Himpel*, Aarhus University, Denmark
1:00 p.m.
Modular construction of knot and link patterns from simple tangles on $k$-uniform tessellations.
David A Reimann*, Albion College
1:20 p.m.
Braids, Cables, and Cells: An Interesting Intersection of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Art.
Joshua Brandon Holden*, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
1:40 p.m.
Building a Better Beaded Bracelet: Transformations, Tessellations, and Tori.
Susan Goldstine*, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Ellie Baker, Lexington, MA
2:00 p.m.
Using tiling theory to generate weaving patterns with beads.
Gwen Laura Fisher*, beAd Infinitum, California
Blake Mellor, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California
2:20 p.m.
A visual representation of the decomposition of the integers into prime factors.
Margaret E. Kepner*, Washington, DC
2:40 p.m.
The Projective Ornament of Claude Bragon.
Susan McBurney*, Western Springs,IL
3:00 p.m.
Linear Iterative Systems and String Art.
Samer S Habre*, Lebanese American University
3:20 p.m.
Diagrammatics: Art, Language, and Mathematics.
Radmila Sazdanovic*, University of Pennsylvania
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:55 p.m.
AMS Session on Combinatorics and Graph Theory, IV
Room 111, Hynes
1:00 p.m.
A new method for comparing chains of order statistics.
Corey M Manack*, Amherst College
1:15 p.m.
Cyclic Closures of Finitely Simple Pattern Classes.
John D Berman*, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1:30 p.m.
The Smith Normal Form of the Incidence Matrix of Skew Lines in $PG(3,q)$.
Josh Ducey*, James Madison University
Andries Brouwer, T. U. Eindhoven
Peter Sin, University of Florida
1:45 p.m.
Random Set Systems.
William B Jamieson*, East Tennessee State University
2:00 p.m.
Graphic Degree Sequences and Graphs with a $k$-factor.
Xiaofeng Gu*, West Virginia University
2:15 p.m.
On real number labellings and graph invertibility.
Jeong-Ok Choi, Trinity College
John P. Georges, Trinity College
David W. Mauro*, Trinity College
Yan Wang, Millsaps College
2:30 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
Universal Cycles Under Equivalence Relations.
Melinda D. Lanius*, Wellesley College
Andre Kuney, Oberlin College
3:00 p.m.
On the Classification of Stanley Sequences.
David S Rolnick*, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3:15 p.m.
Combinatorial Interpretations of the General Eulerian Numbers.
Tingyao Xiong*, Radford University
Hung-ping Tsao, Novato, CA
Jonathan I. Hall, Michigan State University
3:30 p.m.
Cops and robbers location game.
James Carraher*, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ilkyoo Choi, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
Michelle Delcourt, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
Lawrence Erickson, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
3:45 p.m.
Complexity of Tenacity Parameter in Networks.
Dara Moazzami*, University of Tehran, School of Engineering
Morteza Dadvand, University of Tehran, School of Engineering
Ali Moeini, University of Tehran, School of Engineering
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:10 p.m.
AMS Session on Commutative Rings and Algebras, I
Room 105, Hynes
1:00 p.m.
The Core of a Strongly Stable Ideal.
Bonnie Smith*, University of Kentucky
1:15 p.m.
Classifying annihilator-ideal graphs of finite commutative rings- Part I.
Amanda R. Curtis*, University of California, Santa Barbara
Alexander J. Diesl, Wellesley College
Jane C. Rieck, University of Wisconsin- Madison
1:30 p.m.
Classifying Annihilator-Ideal Graphs for Finite Commutative Rings: Part Two.
Amanda R Curtis, University of California, Santa Barbara
Alexander J Diesl, Wellesley College
Jane C Rieck*, University of Wisconsin, Madison
1:45 p.m.
Prime avoidance avoidance.
Brian Johnson*, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
2:00 p.m.
Group Actions on Arrangement Complements.
Daniel R Moseley*, University of Oregon
2:15 p.m.
A Generalization of Integer-valued Polynomials Rings.
K. Alan Loper, Ohio State University Newark
Nicholas J. Werner*, University of Evansville
2:30 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
Generalized Factorization in the Integers.
Alina A Florescu*, University of Iowa
3:00 p.m.
Normsets of almost Dedekind domains and atomicity.
Richard Erwin Hasenauer*, North Dakota State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:40 p.m.
MAA General Contributed Paper Session: Modeling and Applications of Mathematics, I
Room 201, Hynes Organizers: Jennifer Beineke, Western New England College jbeineke@wne.edu Lynette Boos, Providence College lboos@providence.edu Aliza Steurer, Dominican University asteurer@dom.edu
1:00 p.m.
Lagrangian Transport Patterns for Radioactive Particles after Fukushima.
Tim Lai*, Arizona State University
1:15 p.m.
Skeletons of Lagrangian Transport in Hurricane Katrina.
Chris G. Wake*, Arizona State University
1:30 p.m.
Linear instability in a combustion problem.
Laura K. Gross*, Bridgewater State University
Yi Yang, Emory University
Jun Yu, University of Vermont
1:45 p.m.
Study on freezing in cylindrical domain with convective cooling and energy generation.
Sushil Kumar*, S. V. National Institute of Technology Surat, India
2:00 p.m.
A Boundary Value Problem for a Doublet.
Kenneth H Luther*, Valparaiso University
2:15 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
Laser propagation in biaxial liquid crystal polymers.
Eric P Choate*, Naval Postgraduate School
2:45 p.m.
Connections between bounded error parameter identification and confidence ellipsoids.
Adam F Childers*, Roanoke, VA
3:00 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
A Posteriori Error Analysis of Finite Element Method for Linear Nonlocal Diffusion and Peridynamic Models.
Qiang Du, Pennsylvania State University
Lili Ju, University of South Carolina
Li Tian*, Pennsylvania State University
Kun Zhou, Pennsylvania State University
3:30 p.m.
Computational Sensors As Mathematical Models.
Emek Kose*, Saint Mary's College Of Maryland
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:10 p.m.
AMS Session on Manifolds, Cell Complexes, and Global Analysis, II
Room 305, Hynes
1:00 p.m.
The Unknotting Number of 3-Stranded Pretzel Knots.
Eric Staron*, The University of Texas at Austin
1:15 p.m.
The finite group actions on prism manifolds.
Ryo Ohashi*, King's College
1:30 p.m.
Analogy between knots and primes: number fields ramified over two primes.
Moshe Cohen*, Bar-Ilan University (Israel)
Michael Friedman, Bar-Ilan University
1:45 p.m.
Small volume link orbifolds.
Christopher K Atkinson*, Temple University
David Futer, Temple University
2:00 p.m.
2:15 p.m.
A combinatorial differential graded algebra for Legendrian knots from generating families.
Michael Bradley Henry*, Siena College
Daniel R Rutherford, University of Arkansas
2:30 p.m.
A Lie-Algebraic Approach to the Local Index Theorem on a Flag Variety.
Seunghun Hong*, Pennsylvania State University
2:45 p.m.
$MU(BG_2)$, $CH(BG_2)$, and descent.
Rebecca E Field*, James Madison University
3:00 p.m.
Cosymplectic Metrics on Flag Manifolds and Partial Differential Equations.
Marlio Paredes*, Universidad del Turabo
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:55 p.m.
MAA Session on Projects, Demonstrations, and Activities that Engage Liberal Arts Mathematics Students, I
Back Bay Ballroom C, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Organizers: Sarah Mabrouk, Framingham State University smabrouk@framingham.edu
1:00 p.m.
The Real Cost of Home Ownership.
Stan Perrine*, Charleston Southern University
1:20 p.m.
Beyond Formulas: A Collaboration Between Liberal Arts Underclassmen and Senior Math Majors.
Alissa S. Crans*, Loyola Marymount University
Robert J. Rovetti, Loyola Marymount University
1:40 p.m.
Try Trisecting by Bisecting.
Theresa Jorgensen*, University of Texas at Arlington
Barbara Shipman, University of Texas at Arlington
2:00 p.m.
Geometric Constructions in Contemporary Problem Solving.
Jeffrey L. Poet*, Missouri Western State University
2:20 p.m.
Candy Bar Election.
Ben Galluzzo*, Shippensburg University
2:40 p.m.
Balancing structure and creativity in projects for liberal arts mathematics.
Reva Kasman*, Salem State University
3:00 p.m.
Hexiclouds: Graph Theory Meets LEGO Bricks.
Edward W. Welsh*, Westfield State University
3:20 p.m.
3:40 p.m.
Survey It! Using Surveys to Answer Student's Questions.
Erin Smith*, Zayed University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-4:10 p.m.
AMS Session on Real and Complex Analysis
Room 308, Hynes
1:00 p.m.
A Pointwise Convergence and Bessel Capacity.
Javad Namazi*, FDU
1:15 p.m.
Some Subclasses of the Real-Valued Honorary Baire Two Functions on $\mathbb{R}^n$.
Michael J. Evans, Washington and Lee University
Manuel J. Sanders III*, University of South Carolina Beaufort
1:30 p.m.
Generalized Fractional Integrals, Derivatives and their Mellin's transforms.
Udita Nalin Katugampola*, Delaware State University
1:45 p.m.
Polynomial Coefficients of Differential Operators which are Diagonal with respect to the Hermite Basis.
Tamas Forgacs, California State University Fresno
Andrzej Piotrowski*, University of Alaska Southeast
2:00 p.m.
Limit Behavior of Iterated Holomorphic Function Systems.
Kourosh Tavakoli*, City University of New York
2:15 p.m.
Fourier multipliers and Dirac operators.
G Wang*, Florida State University
Craig Nolder, Florida State University
2:30 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
Bohr's phenomenon for analytic functions into the exterior of a compact convex body.
R M Ali*, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Y Abu-Muhanna, American University of Sharjah
3:00 p.m.
Convolutions of Complex-Valued Harmonic Mappings.
Stacey Muir*, University of Scranton
3:15 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Coefficient Estimates for Bi-univalent Ma-Minda Starlike and Convex Functions.
See Keong Lee*, Universiti Sains Malaysia
3:45 p.m.
Necessary Conditions for the Existence of Higher Order Extensions of Univalent Mappings from the Disk to the Ball.
Jerry R. Muir*, University of Scranton
4:00 p.m.
Multiplier sequences for simple sets of polynomials.
Tamas Forgacs*, California State University, Fresno
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-2:25 p.m.
AMS Session on Recreational Mathematics: Miscellaneous Topics
Room 303, Hynes
1:00 p.m.
On Scaling Infinite Products and their Application in Operator Decomposition.
Wei Zhang*, Sam Houston State University
Jianzhong Wang, Sam Houston State University
1:15 p.m.
Finding Asymmetric Drumming Rhythms.
Andrew P Maturo*, Gettysburg College
Nick Robbins, Gettysburg College
1:30 p.m.
A fast finite difference method for fractional diffusion equations.
Treena Basu*, University of South Carolina
Dr.Hong Wang, University of South Carolina
1:45 p.m.
Multisite phosphorylation with substrate sequestration can robustly generate bistability.
Kanadpriya Basu*, University of South Carolina
Dr. Xinfeng Liu, University of South Carolina
2:00 p.m.
Integral Closures of number fields.
Fidele F Ngwane*, University of South Carolina, Salkehatchie,
2:15 p.m.
Assessment of Enhanced College Algebra at Virginia State University in its Second Year.
Robert E. Wieman*, Virginia State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:55 p.m.
MAA Session on Research on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics, II
Room 202, Hynes Organizers: Sean Larsen, Portland State University slarsen@pdx.edu Stacy Brown, Pitzer College Karen Marrongelle, Portland State University
1:00 p.m.
Assessing Suitability of Grades and Course-Taking Patterns as Measures of Long-term Student Outcomes following Inquiry-Based Learning Experiences.
Marina Kogan*, University of Colorado, Boulder
Sandra Laursen, University of Colorado, Boulder
1:20 p.m.
Definitions and Uses of Function Composition in Secondary and Early Collegiate Textbooks.
Aladar K Horvath*, Michigan State University
1:40 p.m.
From intuition to rigor: Calculus students' reinvention of the definition of sequence convergence.
Michael Oehrtman, University of Northern Colorado
Craig Swinyard*, University of Portland
Jason Martin, University of Central Kansas
Catherine Hart-Weber, Arizona State University
Kyeong Hah Roh, Arizona State University
2:00 p.m.
Students' Ways of Thinking about Enumerative Combinatorics Problems: Deletion and Equivalence Classes.
Aviva Halani*, Arizona State University
2:20 p.m.
Quantitative Reasoning During Definition Formation: The Case of Absolute Value.
Jason Martin*, University of Central Arkansas
Michael Oehrtman, University of Northern Colorado
Craig Swinyard, University of Portland
Beth Cory, Sam Houston State University
2:40 p.m.
A Controlled Study of Collaborative Learning in Intermediate Algebra.
Claire Wyn Wladis*, BMCC/CUNY
Alla Morgulis, BMCC/CUNY
3:00 p.m.
Identifying Student Difficulties in Combinatorial Proof Production.
Nicole Engelke*, California State University, Fullerton
Todd CadwalladerOlsker, California State University, Fullerton
3:20 p.m.
A Guided Reinvention of the Definitions of Ring, Integral Domain, and Field.
John Paul Cook*, University of Oklahoma
3:40 p.m.
Student Conceptions and Misconceptions with Order of Operations in Calculus.
Ian G. Caldwell*, University of Colorado, Boulder
Eric Stade, University of Colorado, Boulder
Hortensia Soto-Johnson, University of Northern Colorado
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:55 p.m.
MAA Session on Touch It, Feel It, Learn It: Tactile learning Activities in the Undergraduate Mathematics Classroom, IV
Room 313, Hynes Organizers: Jessica Mikhaylov, U.S. Military Academy jessica.mikhaylov@usma.edu Julie Barnes, Western Carolina University
1:00 p.m.
Euler Games for Differential Equations.
Rodney X. Sturdivant*, United States Military Academy
1:20 p.m.
Does the Wave Equation Really Work?
Donald C. Armstead, Ball State University
Michael A. Karls*, Ball State University
1:40 p.m.
Demonstrations That Work in the Mathematics Classroom.
Elton Graves*, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
2:00 p.m.
Food for (Mathematical) Thought.
Penelope H Dunham*, Muhlenberg College
2:20 p.m.
How Many Mints Do I Have?
Nathan Axvig*, Virginia Military Institute
2:40 p.m.
The Candy-Coated Mathematics Classroom.
Erin Elizabeth Bancroft*, Grove City College
3:00 p.m.
Origami as Hands-on Math.
Thomas C. Hull*, Western New England University
3:20 p.m.
Cookies, Sidewalk-chalk, and Office Chairs: Hands-on Activities from Calculus to Comets.
Jessica M Mikhaylov*, U.S. Military Academy, West Point
3:40 p.m.
Using feather boas to teach students about functions in pre-calculus, calculus, and real analysis.
Julie Barnes*, Western Carolina University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:55 p.m.
AMS Session on Undergraduate Research, IV
Room 110, Hynes
1:00 p.m.
On 2-fold graceful labelings of graphs.
Megan Cornett*, Indiana State University
Ellen Sparks, illinois State University
1:15 p.m.
Covering Graphs, Voltage Assignments, and Hamiltonicity.
Sarah Alexander*, Barnard College
Matthew Hughes, Bard College
Miriam Kuzbary, The University of Texas at Dallas
1:30 p.m.
On Calculations of $p$-Typical Formal Group Laws.
Eddie Santiago Beck*, University of Georgia
1:45 p.m.
Minimal Degree Parameterization for the Trefoil and Figure Eight Knots.
Samantha Pezzimenti*, Ramapo College of New Jersey
2:00 p.m.
Mean-reverting pricing models.
Jody Trapier Shipp*, George Mason University
2:15 p.m.
Stochastic Reduction of an SIR Model.
Iulia Hociota*, Arizona State University
Bruno D Welfert, Arizona State University
2:30 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
Black-Scholes Model with Markov Parameters.
Mark Goldfarb*, Arizona State University
Bruno Welfert, Arizona State University
3:00 p.m.
The resulting weighted ranking.
Dmitry Andreevich Sumkin*, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia
3:15 p.m.
Modified Chambolle Method for Speckle Image Denoising.
Ethan Wyatt Lockhart*, North Carolina State University
Arundhati Bagchi Misra, Mississippi State University
Hyeona Lim, Mississippi State University
3:30 p.m.
Relative Efficiencies of the Maximum Partial Likelihood Estimators Under Sampling Schemes.
Nils S Nelson*, Utah State University
Haimeng Zhang, Mississippi State University
3:45 p.m.
A Proemial Disquisition of Cardinality.
John Paul Jablonski*, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:35 p.m.
MAA Session on the Mathematics of Sudoku and Other Pencil Puzzles, II
Room 312, Hynes Organizers: Laura Taalman, James Madison University taal@math.jmu.edu Jason Rosenhouse, James Madison University
1:00 p.m.
Kenneth L Price*, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
1:20 p.m.
Solitaire mancala games as pencil puzzles.
Brant Jones*, James Madison University
Laura Taalman, James Madison University
Anthony Tongen, James Madison University
1:40 p.m.
Quantitative Analysis of Crossword Puzzle Difficulty.
John K McSweeney*, Concordia University
2:00 p.m.
Finding closed knight's tours on annular chessboards.
Gregory P. B. Dresden*, Washington & Lee University
2:20 p.m.
Radon-Kaczmarz Puzzles: CAT Scans Meet Sudoku.
Julian F Fleron*, Westfield State University
Volker Ecke, Westfield State University
Christine von Renesse, Westfield State University
Philip K Hotchkiss, Westfield State University
2:40 p.m.
Mutually Orthogonal Sudoku Latin Squares.
Nate L. Coursey*, Kennesaw State University
3:00 p.m.
Orthogonal Graph Colorings.
Serge C. Ballif*, Penn State University
3:20 p.m.
Magic Squares and Sudoku.
John Lorch*, Ball State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-3:55 p.m.
SIAM Minisymposium on Sparsity in Inverse Problems and Signal Processing
Room 206, Hynes Organizers: Otmar Scherzer, University of Vienna otmar.scherzer@univie.ac.at
1:00 p.m.
Statistical Multiscale Analysis: From Signal Detection to Nanoscale Photonic Imaging.
Axel Munk*, U Goettingen and Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
1:30 p.m.
A symbol-based approach to bar code decoding.
Mark Iwen, Duke University
Fadil Santosa*, University of Minnesota
Rachel A Ward, University of Texas
2:00 p.m.
A nonlinear sampling problem about signals with finite rate of innovation.
Qiyu Sun*, University of Central Florida
2:30 p.m.
Recent Results and Open Problems in Sparse Regularisation.
Markus Grasmair*, Computational Science Center, University of Vienna
3:00 p.m.
Expressions of smoothness in regularization.
Bernd Hofmann*, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
3:30 p.m.
Hoelder Stability and Iterative Rconstruction in Inverse Problems.
Otmar Scherzer*, University of Vienna
Maarten de Hoop, Purdue University
Lingyun Qiu, Purdue University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-2:20 p.m.
MAA-Young Mathematicians Network Panel Discussion
Career options for undergraduate mathematics majors.
Room 309, Hynes
Nyles Breecher, Hamline University
Raluccca Gera, Naval Postgraduate School
Erin Corman, National Security Agency
Michael Dorff, Brigham Young University
Emily Kessler, Society of Actuaries
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
AMS Panel Discussion
Summer math camps: The AMS (and mathematician's) role.
Room 208, Hynes
Irwin Kra, SUNY at Stony Brook
Glenn Stevens, Boston University
Moon Duchin, Tufts University
Glenn Stevens, Boston University
Max Warshauer, Texas State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-2:20 p.m.
MAA Committee on Minority Participation/MAA Office of Minority Participation Panel Discussion
Summer research programs.
Room 304, Hynes
William Hawkins, Jr, MAA and University of the District of Columbia
Robert Megginson, University of Michigan
Min-Lin Lo, California State University, San Bernardino
Asamoah Nkwanta, Morgan State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-2:20 p.m.
The College Board/MAA Committee on Mutual Concerns Panel Discussion
What can colleges and universities do to increase student success in calculus?
Room 306, Hynes
James R. Choike, Oklahoma State University
Carl C. Cowen, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Alison Ahlgren, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
David M. Bressoud, Macalester College
Marilyn Carlson, Arizona State University
Bernard Madison, University of Arkansas
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Summer Program for Women in Mathematics (SPWM) Reunion
Back Bay Ballroom D, 2nd Floor, Sheraton
Murli M. Gupta, George Washington University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 1:30 p.m.-3:50 p.m.
AMS Special Session on New Perspectives in Multiplicative Number Theory (Mathematics Research Communities session), II
Fairfield, 3rd Floor, Marriott Organizers: Leo Goldmakher, University of Toronto Jonathan Kish, University of Colorado at Boulder Micah Milinovich, University of Mississippi Paul Pollack, University of British Columbia/Simon Fraser University pollack@math.ubc.ca
Thursday January 5, 2012, 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education
Veteran's Auditorium, 2nd floor, Hynes Organizers: Jon Scott, Montgomery College jon.scott@montgomerycollege.edu
2:00 p.m.
UTMOST: Undergraduate Teaching of Mathematics with Open Software and Textbooks.
Robert Beezer, University of Puget Sound
Jason Grout, Drake University
Marja-Liisa Hassi, University of Colorado at Boulder
Thomas Judson*, Stephen F. Austin State University
Kiran Kedlaya, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sandra Laursen, University of Colorado at Boulder
William Stein, University of Washington, Seattle
2:00 p.m.
Change Agents for Teaching and Learning Statistics (CATALST).
Joan Garfield*, University of Minnesota
Bob delMas, University of Minnesota
Andy Zieffler, University of Minnesota
Allan Rossman, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Beth Chance, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
George Cobb, Mount Holyoke College
John Holcomb, Cleveland State University
2:00 p.m.
Math in the City.
Petronela Radu, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Stephen Hartke, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lauren Keough*, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2:00 p.m.
Discovery Learning Projects in Introductory Statistics.
Brad Bailey, North Georgia College & State University
Dianna Spence*, North Georgia College & State University
Sherry L Hix, North Georgia College & State University
2:00 p.m.
Research-Based Video for Teaching Undergraduate Proof.
Jim Sandefur*, Georgetown University
Connie Campbell, Millsaps College
Kay Somers, Moravian College
2:00 p.m.
Quantitative Reasoning in the Contemporary World.
Stuart Boersma*, Central Washington University
Bernard L. Madison, University of Arkansas
Caren Diefenderfer, Hollins University
Shannon Dingman, University of Arkansas
2:00 p.m.
Using Research to Shape Instruction and Placement in Algebra and Precalculus.
Bernard L. Madison*, University of Arkansas
Michael Pearson, Mathematical Association of America
Caren Diefenderfer, Hollins University
Marilyn Carlson, Arizona State University
2:00 p.m.
Integrated Undergraduate Training in Mathematics and Life Sciences at NCSU.
Hien Tran*, North Carolina State University
Aloysius Helminck, North Carolina State University
James Gilliam, North Carolina State University
Alun Lloyd, North Carolina State University
2:00 p.m.
College Ready in Mathematics and Physics Partnership.
Bernard L. Madison*, University of Arkansas
Gay Stewart, University of Arkansas
Shannon Dingman, University of Arkansas
John Jones, University of Arkansas at Fort Smith
Pete Joenks, Springdale High School
2:00 p.m.
Texas A&M UBM: Student Research Experience is the Key.
May Boggess*, Texas A&M University
Jay Walton, Texas A&M University
Masami Fujiwara, Texas A&M University
Kaibin Fu, Prairie View A&M University
Harriette Block, Prairie View A&M University
2:00 p.m.
REU Site: Modeling and Industrial Applied Mathematics.
Aloysius Helminck*, North Carolina State University
Hien Tran, North Carolina State University
2:00 p.m.
The Statistics Taught Using Resampling and Randomization (STURR) Project.
Bob delMas*, University of Minnesota
2:00 p.m.
Evaluation and Assessment of Teaching and Learning About Statistics (e-ATLAS).
Joan Garfield*, University of Minnesota
Bob delMas, University of Minnesota
Andy Zieffler, University of Minnesota
2:00 p.m.
Assessing Faculty Practice and Faculty Development on Inquiry-Based Learning and Teaching in Undergraduate Mathematics.
Sandra Laursen*, University of Colorado Boulder
Marina Kogan, University of Colorado Boulder
2:00 p.m.
The Poincare Institute: A Partnership for Mathematics Education.
Montserrat Teixidor*, Tufts University
Analucia Schliemann, Tufts University
David Carraher, Tufts University
Roger Tobin, Tufts University
Caroline J. Hagen, Tufts University
2:00 p.m.
Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership.
John Mayer*, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Bernadette Mullins, Birmingham-Southern College
Ruth Parker, Mathematics Education Collaborative
Ann Dominick, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Tommy Smith, University of Alabama at Birmingham
2:00 p.m.
Native American-based Mathematics Materials for Integration into Undergraduate Courses.
Charles P. Funkhouser*, California State University Fullerton
Scott A. Annin, California State University Fullerton
Miles Pfahl, Turtle Mountain Community College
2:00 p.m.
Pathways to Calculus: Disseminating and Scaling a Professional Development Model for Algebra Through Precalculus Teaching and Learning.
Marilyn P. Carlson*, Arizona State University
Wayne Raskind, Arizona State University
Fabio Milner, Arizona State University
Michael Oehrtman, Northern Colorado University
Kevin Moore, University of Georgia
Dawn Teuscher, Brigham Young University
2:00 p.m.
Empowering Student Learning in Mathematical Analysis.
Barbara Shipman*, The University of Texas at Arlington
2:00 p.m.
MathDL Books Online.
David Smith*, Duke University
Lang Moore, Duke University
2:00 p.m.
New Directions for MathDL.
Lang Moore*, Duke University
David Smith, Duke University
2:00 p.m.
STEM Real World Applications of Mathematics.
Darren Narayan*, Rochester Institute of Technology
William Basener, Rochester Institute of Technology
2:00 p.m.
PREP: MAA's Professional Development Program.
J. Michael Pearson, Mathematical Association of America
Nancy Baxter Hastings, Dickinson College
Barbara Edwards, Oregon State University
Nathaniel Dean, Texas State University San Marcos
Virginia Buchanan, Hiram College
Mike Brilleslyper, United States Air Force Academy
Jon Scott*, Montgomery College
2:00 p.m.
Dynamic Visualization Tools for Multivariable Calculus.
Paul Seeburger*, Monroe Community College
2:00 p.m.
Lurch, Educational Software for Writing Proofs.
Kenneth G. Monks*, University of Scranton
Nathan Carter, Bentley University
2:00 p.m.
Flash Applets for WeBWorK Online Homework System.
Barbara Margolius*, Cleveland State University
Felipe Martins, Cleveland State University
Dan Gries, Hopkins School
Yuping Wu, Cleveland State University
2:00 p.m.
Maplets for Calculus.
Douglas B. Meade*, University of South Carolina
Philip B. Yasskin, Texas A & M University
2:00 p.m.
Playing Games with a Purpose: A New Approach to Teaching and Learning Statistics.
Shonda R. Kuiper, Grinnell College
Rodney Sturdivant*, United States Military Academy
Billy Kaczynski, United States Military Academy
John Jackson, United States Military Academy
Kevin Cummiskey, United States Military Academy
2:00 p.m.
UBM-Group: Collaborations on Riverine Ecology (CORE): Investigations into species invasion and disease transmission at the interface betwwen mathematics and biology.
James Peirce*, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Gregory Sandland, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
2:00 p.m.
Texas Middle and Secondary Mathematics Project.
Kimberly Childs*, Stephen F. Austin State University
2:00 p.m.
Texas Leadership Initiative: Mathematics Instruction Transformed (Texas LIMIT).
Kimberly Childs*, Stephen F. Austin State University
Deborah Pace, Stephen F. Austin State University
Lesa Beverly, Stephen F. Austin State University
Betty Alford, Stephen F. Austin State University
2:00 p.m.
Talented Teachers in Training for Texas (T4).
Lesa Beverly*, Stephen F. Austin State University
Keith Hubbard, Stephen F. Austin State University
Karen Embry-Jenlink, Stephen F. Austin State University
Dennis Gravatt, Stephen F. Austin State University
2:00 p.m.
Paradigms in Physics: Interactive Electromagnetism Curricular Materials.
Tevian Dray*, Oregon State University
Corinne A. Manogue, Oregon State University
Emily H. van Zee, Oregon State University
2:00 p.m.
Mathematical ACES: Algebraic Concepts for Elementary Students.
Davida Fischman*, California State University-San Bernardino
Shawn McMurran, California State University-San Bernardino
Joseph Jesunathadas, California State University-San Bernardino
Karla Wells, Ontario Montclair Elementary School District
Carol Cronk, San Bernardino Superintendent of Schools
2:00 p.m.
Learning Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science via Primary Historical Sources.
Jerry Lodder*, New Mexico State University
David Pengelley, New Mexico State University
2:00 p.m.
Linear Algebra in New Environments (LINE).
Draga Vidakovic*, Georgia State University
Sergio Loch, Grand View University
William Martin, North Dakota State University
Jeff Suzuki, Brooklyn College
2:00 p.m.
Careers in Mathematics.
Michael Dorff*, Brigham Young University
2:00 p.m.
Math Images.
Eugene Klotz*, Math Forum
Camilia Smith Barnes, Sweet Briar College
2:00 p.m.
Illustrating Graph Theory Concepts in Real World Settings.
Joan M. Lucas*, The College at Brockport, State University of New York
Rebecca Smith, The College at Brockport, State University of New York
2:00 p.m.
Undergraduate Research in Mathematical Biology: Modeling cellular processes from bacteria to neurons.
George Yates*, Youngstown State University
Jonathan Caguiat, Youngstown State University
Jozsi Jalics, Youngstown State University
Gary Walker, Youngstown State University
Mark Womble, Youngstown State University
2:00 p.m.
University Scholars in STEM.
Leah Gold*, Cleveland State University
2:00 p.m.
Improving the Learning Environment for Underrepresented Students in Mathematics through the S-STEM Program.
Alexandra Kurepa*, North Carolina A&T State University
2:00 p.m.
Research, Dissemination, and Faculty Development of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) Methods in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics.
Ralf Spatzier*, University of Michigan
2:00 p.m.
Distributome--An Interactive Web-based Resource for Probability Distributions.
Kyle Siegrist*, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Dennis Pearl, The Ohio State University
Ivo Dinov, University of California Los Angeles
2:00 p.m.
Resources for Instructors Teaching "Elementary Mathematics for Teachers".
Thomas H. Parker*, Louisiana State University
Scott Baldridge, Louisiana State University
2:00 p.m.
Undergraduates Learning to Write Mathematics: The Math Images Project.
K. A. Renninger*, Swarthmore College
A. M. Phillips, Swarthmore College
A. Lipman, Swarthmore College
Gene Klotz, Swarthmore College
2:00 p.m.
Productive Disposition: Of What Does It Consist? The Case of Preservice Mathematics Teachers and Virtual Fieldwork: The Math Forum's Virtual Fieldwork Sequence.
K. A. Renninger*, Swarthmore College
M. Chin, Swarthmore College
D. Fan, Swarthmore College
Wesley Shumar, Drexel University
2:00 p.m.
Discovering the Art of Mathematics.
Julian F. Fleron*, Westfield State University
Volker Ecke, Westfield State University
Philip K. Hotchkiss, Westfield State University
Christine von Renesse, Westfield State University
2:00 p.m.
Introducing Statistical Techniques Through Guided Interdisciplinary Research Projects.
Shonda Kuiper*, Grinnell College
2:00 p.m.
Math for America Boston: Teaching Scholars Program.
Eileen Lee*, Math for America Boston
Steve Rosenberg, Boston University
Suzanne Chapin, Boston University
Glenn Stevens, Boston University
2:00 p.m.
Focus on Mathematics: Creating Learning Cultures for High Student Achievement, A targeted Math and Science Partnership.
Una MacDowell*, Education Development Center, Inc
Steve Rosenberg, Boston University
Glenn Stevens, Boston University
Al Cuoco, Education Development Center, Inc
Wayne Harvey, Education Development Center, Inc.
2:00 p.m.
Resequencing Calculus.
Mark Gruenwald*, University of Evansville
David Dwyer, University of Evansville
2:00 p.m.
Quantitative Skills in Biology through Scientific Inquiry at James Madison University.
Brian Walton*, James Madison University
Anthony Tongen, James Madison University
Nusrat Jahan, James Madison University
Reid Harris, James Madison University
2:00 p.m.
Project MOSAIC: Integrating Modeling, Statistics, Computation and Calculus in the Undergraduate Curriculum.
Daniel Kaplan*, Macalester College
Randall Pruim, Calvin College
Eric Marland, Appalachian State University
Nicholas Horton, Smith College
2:00 p.m.
Biology and Mathematics in Population Studies (BioMaPS) II.
Donald Adongo*, Murray State University
K. Renee Fister, Murray State University
Terry Derting, Murray State University
Chris Mecklin, Murray State University
Claire Fuller, Murray State University
Kate He, Murray State University
Emily Croteau, Murray State University
Maeve McCarthy, Murray State University
Howard Whiteman, Murray State University
2:00 p.m.
DIYModeling (Do It Yourself Modeling).
Frank Wattenberg*, United States Military Academy
Rod Sturdivant, United States Military Academy
Chris Weld, United States Military Academy
Jim Rolf, United States Air Force Academy
Bill Bauldry, Appalachian State University
Joe Yanik, Emporia State University
Betsy Yanik, Emporia State University
2:00 p.m.
WeBWorK: Improving Student Success in Mathematics.
Arnold Pizer*, University of Rochester
Mike Gage, University of Rochester
Vicki Roth, University of Rochester
Michael Pearson, Mathematical Association of America
John Wyatt, Mathematical Association of America
2:00 p.m.
The Impact of the PREP 2011 Workshops on Bioinformatics Research and Teaching Activities at Jacksonville State University.
Monica Trifas*, Jacksonville State University
Aaron Garrett, Jacksonville State University
Jimmy Triplett, Jacksonville State University
Chris Murdock, Jacksonville State University
2:00 p.m.
An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem.
Jeffrey Forrester*, Dickinson College
Michael P. Roberts, Dickinson College
Thursday January 5, 2012, 2:15 p.m.-3:05 p.m.
AMS Invited Address
Invariant manifolds and dispersive Hamiltonian evolution equations.
Ballrooms A/B, 3rd floor, Hynes
Wilhelm Schlag*, University of Chicago
Thursday January 5, 2012, 2:40 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
MAA/Young Mathematicians Network Panel Discussion
Hit the ground running! Interview like a pro and land the job.
Room 309, Hynes
Kristine Roinestad, Georgetown College
Nick Scoville, Ursinus College
David Cox, Amherst College
Paul Dupuis, Brown University
Eric Grinberg, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Betty Mayfield, Hood College
Thursday January 5, 2012, 2:40 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
MAA Panel Discussion
Publishing with the MAA.
Room 306, Hynes
Zaven A. Karian, Denison University
Donald J. Albers, MAA
Gerald J. Bryce, Hampden-Sydney College
Thursday January 5, 2012, 2:40 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
MAA Subcommittee on Research by Undergraduates Panel Discussion
Successful and diverse models for mentoring research by undergraduates.
Room 304, Hynes
Sarah Spence Adams, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Angel R. Pineda, California State University, Fullerton
James Davis, University of Richmond
Gary P. Gordon, Lafayette College
Kathryn Leonard, California State University, Channel Islands
Herbert A. Medina, Loyola Marymount University
Alison A. Motsinger-Reif, North Carolina State University
Suzanne L. Weekes, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Thursday January 5, 2012, 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
SIGMAA on Math Circles Demonstration for JMM Participants
Come see and participate in this Math Circles experience.
Back Bay Ballroom B, 2nd Floor, Sheraton
James Tanton, St. Mark's Institute of Mathematics
Tatiana Shubin, San Jose State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 3:20 p.m.-4:10 p.m.
AMS Retiring Presidential Address
Our challenges.
Ballrooms A/B, 3rd floor, Hynes
George E. Andrews*, Penn State University
Thursday January 5, 2012, 4:25 p.m.-5:25 p.m.
Joint Prize Session
Ballrooms A/B, 3rd floor, Hynes
Thursday January 5, 2012, 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
SIGMAA on Environmental Mathematics Business Meeting
Room 311, Hynes
Thursday January 5, 2012, 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Joint Prize Session Reception
Ballroom C, 3rd floor, Hynes
Thursday January 5, 2012, 5:45 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
SIGMAA on the Philosophy of Mathematics Business Meeting, Reception, and Guest Lecture
Room 302, Hynes
Thursday January 5, 2012, 5:45 p.m.-7:15 p.m.
SIGMAA on Statistics Education Business Meeting and Reception
Room 201, Hynes
Thursday January 5, 2012, 5:45 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
MAA Two-Year College Reception
Arlington, 3rd Floor, Marriott
Thursday January 5, 2012, 6:00 p.m.-8:45 p.m.
SIGMAA on Mathematicians in Business, Industry, and Government Guest Lecture, Reception, and Business Meeting
Room 203, Hynes
Thursday January 5, 2012, 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
SIGMAA on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Business Meeting
Room 202, Hynes
Thursday January 5, 2012, 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Young Mathematicians' Network Open Forum
All meeting participants, including undergraduates and graduate students, are welcome to discuss topics and issues affecting young mathematicians.
Berkeley, 3rd Floor, Marriott
Josh Laison, Williamette University JLaison@willamette.edu
Thomas Wakefield, Youngstown State University tpwakefield@ysu.edu